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Luisa bernabó Nov 2013
You have something,
Something of mine,
A piece of me,
It's some sort of crime.

But it's the best crime one could ever commit,
It's perfect for my heart
Because that peice you have
Is the only peice that isn't falling apart.

That peice that you hold,
Please don't let it go,
Don't put it away
Treat it as gold.

That's my heart in your hand
You don't even know it's there
But you're the only person I trust
To treat it with care.
Dedicated to my Best Friend, who heals me and keeps me going.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
He loves me
He loves me not
He loves me
He loves me not

I start to feel exposed
as the girl picks my red petals
I feel her tear drop on my stem
And her hand begin to tremble

She starts to cry and shout
But no one seems to hear
Her knees go weak and she falls
She falls ******* her heart.

Who could cause her so much pain?
Who could make her feel this way?
So desperate and heart broken,
So fragile and insecure.

She held me tighter,
My thorn cutting her palm,
She didnt seem to care
It seemed to make her calm.

She lay her head on the ground
And finally let me go,
Her tears trickled from her eyes,
The pain began to show.

Love kills.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
I lay there in your lap
Weeping like a baby
And you cradle me like a teenager
Would cradle
Her phone.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
We used to play
Pass the parcel
And we still do
But now we pass the bottle.

We used to play catch
And we still do,
But now we run
From our worries.

We used to play hide and seek
And we still do
But now we hide
From our fears.

We're playing the same games.
But we've completley changed the rules.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
I feel, I love, I cry.
All the time I feel something, maybe passion maybe anger maybe sadness maybe excitment.
But i never stop feeling.

I find myself conpletley lost in my imagination lots of the time.
I find myself confused, never knowing what to think or do or say.

I see myself as never good enough, i want to be like the others.
I see myself as ugly or fat or too skinny or full of spots or stupid or a nerd.

What am I?
I'm a normal teenage girl, trying to find herself.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
Your sorry *** can kiss me goodbye.
I'm done.
Luisa bernabó Oct 2013
Please don't walk away.
Please don't look at me that way.
With those dead eyes that show just pain.

I didn't mean it.
Please dont't speak to me like that
With that tone that cuts deep into my soul.

Don't say that.
Don't turn your back to me like that
As if i am in your past and you won't desire me again.

You hurt me bad that's why my eyes show pain.
My tone will stay this way, especially if it hurts you.
And I will turn my back, because you are in my past, and i am never going to desire you again.
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