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Pretty girl,
You are not a Barbie.
You are not a bleach blonde plastic object to be dressed up and toyed with.
Pretty girl,
You are not a balloon.
You are not meant to be filled up and emptied or popped.
Pretty girl,
You are not scratch card.
You are not meant to be scratched open and apart
People looking for answers and joy within you.
Pretty Girl,
You are a human being.
You are meant to be flawed and scarred and to watch movies on a Saturday night alone.
Your body is meant to be a temple
It is not meant to be judged for its sexiness by
Teenaged boys who have no idea what the world is made out of.
A size 16 and a double zero have the same claim to happiness
Without stepping outside their house and feeling like there is no place for them there.
Pretty girl,
You are a pretty girl.
And there is pride in that.
Since you haven’t seemed to notice
This is my formal pronouncement of love
I have stood by you
I have supported you
I have laughed at all your jokes in front of the people you try to impress
I have loved you since the day that I have met you
And I have not asked for anything in return.
This is me trading in all of my chips at the same time
I am ready for you to love me back,
In fact I have waited for you to love me back,
So I am not asking;
I am telling
Love. Me. Now.
I have gone unappreciated
And unkissed
And now that is over.
I demand.
Love. Me. Now.
I know that you see me.
I know, because I count the times you look at me.
Begging for the smile or the glance
That responds to the bad joke I made behind you.
I spend too much time penciling my eyebrows,
And I say your name when I can
To see if you turn or laugh.
I am not the quiet damsel that needs to be saved from a dragon
In fact, I would probably be too embarrassed to ask for help.
But I will be the one to tell you that elephants cry
And that the world is not as big as it seems
And that I love it when you smile.
I want you to know that I knit
And that I dance to ***** music
And I am not hard to get.
I am not the beauty that needs to be chased after.
I am the odd looking bird off the side of the road
That may not be a soft decoration but more of a device of entertainment
Reminding you of what a life it could be.
I will ****** you with my knowledge of Star Trek and Doctor Who.
I am constantly lost, needing to be found because I forgot to charge my phone.
I am a girl with many faces, and smiles and opinions
I am a girl who plays it tough.
I am a girl who is not quiet.
Rather, I am a girl who is quite loud.
In a far of land,
Across a million galaxies,
A man died.
He was extraordinary,
But far from home,
And no one understood his last words.
They were:
"I don't know you,
Right now all I know is pain.
But I hope that you will remember me.
You see,
I have a life,
Far from here,
Galaxies away,
And I need them to know I'm okay."
The words were lost in translation,
Never to be heard,
And never to reach the man's home world.

Not everyone can be remembered,
And not everyone is heard.
Some die
Some live
Some disappear
And some are forgotten.
The man's family searched
For him,
But eventually they gave up.
Then soon,
They died too.
The man's words
Were lost
And insignificant,
Only important to him.

We are all lost in galaxies
Far from our own
Venturing in to our own
Our last words might never be heard
Or maybe they will.
Are words
Important if not understood?
Lost in translation
Might just be all we have.
You stab me in the back with a knife,
and I apologize for bleeding on it.
I want to evaporate
Disappear into the great
Black obysss.
Into the night sky
So clear and sure
Twinkling and sparkling
Moon dust in my hair
I dance with death,
He spins me and twirls me.
He's my puppet master
He's dangling my life
By a silken shimmering silver thread.
He kisses my neck,
And my chapped parted lips
Forever screaming silent pleas
Someone, anyone,
Save me from the nothing
I've slowly become.
I'm done with dancing,
I've grown to tired to keep going,
Take me with death.
I'm done with dancing.
My heart aches and yearns,
For a past that will never return.
A life I can never have,
A family I've lost,
Somewhere in this journey.
I'm done with dancing.
My mind bleeds
Forever asking me why do stay.
It'd be so easy. To just slip away.
To forget the reasons why,
I should never pull the trigger.
And be selfish. And just do it.
I'm done with dancing.
My soul is screaming and careening.
I don't know who I am anymore.
I've lost my way and myself.
I'm tortured by demons
Ever present. Ever there.
Whispering in my ear,
They tell me what to do.
I'm done with dancing.
I shake the moon dust from my hair.
It'll melt in hell anyway.
Your eyes were the first thing I saw
Standing out like crystals
Blue like the sky
And clear
Your eyes held hope
And I could tell they had seen
The world
And loss.

I had been sad
I had been happy
I had never been in love
You took my sadness and made it yours
I took yours and made it mine
We were happy together.
Your eyes held me.
Clear and blue
Old and strong

Today you stopped loving
You disappeared into a black void
I can never love you again.
I tried to hold l your sadness
And make it mine
But there was so muck.
Like a single sponge verses an entire ocean
You loved me
But you realized I couldn't fix you
So you left
This world
In pain
All over your bathroom floor.

Your blue eyes in tears
Scarred by what they saw
And never to hold me again.
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