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Apr 2015 · 408
To Create Art in the Dark
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
Inside every artists's head is a ******
A dose of genius with a dash of madness
But before we get trapped in a Wonderland of horrors
We must destroy the throne erected in ourselves

The artist should rest in reason
Like gazing peacefully at a meadow
The artist should move in passion
Like a lightning storm where heavy winds blow

Artists should always be observant, like the nocturnal owl
Who absorbs daylight like the sun is its opposite lover
Moon will guide you to creation, like winged wisdom hunts its foul
(Even if you feel that night provides no cover)

Artists should smell of the earth
In all its sweet fragrances and pungent odors
There are some people in this world who won't judge you
They are the mountains, hills, plains and oceans

Inside every artists's heart is a labyrinth
A dash of true nature and a dose of reality
No wonder some of us create art in the dark
(True artists don't seek fame; they yearn to be free)
Apr 2015 · 382
Last Supper
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
Skip the bread and wine
Give me smack and a needle
Put on some Neil, Tori, Morrison,
Or anything by the Beatles
Cause I want to die trying something new
While hearing something familiar
My soul's already black and blue
And I've lost all rights familial
If you must make me suffer
I'll take the pain
No fight or flight reflex
Just a hard falling rain
But please don't harm those I love
They never beared witness
They only are my blood
And I know they regret my kinship
Maybe the memories will surface
Once I'm in proximity to you
I know the world is divided in my fate
In colors red and blue
I just hope the heroes death
Is not a myth or a hoax
Run by merchants, Zion or media
That applauded your being a ghost
Cause around my neck is a chain
Of an unborn baby name
And in my room is a picture frame
Of a soul that seemed to hunger for pain
Cause suffering is aligned with joy
There's a scale of balance in your head
On one end there's a heart of agony
The other waits opened-armed by your bed
Apr 2015 · 479
Every Little Thing
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
I take a walk to ease my mind
But everything is a trigger
Old haunts, new taunts and still lifes
The abyss is getting bigger
(Every little thing)

I smoke a cig to clear my head
But images come as I stare into space
Ex-lovers, dead friends and hospital beds
I weep over an untied shoelace
(Every little thing)

Scattered my heart all over the world
Through my hallowed hollow dreams
To the right are the boys, to the left are the girls
Where's the middle where misfits can be free?
(Every little thing)

And I can't stop the pictures from entering my cranium
My subconscious pours out in waves
I  swear sometimes it has its own stadium
With an audience that needs an entertaining slave
(Every little thing)

And I see the man dropping bombs in the mail
Sending letters to the mayor to run me out of town
Like I haven't noticed that home has become hell
They want to exile the monster till she caves and burrows down
(Every little thing)

Wish there was a place where I could hibernate
Through the summer with its caustic sun
Maybe than I could find a mate
Within a candle, a pen and a gun
(Every little thing)

And while the sorcerer's do their voodoo, innocent and tragic
Breaking down cars and breaking down Houses
I hope they know there's a thin line between white and black magic
And if I have to, I'll bind you, even with a soul that's calloused
(Every Little Thing)

Cause only I deserve your weapons of harm
Leave my loved ones out of it
I know you think I live on karma's farm
But I'm on to your plans of my kismet
(Every Little Thing)

Every little thing,
From roses on the casket to jilted wedding rings,
From blooming flowers to ivy crawling up dead trees,
From the violence of love to the theologian's degree,
From a past with no clarity to a future on your knees,
I'm reminded of St. Augustine and the keepers of bees
And as the abyss gets bigger, I hope it will swallow my triggers.
Apr 2015 · 352
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
As I count pennies at the liquor store
And look around for the cheapest drink to pour
I want so badly to fall on my knees
Cause I'm reminded of the blood that I bleed

Quick fixes and temporary band-aids
Won't cure me tomorrow but today they'll save
Me from the veiled contempt in your eyes
A pirate in a sailor's disguise

My animal years couldn't last forever
I brought you shame and misfortune, ties I did sever
Now I feel like your pet parasite
But even collapsing stars shine bright when they're dying

I'm gagging on the future and choking on the past
Each moment is my swan song, how long will this last?
Can't bring myself to leave this world, till I solve the puzzle
Constantly caged in decay with a muzzle

Every second I have a miscarriage of the soul
And if you stare too long, you'll turn to stone
But the snakes in my hair shouldn't give you the chills
They have just enough venom as the weakest of pills
Apr 2015 · 823
Fungi (Duality)
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
My situation is funky
But not on the groovy side
I have the power to **** you
Or open up your third eye

I grow in ****
I thrive in it
I'm no newborn
Been around since Genesis

They used my shape for warfare
But symbolism landed with a thud
They consumed me with flowers in their hair
Cause even the lotus grows in mud

I am incomprehensible
I am ancient
I'm not on the fence, I'm no vegetable
I'm not yours for the taking

Eve said I should only exist in autumn
Before the harsh winds blow from winter's call
Adam said humans don't know **** about me
But without me, they wouldn't exist at all

Does this ring any bells?
Does this sound any alarms?
(I am the disease and I am the cure
I'm the duality between your arms)
Apr 2015 · 953
Lucy Tonic Apr 2015
Your cold dead red eyes
And your skin as white as snow
Is all a pigment disguise
This much I know

Cause I refuse to believe
That your heart's made of stone
But you never give relief
For the boulder in my bones

I know for me it's an uphill climb
And well, for you, you've got plenty of time
You have the power to heal my scars and gashes
But you just sit there obliviously batting your lashes

I know your world consists of black and white
But please stay in the grey middle with me tonight
Cause a wise man once said, as his words took flight
That there's more to the picture than meets the eye

And I'm barely holding on
Like a leaf that turns to ash when winter comes
You're the virus and I'm the host
I'm the static on your A.M. radio

So I let you take over my immune system
And destroy me from within
While you ignore my heart's satellite
And change the station so you can sleep at night
Mar 2015 · 496
Burn the Map
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
Strung out again
You string me along
Like popcorn on a piece of yarn
I'm falling off
I burnt the map
When I was a teenager
Curious of integers
Of pills and popularity
Now I'm hanging by a thread
Like Judas hung from the tree
A tarot of the number four
So what's the score
There's blood on
The sandy white beaches of paradise
I used to never think twice
Now I'm running in circles on Saturn's rings
That's the thing
I weep
A lot
At the most random times
That's why I'm forced to rhyme
And I'm asking you to stay
Please don't be
My needle in the hay
Like Elliot would say
I'm just looking for the pattern
In the mystery of my life
Cause even Jesus had a wife
So all you little ones
Before you ask for the devil's gun
As you sit on Santa's lap
Don't burn the map
Mar 2015 · 431
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
My shaky hands are unsteady
But it's ok cause the surgery's on me
And everywhere I see
People dropping bombs or dropping ecstasy
And I've done both
Guess my demon's got a degree
He holds my hand when I walk in shadows
And kicks me when I'm on my knees

My shaky heart is unready
But it's ok cause the love is on me
And everywhere I see
Helping-hand strangers and ignorant pharisees
And I am both
Guess my angel's got a diverse pedigree
She lets me hold the wheel in daylight
And jinxes me everytime I throw away the keys

My shaky soul needs a wedding
But it's ok cause the spirit's on me
And everywhere I see
Cheap plastic parties and celestial ceremonies
And I attend both
Guess my god's got a strange disease
It lets me make honey with the birds
And fly busted-winged with the bees
Mar 2015 · 723
Silver Prop
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
You wanted to save the nervous boy
He wanted to tame the wild girl
A factory made of damaged goods
It's alright as long as the profits do well
He put you behind the camera
And at first you loved the glitz and glamour
Till your friends started dropping like flies
And you saw the emptiness in his eyes
He was your ally, but he never let you have the spoils
He crumpled up your paper heart and threw it away
like a piece of tin foil
a poem I wrote after watching "Factory Girl"
Mar 2015 · 599
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
If you took a picture of me
And really looked closely
You'd see the demon on my back
Pushing down so heavily
He's always in the shadows
But when I try to bring him to light
He freezes like a frightened gargoyle
And I keep trying to reach that portal
Where the magic rabbit with one eye
Takes me by my hand
And guides me through all my disasters and accidents
With him I can crush bronze
Close a school
Expose the truth
Be ruthless
Instead of this wet, sensitive mess
Mar 2015 · 470
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
It's not a sweet sunshower
It's just a sour spring blur
I'm sipping on a wilting flower
With a dour devil who concurs
That all this sweating and shaking
Won't help bring home the bacon
And the everlasting shiver is making
My fragile bones crack with the quaking
Tell me what it takes to make this go away
Cause my ducts are dry and I can't cry today
Tell me what to do to make this life seem true
Cause this duck is drowning and the water's not as blue as me
All I have left is prayer, as they burden me with truth or dare
So show me the alchemy
Print me out the recipe
Cause I'm being eclipsed by the rain
Just like Layne
Mar 2015 · 469
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
Say a prayer as it goes
To your brain down from your nose
When will it come to a close
"When all my demons are exposed"

Listen carefully as the wind
That sends shudders to within
Gradually begins to grin
Even though you're bathed in sin

But then the high takes a bow
You forgot to live in the now
You were only focused on the how
Listen as the profane echoes drown
You in a whirlpool of cess
Consequences of excess
You're a bleeding carcass
You're an absolute mess

So I say a prayer to you
The one I can't refuse
The one I call my muse
The one and only excuse
Mar 2015 · 438
Lucy Tonic Mar 2015
I can't allow myself to want you
But I need you here
Cause I'm afraid I'll disappear
At the hands of
The ego-driven
My enemies
And my fear

There once was a time when I believed an apocalypse was just a sunset
And the story always began with light
But now the Earth has turned into the Dark Forest
And I'm afraid to sleep at night
Cause my doctor gave me a big dose
And the dusk seems to bring Them closer
And my nightmares would scare the bravest ghost

I can't allow myself to need you
But I desperately want you near
Cause I'm afraid I'll disappear
At the hands of
A ruthless society
The consequences of mistakes
And the relentless fear

I wish
I could just disappear completely
In the arms of sleep
Or a miracle
That dissolves my outer shell
And sends my soul up into the deep

But I know
There will be
No story-book ending
I'm a special cause
That needs to be destroyed
I'm a wicked myth
So please don't try to befriend me
Even I can't defend me

Once the world was my playground
A place of smiles from strangers
Under ethereal streetlights
That highlighted muted words and soft touches
Now the world is a battle-field for my essence
A place of traps and landmines
Under sinister trees
That sway from a wretched wind

I have to face facts
Despite the holes in my memory
And the lack of information
They're waiting till the end to tell me
I have to relax
While they're taunting and harming me
While they're haunting and alarming me
I have to turn the other cheek

Cause this much darkness
This much misery
This much depression
This much anxiety
This much paranoia
This much erosion
This much anguish
This much despair
This much melancholy
This much dejection
This much isolation
This much heartbreak
This much pain
This much gloom
Means it's going to rain
Means I'll soon meet my doom
And I'm guessing I deserve it
Pour suffering over suffering
Despite the fact that I'm already overflowing
(But I must remember
That they probably are too)
Feb 2015 · 383
Death My Bride
Lucy Tonic Feb 2015
A mysterious stranger with soft-spoken words
Will be kind at first, then remind me I’m cursed
And my memories all have holes

A shot in the head is how it will start
A bone-chilling cold that runs straight through my heart
And my memories all have holes

A deranged magician with a ******* top hat
Will take my hand and then saw me in half
And my memories all have holes

Feathers from an animal that could never fly
Paste them to me and then say your goodbyes
And my memories all have holes

My soul was dormant for a thousand years
Then I was born and shed so many tears
And my memories all have holes
Feb 2015 · 631
Lucy Tonic Feb 2015
They want to go back
I want to go forth
At 30 miles an hour I’m thrown off course
Cause I can only move
From point A to point B
Can’t seem to twist and turn my way to Z
So I walk in lines
And I talk in curves
I even have my breakfast for dessert
I feast on ancient melodies
And the sinister, sweet breeze from the trees

I want to go back
They want to go forth
So I climb through my wormhole and head north
Cause I can only move in a straight line
Which is a circle in our non-existent time
Feb 2015 · 382
The Church
Lucy Tonic Feb 2015
You were a legend
But I barely knew you
You were a peasant
The grass grew through you
You were an anchor
To my mother’s ship
You were a lover
With a fighter’s wit

And I came to be
Almost healthy
Almost new
Cause I came from you

Now I’m tied to the moon and wheel
Any spark of light seems surreal
Cause my heart is full of love, but my mind’s filled with fear
And I just want to disappear

But I keep hearing naked songs from a foreign ghost
And it’s these songs I hate the most
Cause even though we met once when I was two
I could never be in your shoes
I can never be in your shoes
a poem inspired by tim & jeff buckley
Jan 2015 · 317
The Bed
Lucy Tonic Jan 2015
I want to live in a place where the bed means truth

A perfect escape from a ruthless world

Candles, wine, music, and an ancient tapestry, a soft breeze through the window and a daydream at night

Lying wide awake in solitude, in the ****, in the mood for *****, or the newness of a tender touch from a stranger

You would tell him to wear a mask, be the phantom, disguise the fact that he's human, and then proceed to make love like aliens on a planet where the sunset is never-ending

Without words, but only a soft genuine kiss, you read each other's mind- Goodnight but not Goodbye- and in his embrace you slowly start to feel him dissolve- atom by atom- back into that foreign celestial heaven

And then the pain is numb in the aftermath of pleasure

You feel the Holy Spirit in waves- and imagine you're pregnant with God's baby.
Jan 2015 · 438
Lucy Tonic Jan 2015
My boredom is married to my indecision, so I finger another cigarette, frozen in a useless moment

If I had a flare for every time you stared, I'd send it off into space with the rest of the waste that once was golden

Mystery equals mind games and my brain is fried

Wishing I could be the last person alive on earth, where I could be alone with ***** and records- But I bet I was the first person alive on earth; the explanation for why my roots are dumb mud and ****

Souls are recycled from the pit, and the story never ends- maybe next time zen will be in my genetics

Purgatory is a cocoon where the only struggle is waiting for a savior, while you're surrounded by messiahs who didn't make the cut

Wanna go undercover in the audio afterglow and show the universe I can invent new sounds

I want adrenaline and I need peace- the country is lonely and the city never sleeps

Stay or run away, burn out or fade away- Want to go by the lyrics of my heroes, but I fear they've been corrupted

I'm wandering blindly through the dark forest, and I know there's light up ahead but I don't have the strength to climb the trees

I've learned the hard way that spirits aren't bullet-proof- They dissolve with the help of betrayal and ego

I know I have enemies but I lack the capacity to hate- I am man and I am woman and I am nothing and I am everything and I'm a freak and I'm a bottom feeder and still I wonder why people are so cruel when the answer is obvious- but I remain oblivious and blame it on the three millimeters growing inside my head

Tied to the rocking chair, flexing a muscle, while styrofoam stars surround the moon that's being milked by my eyes
Nov 2014 · 533
Lucy Tonic Nov 2014
You hypnotize me as you paralyze me
And you make me have ***** dreams that blur the lines of reality
And you’re the calm before the storm, you’re the weather when it’s warm
You’re my guiding light, you’re my satellite

Can’t kick the fever of the night when the moon is shining bright
Reaching infinity with you below city lights
And our love is so galactic, erases pillbox blues of plastic
The Milky Way is envious, we dig deep down to the earth’s crust

And no matter where I am, committing sins or making amends
You will always be my friend, no matter how the story ends
So let’s make a pact out of blood and powder
Let’s turn the stereo up a little bit louder
Let’s vanquish all our fears
Make our love like a light year
Oct 2014 · 298
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
I’m always the one who wants to have fun
But I always cross the line
And all the mistakes add up-
I know this
And I know the pain I caused you-
There are no excuses, only regrets
I just wish for all of us to be fun, safe and free
With one foot in fantasy, one foot in reality-
The way it should be (in a perfect world)
But it’s so easy to fall victim to extremes
And it’s so hard to say what I really mean…
You are my blood and I love you
But even without the spiral staircase of DNA we share,
I know we would still find each other,
If not in this life, than the next.
You are always in my prayers
And if you ever dare find yourself in a black hole,
I promise to be there for you every step of the way
Until you emerge a new, bright shining star.
Trust your intuition when nothing’s as it seems
Control is an illusion. Life is but a dream.
You are my Loveblood.
Oct 2014 · 942
Audio Afterglow
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
Today I memorized your face
But still can’t pinpoint your smile
All is in perfect symmetry
But your eyes change color
So I’ll protect you from cosmic rays
While you use infrared to see right through me
And in the audio afterglow
We’ll let the sounds and colors wash over us
I don’t want to be your passport to the afterlife
I don’t want to be the black hole in the center of your universe
I want each galactic moment to stretch on elastic
Until it’s time to say goodbye
Until it’s time to see a shooting star and wish for change
And we’ll have a casual funeral
The neighborhood kids will surround you
And perhaps provide you more comfort than I ever could
But until that time let’s savor this energy exchange
You can turn the clock of my third eye into a tree of life
And I can plant the sun and moon into your bloodshot eyes
You’ll protect me from cosmic rays
While I use infrared to see right through you
And in the audio afterglow
We’ll let the sounds and colors wash over us
Oct 2014 · 262
The Color of Chaos
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
Standing on the precipice
Peering into the dark abyss
An untied shoelace,
A sudden gust of wind,
And I fell right in

Now it's all about the observer effect
A staring contest between it and me
Like being swallowed by the sea
When the sea is a deep hole pit

Out of the blue earth, into the black of outer space
But colors don't exist in chaos
The void has no face
It's a place where ideas flow
But no pen and paper can be found

Like when you wake up from a strange dream
The home of your bedroom feels obscure-
No longer a safety net, no longer the cure
And soon the sheets grow cold, the photographs are old
And you have no other choice but to step to the edge-
Just to know what it feels like again

But this time,
Instead of falling,
Someone pushes you
Oct 2014 · 235
The Heart's Condition
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
Euphoria or bliss
Sadness or a miss
That's how it begins and ends
The in-between, a dance of sins and amends
So bend or break,
What does it take to set your soul on fire?
Are you lingering like birds on a wire?
What inspires you to trust your heart with something new
When it could destroy you, take your soul captive,
Leave you in chains until all that remains is solitude as your middle name
What do you do when your heart's fortress is broken by one strong kiss?
Or is your heart an open domain where pain is free to reign,
Cause all you know is shame, and you don't have patience for mind games-
Is he a snake waiting in the grass? Or a dog that needs to be fed?
How do you trust the voices in your head
When every time you go to bed your dreams ran rampant
Of faith and fate, love and hate
What will be your heart's condition when you enter the gates?
Cause surely you will be born again into that same exact state
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Thunderstorms are Erotic
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
Thunderstorms are ******
So stand underneath a tree
Or light a candle in your bedroom and lust after the one you love

The wind is a wise gypsy
So let yourself be blown away like autumn leaves
And let the colors swirl around you

Sunshine leaves sweat and joy
So play in the daytime
And watch the white fluffy clouds turn into shapes

Nighttime brings diamonds in the sky
So look for the man in the moon
And make a wish on a falling star

Mountains are for those with kind souls
So climb to the top
And let your soul grow wings

The ocean forces you to dream
So ride each wave
While your mind evaporates

Trees are habitats for woodland creatures
So meditate with the noise they make
And feel serenity

(Savor nature in all its glory)
Oct 2014 · 420
Life in a Black Hole
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
A hospital bed
A room painted red
A hungover head
All things unsaid

Dead flowers
Cold showers
In space for a second
On earth for an hour

A garden of weeds
A forgotten creed
A tree without leaves
A neglected need

Broken-down cars
A wrist full of scars
A sky without stars
A dull broken heart
Oct 2014 · 288
Minus Two Years
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
You’re all smiles while I lurk
You played dead while I did all the work
Waited so long for you to get on your feet
And when you did, you decided you didn’t need me
The world doesn’t need another song about love
But I need to get this out somehow
I’m hoping on some help from above
Till like you, I can take a bow
So let me rest now
Let me dream
For in dreams I can escape this cruel reality
A world where everyone wears a mask,
Plays a role, holding fast to empty promises
That always takes a toll
I suspect there was another spirit in your mist
Will she rewire you and teach you how to kiss like her
I guess I had this coming
I pulled you in when you felt like running
Someone’s got to teach me how to not give a ****
Cause glamorous ideas never make good plans
Oct 2014 · 845
The Quarterback
Lucy Tonic Oct 2014
As the moon peeks out from beyond the clouds
I'm proud to say I might live another day
Stress has aged me beyond my years
A lethal equation summed up by fears and tears
I can't make them love me
So I paint on a smile
Fake it till you make it for awhile
They're all mesmerized by the city lights
But I think I'll just look towards the sky
Cause in my dreams you sent me messages from the deep
You asked love or money,
What would I prefer
But I chose you and your vibrant moods to
Bring me back to life and to remember
There were two champagne glasses there that night
Are you my destiny in the next go round?
Are you unhappy underground?
The football games, the empty space, the elegant waste, the promises you made
Cause mansions don't make someone rich
And the ***** of it all is that we never met
But I won't forget you-
A cradle in a bad mood. a comforter of all those you see right through
So come back to me
I'll pay you back times three
The quarterback in dreams
We will discover God and ask what he means about redemption
Sep 2014 · 466
Lucy Tonic Sep 2014
Maybe you fell out of love with me
Maybe your one plus one equaled three
Maybe my love was too much to handle
Maybe the flame burned out of the candle
Maybe we wanted different things-
Maybe kids or wedding rings
Maybe it got too weird for you
Maybe my normal was your haiku
Maybe our love was disguised as lust
Maybe it was all a matter of trust
Maybe there was a lack of tears
Maybe we couldn’t vanquish each other’s fears
Maybe we were settling like dust on a floor
Maybe you were the window and I was the door
Maybe we both needed to breathe
Maybe that’s why one of us had to leave
Maybe our bodies were too quick to touch
Maybe the stars just weren’t aligned with us
Jul 2014 · 430
All Good Things
Lucy Tonic Jul 2014
Falling into place
Is a smile upon my face
Not from fame or fortune
Friendship or freedom
Not even from love-
Perhaps it’s from above
The universal shove to try for nothing better
Cause it’s all happening here and now
The undone sweater, the sacred cow
The tattered feather, the broken vow
One last love letter before the bow
Everything is everything
You can’t take it with you
No need for alarms and only good surprises
Gravity is golden when it means your soul can fly
Lost and found
A celestial sound
A soft rebound one day at a time
The grand conspiracy holds answers
But only in a song-
Are we wrong to feel that where the light is is where we belong?
As the prophets dress in their Sunday best
And the rest wear denim
As the streets bleed venom
Who will pass the number test?
The few are stuck on eight
The rest are pining for nine
Building shrines of word and rhyme…
What is the essence of the institution of death?
The raven and the writing desk
The mystic warrior threats
The fisherman and his net
Look at the star and focus
It needs your sight to shine brighter
Drift like a kite and bounce off a sunbeam
Never knowing what it all means
Falling into place
Is a smile upon my face
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Bite the Tangerine
Lucy Tonic Jul 2014
Just a little touch
I know you’re not asking for much
Bite the tangerine
Live out your life’s theme
In the daylight, I step inside
The night is deafening
And while the stars take flight
The moon is threatening
Just a little touch
Don’t tell me to hush
Bite the tangerine
Bang the tambourine
Charm me with the tools that I taught you
Wear all the jewels that I bought you
Throw some wood onto the fire
Whisper all your darkest desires
Just a little touch
You know I’m not asking for much
Bite the tangerine
Dream a little dream
Jul 2014 · 436
Lucy Tonic Jul 2014
With a shrug
She went and saw the medicine man
He made her see visions
Of Christ and Judas as one
She left her home soon after
And went mad in the streets
She let her infinity run wild
In the passions of love and ****
She takes a pill for
The fish tank blues
She sees the neon night
In different hues
She’s china in a bull shop
She saw the snake but had fear
So she couldn’t enter the garden
During an eclipse
She asked the world to dance
To enhance her lost memory
To take her back to a time
Of friends and innocence
The end of accidents
The mending of souls
If only the ancient theater
Did not have a backstage
Instead she sits Indian style
On the swirling carpet
Overshadowed by a roman candle-
Make magic before you enter the door
Jun 2014 · 395
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
You call me out
I take you in
That’s when the pink swims

And I focus
On the shape of your face
The memory is easily erased

You could say it means nothing
Nothing at all
But the truth is
You make my skin crawl

Your words like gravel
My expression unravels
You’re set in your ways

My thoughts collect
All of my debt
I’m stuck in my place

You could say it means nothing
70 x 7
When the truth is
There shouldn’t be mirrors in heaven
Jun 2014 · 523
Looking for Irene
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
Playing pool under a midnight blue
In the land of immigrants
Nobody’s laughing or smiling
Suicide in sepia-tone
A black hole in your car
Hitchhiker in a red sweatshirt
Driving to exit zero
The meaning of life is a slap in the face
Floating objects, changing colors
If you don’t think about it,
Then it will happen
Throw a match in the air
Watch it touch the sky
Laying in the hospital bed
With you right next to me
Jun 2014 · 516
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
Transmission down
A lion in the dark
Fierce and wild
Run, run, run
Transmission down
Pale white light
Shines at twilight
From the satellite
Through the trees
Through the trees
Transmission down
Park your car
Headlights off
Stumble in the dark
Fall upon the stone
Pass the bottle to an
Invisible stranger
As the ghosts surround you
Transmission down
Deer in the headlights
Tied to the rocking chair
Upside down
Upside down
Falling and flying
Twisting and turning
Squirm and shake
Rejecting the goddess
Searching for father
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Introvert Universe
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
I taste the moon
As I strive for Eden’s perfection
And with you I can’t tell the difference
Between trauma and adventure
I climb into the picture
And crawl out with dead hope
Cause controlling the mind
Is like controlling the wind
Try to be the sage that sleeps by day
But his bewilderment causes impaired memory
What do you do,
When happiness and suffering are the same?
A love triangle- stuck inside the pyramid
A little pain can make you stronger,
Or it can **** you-
How long until you’re dead weight?
Jun 2014 · 236
Is That All There Is?
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
The duality of reality and fantasy-
Is that all there is?
There are worse things in this world than a broken heart. But in the end, every mistake, every disaster, every tragedy, results in a broken heart. –
Is that all there is?
I look down, below, and I see the past. I look above, to the sky, and I see the future. I look straight in front of me, and I see the present.-
Is that all there is?
Jun 2014 · 485
Lucy Tonic Jun 2014
Count down from ten
You stop at six
Three more years?
You’re running
A bus stops
Is it time for you to get on?
May 2014 · 1.7k
Renew Your Vows
Lucy Tonic May 2014
Surround me
Astound me
And if you leave, take care
In your eyes
In your smile
You take me there
Let’s renew our vows
Before we take a bow
Let’s get together now
You’re so pure
Of this I’m sure
Don’t you ever change
Silver or gold
Young or old
Our love is strange
So let’s get together now
Before we take a bow
Let’s renew our vows
May 2014 · 727
In My Orb
Lucy Tonic May 2014
In my orb
Bare feet on the carpet
Windows open
Incense burning
Releasing energy
Absorbing energy
Organic vibrations
Balancing the scales

In my orb
I’m underwater
Moving in waves
Translucent breath
Absorbing energy
Releasing energy
Restoring my aura
Dusting off my halo
May 2014 · 266
What’s Your Shadow?
Lucy Tonic May 2014
We all have wounds
That will eventually **** us
On one side they’re saying surrender
On the other, don’t give up

The happy people cheer you on
Expecting you to fly
But you’re not ready
You must let the days go by

It’s so tiring-
Trying to be normal
A child knows
What his parents need him to be

Die for tomorrow
Escape from today
Give everything to everyone
Live and let play

Life deals you in
Death bails you out
May 2014 · 536
Lucy Tonic May 2014
Searching for mother
Searching for “I”
Reaching to recover
Touching the sky

A pool full of circles
Implanted memory
Can’t tell what the work is
Everything’s sensory

Someone planted the seeds
So the sun you could kiss
But the roots were disfigured-
You’re not immune to this

Drafting the blueprint
Grasping the meaning
Don’t look at the fine print
While the stars are gleaming

Searching for “I”
Searching for mother
Reaching for the prize
Touch blue and hover
May 2014 · 309
Lucy Tonic May 2014
Soon these scars will bleed
Onto the canvas of my soul
Spent so much time on my knees
Put all my keys, time, and jokes in a bowl

And these thoughts will die with me
Along with all the wasted minutes
You can spin it any way you want
No one knows who started this war

And there’s a battle raging on
For my destiny
Don’t know what side I should be on
Only hope I return to the stars

Cause soon these scars will bleed
Onto the canvas of the universe
Wonder, if in heaven, you need to breathe
Wish I had time to rehearse
May 2014 · 420
An Apology
Lucy Tonic May 2014
A body full of rocket fuel
And rug burns on my knees
To all those out there I hurt,
This is my apology

I wish I could undo
Everything I’ve done wrong
But since no one’s listening
I only have this song

And I know all the sorrys in the world won’t be enough
Would it please you to see me in handcuffs?
I know the road to redemption will be rough
But I ask, to this plea, please don’t wear earmuffs

I live everyday in the horror, in the guilt
How did I weave this never-ending quilt
The world is caving in, the sky is falling down
I know I don’t belong to this world, to this town

I just want you to know I pray everyday
For the turning back of time
I never meant to cause you harm
All I can do is rhyme
And pray for forgiveness
Pray for forgiveness

A body full of rocket fuel
And rug burns on my knees
Cleanse me of unknown faults
You’re the ones that hold the keys
Apr 2014 · 215
Lucy Tonic Apr 2014
You're the one that got away
Somehow I think I'm to blame
We were both looking for escape
But you beat me to it with haste

The passion we shared
The crosses we beared
I don't want to live a lie
The science of our love
Caused me violence when you left
And I don't want to watch our future die

I'm lost...
Mar 2014 · 586
Strip the City
Lucy Tonic Mar 2014
Coffee in a teacup
Hard-boiled egg
Remote control
Squeaky chair leg
And a butterfly pillbox filled with red white and blues

Watch the uninspired TV
And become a pathetic ghost
Excuse me while I implode

I wrote a check to Mother Nature
But it bounced
Strip the city of me
You’ll find nothing to envy

And when I die in my dreams
My eyes become the milky way
My body is a tree
With my mind and heart branching out towards heaven
Mar 2014 · 438
Lucy Tonic Mar 2014
I’m a lonely ball of blue
And I can’t exist without my moon
I’m spinning out of control
So fast, so fast
I’m tilted
I can’t evolve
How can I solve any mystery
In a hostile world
The colors swirl into nothing
I can’t talk
You must read my body language
I take a walk
Amid jungles and ice
Is this the price I pay
For losing my mind
Shortened days of time
I’m tilted
Can’t stop spinning
Out of control
So fast, so fast, so fast
Feb 2014 · 922
The King (Part 2
Lucy Tonic Feb 2014
The sounds were muffled
Still the people shuffled by
The living dead corpse
No one felt remorse
Except the king of course
These days, you’ll be put away
For all the strange things you say
While the masses chase wedding rings
He searched for the truth-
It’s been 52 weeks
It’s no world for the meek
Kiss your mother on the cheek
And say goodbye
A mysterious stranger
Gave you the falling sickness
Feb 2014 · 413
The King
Lucy Tonic Feb 2014
Expose me
But avoid the words you say
Tonight is your destiny
But it always ends the same
A dose of heartbreak
A glimmer of lost faith
A suicidal fate
It always ends the same
The king fainted
In a theatrical collapse
With tragic momentum
He entered the chapel of doom
He didn’t mean to charm you or alarm you
He was searching for the low life
And at the electric wedding
The castles are on fire
So expose me
But beware of the words
Tonight is your destiny
We’re all fighting to be heard
And the king got out of bed
And realized he lost his head
Feb 2014 · 430
Lucy Tonic Feb 2014
Well I’ve done a good job at playing the great pretender
But every time night closes in I think I’m ready to surrender
And I wonder about the afterlife, and all the lost and wandering souls
And I pray that they may find peace, that they may find a home
And he can’t remember the last time he lent a hand to her
He lives in a perfect world, but all his visions are a blur
And she made plenty mistakes, including him, but the stakes were high
And like a bird with a broken wing, she never learned to fly
Why is that we wear a mask every time we face the troubled task
Of letting someone in our world- we’re all just little boys and girls
If only we could turn back time, have fun in nursery rhyme
Instead it’s a downhill climb, what’s yours is yours and mine is mine
As the poet reaches for a pen, and warm thoughts come to rescue him
He knows exactly what to say, it’s the perfect end to a long hard day
And the crowd will always erase the outcast’s downtrodden face
But in the next life he has a place, on a golden throne in outer space
Well my mind has done a good job of forgetting to remember
But as the heavy darkness closes in, I wonder if I should surrender
Jan 2014 · 701
White Dress
Lucy Tonic Jan 2014
I walk through walls
But I can’t find the door
They see right through me
But they don’t know me at all
Like a candle swaying in a dark room
Help me find relief from a long day
Night can never come too soon
Cause in sleep I have no words to say
So surreal and so delicate
Nothing’s perfect but nothing’s a mess
So extreme and so fragile
Wonder why I’m wearing a white dress
And like a lighthouse by an ocean
Guide me to relief from a long night
Day seems like the right potion
Cause in sleep my fears take flight
I walk through walls
But I can’t find the door
They see right through me
But they don’t know me at all
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