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Lovelust Dec 2015
I slipped,
I fell,
But you weren't there to hold me,
Alone again,
Feeling nothing but pain,
Your voice couldn't even smooth me,
I lashed out because you gave me no choice,
It was me or him,
I don't want you to leave,
But you don't want to stay,
I don't want to hold you,
If you love someone let them go,
If you love someone let them go,
If you love someone let them go,
But when they go,
They may never come back.
1.2k · Jan 2016
Words from my Idol
Lovelust Jan 2016
I've got my own life to live,
I'm gonna be the one to die,
When its time to die,
So let me live my own life.
I stumbled across these lyrics in a song and it made me think that everyone  should make their own life and live it how they want to.
912 · Oct 2016
Lovelust Oct 2016
Puedo sentirte,
Más allá de las palabras,
No me importa lo que la gente piensa,
Todo lo que importa,
Es que me paso el tiempo con usted,
Como te veo en una luz que ningún otro puede.
857 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
You said you needed someone,
So I was there again,
To try and pick up the pieces,
To try and rekindle our flame,
Of a love that was once broken,
Can be reborn again,
Because I loved you I let you go,
But know its time to hold you in my arms again,
As my love for you never went,
And now I hope you feel the same.
793 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
I thought I could share that with you,
But know,
I don't know if I can trust anyone,
Not even myself,

I feel like I'm the monster here,
Even though I didn't go back on my word,
If only you could see in my head,
You'll know why I feel as I do,
I can't trust myself around you,
And now I can't trust you.
786 · Nov 2016
Lovelust Nov 2016
I've never felt this way before,
When I'm with you,
I can actually feel my heart,
You make me feel alive,
Something that is actually real,
People notice somethings going on,
Are we to scared to say how we feel?
784 · Jun 2016
Lovelust Jun 2016
You can judge me about my choice,
But when you go to do it yourself,
It's all fine?

Why do you have to ***** about me,
When all I've ever done is helped you,
Is this what you call fair?

I don't have time for people who are fake,
Lying to my face every chance they get,
As life is to short.
714 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
You are the first
And the last thing
On my mind
Each and every day
And or the rest of my life to come
704 · Oct 2016
Lovelust Oct 2016
He brought the light to the night sky,
But like so many others,
Flaws turn into mistakes,
He fell from grace,
Took on his decent,
With that a door closed,
and another opened,
But now his name,
Isn't remembered for the gifts in the sky,
Instead it's a name of sin.
702 · Feb 2016
Lovelust Feb 2016
I can't define you,
As you are more than just a word to me,
You picked me up when I was down,
And turned my life around,
I don't what you are to me,
I don't think I ever will,
So I guess I'm just indecisive about you.
678 · Dec 2016
Answer Please
Lovelust Dec 2016
What are we?
You just fill my head,
With endless questions,
But always fail to mention,
What we are,
What we are doing.

You're not over it,
Over him,
So where does that put me?
I'm like the toy,
That you just build,
And slowly start to breakdown.

What should I do?
Should I just leave,
But then who would you have?
Who would I have?  

Will I ever be free of this torment,
It's like i'm stuck in this cage,
Waiting for you to set me free,
But you don't,
And I'm stuck,
Time has become my enemy,
Ticking down the days,
I don't want to do this anymore,
I just want it all to end,
I can't take it,
Maybe I should,
Who would actually care.
668 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
I was there when you were at your weakest,
Always their to pick up the pieces,
To you it was everything,
To me it was nothing,
I only did it to see you happy,
That was all the help that I needed,
We have now grown older,
Something has changed between us,
Like there is a spark,
That we've never felt before,
Question is will this spark turn into a fire?
663 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
I wish I could control them,
But for me its like a switch,
Either they are there,
Or there are none at all,
When I have them I wish I didn't,
As my love is always placed in the wrong hearts,
Who don't feel the same for me,
All I can do is wish the best for them,
And love them from afar,
As I will just get hurt.
653 · Dec 2016
Lovelust Dec 2016
I'm most creative at my darkest,
The pain is what keeps me going,
Without it I would have no will no drive,
The smoke although slowly choking me,
Is elevating the stress,
Alcohol is numbing the pain,
Is this how i'm supposed to be?
Is this how i'm Supposed to live?
The word it has become funny,
As if it's my own personal joke,
As I don't feel alive.
647 · Oct 2016
Lovelust Oct 2016
Everywhere I go,
I see blank faces,
As they slowly,
Lose themselves,
Piece by piece,
Until there is nothing left,

Blank people,
What made them unique,
What made them real,
Are we just going to be,
A generation of blanks?
With no individuality,
With no soul!
636 · May 2016
Lovelust May 2016
To someone dear,
Who warms my heart every time I see that smile,
I don't know what I would have done without you,
And where I would be if we didn't meet,
For saving me after my lowest point,
And for that I thank you so,
So please don't go,
As I don't think I could cope.
A long time coming, but I feel it's something that you needed to hear
627 · Dec 2015
Lovelust Dec 2015
People scare me,
They feel so much,
When they know so little,
They try to control,
When they can't do it themselves,
Love or destruction,
Both are the same they just are different words,
One mans Hero is another ones villain,
With this mentality no wars can be won,
And now everything that's is done,
Can't be undone.
606 · Dec 2015
Lovelust Dec 2015
I try to define you,
But there is no way I can anymore,
You bring joy,
You bring pain,
The word is edged into us all,
But no one knows what it means,
They only can feel.
600 · Jan 2016
To the one that is lost
Lovelust Jan 2016
You are slowly losing  yourself,
But you don't see it,
I don't want to watch you fall apart,
But you just won't listen,
Every day it gets worse,
You won't let me help you,
Blocking me out,
When you realise,
I'll be gone.
592 · Jan 2016
My choice
Lovelust Jan 2016
Looking out to the night sky,
Feeling the breeze rush across my face,
Standing on the edge again,
I feel as if I want to fade,
While my name is still unknown,
I don't want to be another machiene,
For other people to dictate,
Because it is my life,
My choices,
Not society or friends,
Or my family to decide,
This isn't a leap of faith,
Its a jump of serenity.
580 · Sep 2016
1 D0N7 F331 PR3S3N7
Lovelust Sep 2016
I'm alive,
Yet I am not there,
My mind wandering,
People talking,
But it's just background noise,
I wonder does this make them feel alive,
Are they truly there,
Is anything real,
Am I real?
577 · Dec 2015
Lovelust Dec 2015
I want to care for you,
But now the line is starting to blur,
Lust is overpowering me,
I can't hold back,
I don't think I can help myself,
I care and love you more than anyone will,
And all I want is the taste of your lips again.
539 · Jul 2016
Lovelust Jul 2016
I feel cold,
Cold to touch,
Cold inside,
My senses are becoming numb,
My world is turning darker and darker,
Until I am one with the void.
524 · May 2017
Lovelust May 2017
I got faded,
So I could take a step back,
To realise what I'm doing,
To see how I truly feel.

In your darkest moments,
It's hard to see any light,
But when that sun rises,
Some pain seems to go away.

So whenever I'm down,
I'll look for my next sunrise to pick me up.
512 · Dec 2015
Lovelust Dec 2015
The thoughts in my head,
Slowly begin to fade,
With no sleep,
I don't know,
If this is a dream,
Or if it's reality,
I'm more lost then found,
Reaching for the light,
That begins to fade,
As the void covers my eyes,
And takes me deeper.
503 · Feb 2016
What's the point
Lovelust Feb 2016
When have I ever said I'm great,
And actually ever meant it,
Someday I'll wonder if I'll ever actually be alright,
It feels live I've capsized,
And can't get out,
I'm breaking myself down to build other people up,
It's feeling that there will be nothing left,
Emotions aren't felt,
Feeling weaker,
Is there even a point.
492 · Feb 2016
Libby's poem
Lovelust Feb 2016
Self explanatory
470 · Mar 2016
In Your Hands
Lovelust Mar 2016
We live in a world,
That's run by suits,
That's run by Corporations,
And we never see the real picture,
we are all puppets on a piece string.

Taxation what is it good for,
When it goes to a government,
That doesn't represent us,
The people.  

Land, Resources,
We are becoming more power hungry,
Whilst we are losing our values,
Our respect.

The world around.
How long can we live,
When this world of ours,
Is dying.

The power has always been in our hands,
We just have to realise that we have to use it.
466 · Mar 2016
Lovelust Mar 2016
The scars on my body,
Dont represent my pain,
Or my suffering,
Beneath each one is a story,
Of how it took me to get here.
465 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
The lines are starting to blur know,
I feel like there always could be something more,
All I want to do is find out,
But I doubt I ever will.
460 · Jun 2016
Lovelust Jun 2016
I don't know what i'm doing
445 · Sep 2016
Lovelust Sep 2016
I used to think you were my drug,
Hit it then quit it,
But I got addicted,
Now all I want is that *****,
The pure ecstasy I crave,
As I go deeper it only gets stronger,
I'm hooked,
And I don't want to come down,
I just want to feel as high as I do,
When i'm with you,
But supply and demand,
Isn't the same as it used to be,
When all I wan't is that hit.
437 · Oct 2016
Lovelust Oct 2016
Am I distant,
I am in the room,
But I don't feel there,
I am speaking,
But the real words don't come out,
Do people recognize me,
If I die today,
Would anyone realize,
I'm trapped in my head,
Screaming to tell people how I feel,
I need help,
436 · Jun 2017
Lovelust Jun 2017
It's funny,
How one moment,
Can change everything,
And have a lasting impact,
On your relationships with people,
It's stupid.
431 · Oct 2016
Lovelust Oct 2016
What do you think I'm going to do,
How do you think i'm going to feel,
I feel like I can't live without you,
I think about you most days,
And care one others shouldn't
But I think we need space,
To think and revaluate,
Before the friendship gets torn in two.
421 · May 2017
Lovelust May 2017
How did I get here,
Why am I so lost,
I can't get back,
But I can't just leave,
And I'm just being pulled back in,
When I really should just leave.
415 · Oct 2016
Autumn Silence
Lovelust Oct 2016
First It was nothing,
But no friends could be so close,
She touches me,
In a way like no other,
But only as a friend,
That's what I thought anyway.

A while back,
She asks me,
Do you find me attractive?
I reply,
But before I answer,
She already knew what I was going to say,
As if she could tell in my eyes,
Then it was back to the same old,
touching and flirtatious gestures,
fir the rest of the night.

Then whilst sober,
She doesn't know how to think about me,
Then silence,
S I L E N C E,
Nothing no word no peep.

We meet again,
She has a sadness in her eyes,
And I'm the void to fill her pain,
To make her laugh,
She asks the same question,
Do you find me attractive?
She grabs my arm then we stare into each others eyes,
We feel it but we have to resist,
But dogs will always chase cats,
And thats the way it is.
412 · Feb 2016
Lovelust Feb 2016
Why am I building myself up,
Just to be torn apart,
Once again.
405 · Dec 2015
Lovelust Dec 2015
You can feel me,
when we are no touching,
hear me,
when there are no words to be said,

You keep coming back to me,
you write my mind,
think what i think,
scribble at me when in pain,

Tear slowly at my heart,
tear slowly at my soul,
my life is just a book of pages,
waiting to be ripped apart.
397 · Nov 2018
Love and Hate
Lovelust Nov 2018
You say you want me,
You say you need me,
You want me to have every part of you,
But you push me away,
There I stay,
Just as broken as your heart,
How Long will this last?
397 · May 2016
Lovelust May 2016
The more time I spend,
The more I talk,
The fear that the spark will fade,
That we will grow apart,
And you won't like me,
As I like you.
396 · Oct 2016
A part of me
Lovelust Oct 2016
Let me tell you something,
I'm scared,
Of myself,
My urges.

Someday I'm afraid,
I might take it to far,
Or lash out to hard.

I suppress who I am,
Because I'm scared,
No one likes me,
That no one cares.

I feel alone,
Most nights,
Most days.

I follow the crowd,
To hide myself,
I'm not an individual.

I wanted you to save me,
But you couldn't,
I fear I'm losing myself.

When I gave you,
a part of myself,
It was to show you,
How I feel.

But now there is this distance,
I hate it,
We used to be close,
But people change,
And so do feelings.
394 · May 2017
Day 1
Lovelust May 2017
1 Hour,
Where I could just be me,
No stress,
No restraints,
Just Nachos,
And Garlic Bread.
386 · May 2017
Lovelust May 2017
When I'm gone,
Will anyone be there,
Will anyone care,
Would they even feel close,
To how I'm feeling right now,
There is an unspoken beauty to death,
There is tranquility,
There is peace,
No more worrying,
No  more problems,
Just silence.
383 · Feb 2016
Lovelust Feb 2016
I looked into your eyes,
Now every time I look in to them,
It takes me back to the moment we meet,
I see it as fate that we crossed paths,
I thought that you could be the one,
But maybe its not our time yet,
So now I'm watching the time pass,
Every minute,
Every second,
You're still edged in my mind.
379 · Feb 2017
Lovelust Feb 2017
I'm screaming on the inside,
I'm bleeding out from my eyes,
My breath has become heavy,
Gasping for more air,
Did you even care,
Because I've been played,
And you've reached the finish line,
Leaving me weak and alone,
The one person a cared about gone,
You didn't even want to try,
So if you ever read this,
You will know how you made me feel.
377 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
I'm not afraid of death,
Not anymore,
Because what do I have to lose,
If I didn't have anything to start with.

Life is full of possibilities,
But most of them all end in pain,
Look at the light at the end of the tunnel,
But you can never find the light,
When the tunnel is never ending.

We live in a world where people want to **** each other,
For religon for land or an ideology,
Then why aren't we called the animals,
Because we haven't evolved from them.

So when people say life has a purpose,
But purpose is only a two syllable word,
That makes people believe they have a reason to live,
But I don't want there to be a reason I just want to make a statement.
375 · Feb 2016
Breaking Point
Lovelust Feb 2016
There is a breaking point,
Not normally seen,
Never heard,
When people can't control themselves anymore,
When all emotion pours out,
Uncontrollable and inevitable,
This is a time of vulnerability,
And sometimes they just need a helping hand.
352 · Jan 2016
Lovelust Jan 2016
You made me feel something,
For the first time in years,
Separated me from the void,
With words of kindness and love,

But that love was full of empty promises,
And now my hearts in two,
Its okay that your fine,
But for me its like I'm being cheated on take two.
351 · Jan 2016
Time is running out
Lovelust Jan 2016
Every year,
Every month,
Every day,
Every hour,
Every minute,
Every second,
Time fades fast
The older I get,
The closer to death,
I fear I Haven't lived enough,
All I want with my time thats left,
Is to look at that smile on your face,
Because that is the moment I feel complete.
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