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I REALLY Jul 2019
lead me on
then leave me
I REALLY Jul 2019
there are people in this world
who are so pathetic and vile
I just hope no one faces them
at first they're nice and calm
but what lies below those layers
is something unimaginably   h o r r i f y i n g
they can twist and turn your mind
m a n i p u l a t i v e is the snake in them
two-faced and sugar-coated is their p e r s o n a l i t y
toying with ur e m o t i o n s is what
they mastered in
their camo skin hides who they truly are
I REALLY Jul 2019
time is all I needed with you
time is all I didn't have
I saw you gulp down sanitizer like it was water
I saw you throw up after that like it was something you did

you probably did

time is what wanted
time is what we all want

I saw you pinch your *******
until it bled because you thought you were

you weren't

time is what I begged for
what I stole
what I borrowed
like the used band-aid
you had put on your finger
devastated after reading Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
no other book has ever traumatized me like this
I REALLY Jul 2019
I'm so close to you
I want to kiss your nose
and all those moles
all the scars
and that huge birthmark

I think I'm going crazy

I want to touch you
in places I shouldn't be
I want to feel you
I want you
I want
feeling very sensual and I had to write this
I REALLY Jul 2019
we mean nothing in his life
that big
              H    ­        L
                                           of    n o t h i n g n e s s
                                                                 in his life
thats us

hi! nice to meet u
  Jul 2019 I REALLY
Noa Adler
Run your fingers across.
Never break the touch.

Look into my eyes.
Make yourself welcome.

Grasp it with grace.
Silently dissolve.

Uncover yourself.
Merging into one.
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