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Mar 2021 · 237
Lottie Mar 2021
I cannot describe the quiet in my head when you speak to me.
******, my neck lilts to the side just a little. My ears move towards the sound: the rumble, the promise of soft vibration that I just know will settle the buzzing under my skin.
     My lips part, sometimes in the faintest of smiles; as though the taste of your voice could be pressed to my mouth like a kiss. I ache with the need to feel how you form your words. I ache to feel the movement of your mouth while you whisper and mutter, giggle and moan. I do not care where, I just know I have to feel this.

Do your hands move with the same grace as your voice? Will your body grant me the same stillness as your words?

When you hold me, Darling Boy, will your arms gift me the same safety that your voice gives my mind?
Jul 2018 · 395
Lottie Jul 2018
Live and laugh, broken people.
Your heart is yours to play with.
Jan 2018 · 454
Ice crystals.
Lottie Jan 2018
And I mean nothing,
Hurts more than the sting
Of misery that tingles
Across one's neck
Where the breath of your loved one Should be.
Long distance is not so much about miles. You could be on the wrong side of the bed, darling boy, and I would be consumed by this lonely ache.
Nov 2017 · 393
Lottie Nov 2017
The weight of a dead soul has settled above my chest, as though it was trying to crawl out of the cavity.

It gave everything it had, and yet it was not enough to release it.

And now it lies still, invisible to the naked eye but rotting when I close my eyes.
Oct 2017 · 479
Lottie Oct 2017
I'm not asking you to understand why I don't want you to use this word to describe me. I'm asking you to refrain from doing so because it makes me feel like I'm getting in the car to go and find her again. Its reminding me of when I found her standing waist deep in a river crying because Michael said he wanted to die. Or when I helped her break up with her boyfriend because every time she'd tried to before, he'd grabbed a razor. Or crying in France because I needed her to take care of me for once. Or when he jumped on his computer because we borrowed it. Or when her parents shouted at each other. Or when she ran away.

I give up.
Jul 2017 · 454
Lottie Jul 2017
I am a  catalyst of discomfort and yet I am asked to stay.

Please just hate me, it'd be easier for all of us.
Jun 2017 · 495
Lottie Jun 2017
Loving me is inefficient.
Listening to me is inefficient.
Is there anything about me that's worth your time?
Jun 2017 · 620
Lottie Jun 2017
Make my back arch and my mind wander;
Jun 2017 · 320
Lottie Jun 2017
I miss laughing.
And the way your nose
Folds up
When you do the same.
May 2017 · 658
I yearn for winter.
Lottie May 2017
When the world is so cold,
And the air is muffled by the sound of nothing growing,
Let me feel your breath on the crown of my head,
And the smile on my lips,
And the small circles you depict in the small of my back
That so quietly whisper "I love you."
Apr 2017 · 286
Lottie Apr 2017
I think
I'm tired
Of people talking
To me when
They don't bring
Anything to say.
Mar 2017 · 717
Lottie Mar 2017
I'd write a sonnet
About how much I love you,
Darling Boy,
If I weren't so sad that your
Shoes aren't here for me
To put mine next to.
Feb 2017 · 380
And all of a sudden,
Lottie Feb 2017
It was snowing,
And all I wanted
Was to warm my toes
On your tummy.
Jan 2017 · 325
Lottie Jan 2017
I am a failed experiment in evolution.
Jan 2017 · 380
Lottie Jan 2017
We cooked our dinner,
And we sat by one another,
Because what else was there to say?
In candlelight,
We were humming silently
To the tune of the other,
At peace.
Jan 2017 · 878
Lottie Jan 2017
There's a tiredness in my bones that runs deeper than my ability to think. I am tired of this life, of living for the others I am driven to love. They are difficult. I am exhausted.
Jan 2017 · 332
Lottie Jan 2017
I had the overwhelming sensation
That I should've been holding a hand,
Your hand,
As I travelled home on that bus.
Something so mundane as public transport
Still feels igniting when I can run my fingers
Over the knuckles
Of your strumming hand.
Dec 2016 · 285
Lottie Dec 2016
I am angry
My lovely one
That you feel like
You've been lost

When all that
Has happened
Is you've been left
Alone in a room

You are not alone
Because my mind
Dwells on every
Freckle on your face.
Dec 2016 · 445
Safe, sane, consensual.
Lottie Dec 2016
In the sense that I want bruises.
In the sense that I want insanity.
Obviously, but please take.
Dec 2016 · 351
Lottie Dec 2016
Here was me,
Hoping that I'd find the rest of my pieces
In you.
It took me a while,
To realise that you don't complete me,
But I think I like my edges curvy.
Nov 2016 · 579
A Question.
Lottie Nov 2016
When do you believe life begins?
Feel free to answer in the comments or message me privately :3
Nov 2016 · 322
Happy birthday... I guess
Lottie Nov 2016
I want to tell you, on this day,
Just how happy I am that you're alive.
How happy I am that you were even born,
But I bring it up and you tell me off,
Because you don't like it.

I don't like this either, as it happens;
I feel bad for the elation I got at setting my alarm for midnight so I could make sure I messaged you first thing, and going to sleep again with a smile on my face, hoping I could help make you feel as valued as you are.

So yeah, happy birthday, sorry for caring.
Definitely not crying.
Oct 2016 · 314
Lottie Oct 2016
Giving up doesn't sound so bad;

No more nightmares, right?
Sep 2016 · 340
Lottie Sep 2016
We are perfectionists content with one-another's imperfections, and I am thankful.
Sep 2016 · 342
Lottie Sep 2016
Aren't we all so close to the end
And the beginning of things?
I am so close to the end of this day,
The beginning of my coursework,
Which I should've started three weeks ago,
And I  so close
To my next kiss
With you.
*happy wiggle*
Lottie Aug 2016
I am strolling.
I am sleeping,
Suspended in the glow,
Of my absolute inability
To use words.
well that was a shocking waste of time, but it feels nice when I read it alloud
Aug 2016 · 329
Lottie Aug 2016
My mind is currently a worrying balance
Of love and hate.
Jul 2016 · 326
Lottie Jul 2016
Find someone, broken people,
Who fills your mind with stars,
Who allows the cosmos into your veins
Without ever breaking your skin.
Never settle for anything or anyone less,
Than a creature who cocoons you
And holds you,
When  your sky is falling down.
Jul 2016 · 283
Eleven months, minus two.
Lottie Jul 2016
It is the only time I have ever screamed,
And an actual noise came out.
Jul 2016 · 476
V for Vendetta
Lottie Jul 2016
Beneath this mask there is more than flesh.
Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr Creedy,
And ideas do not die.
Jun 2016 · 367
Lottie Jun 2016
You were tapping out my heartbeat
On my knee,
And I was so tired that all I could do was smile,
But that was okay, because the silence
Made you warmer, safer;
The beautiful boy protecting me from the world.
Jun 2016 · 340
Lottie Jun 2016
Love as hard as you hate, broken people.
Just because it hurts doesn't mean
It should become bigger, more consuming
Than kissing, laughing, smiling.
Jun 2016 · 463
Lottie Jun 2016
I had a dream once, my darling. About you and I, adrift in the sky.
For hours we'd dance and dance, your eyes glowing and growing, dancing, enhancing,
With each spin, each laugh as the hours turned to days turned to a lifetime.
We would stop our waltz only to kiss; long and lasting and promising.
A kiss that would power our airship, would end all wars, would cease my tears.
A kiss that would cure my fears.
May 2016 · 559
Lottie May 2016
The travesty is, beautiful boy,
That the silhouette you cast when
You're above me
Shines brighter than the
Stars behind you.
May 2016 · 338
Lottie May 2016
Still alive and still here,
We're all just waiting for the pain to go away.
We want to be able to breathe past
The lumps in our throats
Or on our brains
Or in our hearts,
But we are stuck in a whirling inferno
Of triggering our own pain
And dying from it.
May 2016 · 389
Terminally ill.
Lottie May 2016
Dear those who have been given that message,
From a doctor or from your lover who was told by a nurse.
I am so sorry that you have to end.
I am envious though, that you have a time frame;
I am scared of living and not knowing when I will die.
Will they find a lump in my lung,
Or me as the lump on the side of the road?
I fear not knowing that this breath, or the next is my last,
And though I am jealous that you know this,
I am so **** sorry that you do.
May 2016 · 501
Movie nights.
Lottie May 2016
I hate movies,
Anyone who cares knows that.
Sitting in a room with all the people you love
And ignoring them.
But with you,
In this moment,
I want to build a fort with pillows and fairy lights.
I want to watch movies which came from comics,
And see you laugh, and cry, and hurt for people
Who done exist.
I want to feel you nose my neck in the quiet scenes,
And kiss me in the credits.
Apr 2016 · 407
The squeaky noise of chaos.
Lottie Apr 2016
The little whimper we give out,
Just before we cry;
Before we scream.
When we can no longer hold
The fear inside,
And it's got to find some way
Apr 2016 · 366
Pissing into the wind.
Lottie Apr 2016
I am tidying my room,
Because it will get messy again.

My dad is cooking us dinner,
Because we will get hungry again.

Mother earns some money,
To replace that which we spent,

I want to do something,
For the first time,

Apr 2016 · 429
Writer's block.
Lottie Apr 2016
I know the world is terrifying and black skies cover us all, but sometimes a small cloud of light will pass over us, carried by the breeze. The wind itself will hold the smells of tomorrow while the cloud will hold no scent, no sound. It will be but a light. In it though, we will see yesterday, dynasties past, kingdoms that rose and fell and flying cities. In this cloud you will have sat on a throne and commanded an army. You will have sat in a rocking chair and read to children while they pout, as children do. This cloud of every and no colour will call to you and pull on your soul until you forget that the sky is black and terrifying and all-consuming. For that is what a day dream is for. Now go back and make the colours invert. Make the sky golden and the clouds black. Make this world your kingdom, your dynasty. The classroom clock won't tick in the world if you make it for yourself. Make your own time and write your own world.
Apr 2016 · 296
Lottie Apr 2016
Follow my chaos down to the stream,
Nothing, but nothing is ever as it may seem.
Cowardice is bravery, the truth is a lie,
Expect the unexpected, walk so you'll fly.
Apr 2016 · 670
Kill Yourself.
Lottie Apr 2016
Oh,* the mind goes.
Does she mean me?
I assure you, that I don't.
I mean the little voice inside
Your head that said this
Applied to you.
You are brilliant;
**** that little voice,
The not-you
That says you're anything less
Than radiant.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Thoughts on a trampoline.
Lottie Apr 2016
My body is at a desk,
While my mind is lain back
On my trampoline,
With the clear sky above me,
One night.
What a concept, a clear sky.
It means no clouds
But imagine,
If there was nothing up there
But black.
Apr 2016 · 425
A rant to a friend.
Lottie Apr 2016
Your body tries so hard to make you function all the time even though you don't feed it enough and you cut it open and hit it and don't let it rest enough. Your body runs on instinct and its just breaking my heart cause your head blames your body and your body blames you head but they're not separate and it just not fair on either part of you.
Feed your body that it may feed your mind and let you live.
Mar 2016 · 604
Lottie Mar 2016
Rocking* from side to side,
Hovering over me,
Looking at my lips
And ghosting over my neck.
Begging and humming and
whimpering for permission
To kiss, and only kiss.
Mar 2016 · 364
Lottie Mar 2016
You are the ink splash that fell from my eye,
As I started to cry,
For all I lost and would never find,
Or all that I simply left behind.
You are the door I slammed shut,
The punch in my gut,
As I realised I'd never
Love you again.
Mar 2016 · 299
Lottie Mar 2016
These are the moments,
Where bleeding
Is easier
Than words.
But I still chose words.
Mar 2016 · 337
Lottie Mar 2016
I promise,
That I will do my best
In all that I do.
Whether it is you,
My work or my sanity.
Starting from tomorrow,
I will not do anything that
Hurts me.
I will help only those I care
For and love only those
Who are deserving.
Starting with you,
My darling boy.
Mar 2016 · 416
The Beautiful Boy. (1)
Lottie Mar 2016
You came into the kitchen with me after watching the good dinosaur. You stood behind me and said "oh my god I have a Grace." You looked so genuinely happy about it and I kissed you for a long moment. When we broke the kiss, you said "I just got the best kind of butterflies." And I didn't know how to respond because it made me so bubbly that I just held you and you held me. Until of course your dad came in and we had to stop being cute.
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