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 Mar 2014 jennifer
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Life would be so much
easier if my broken
shards didn't dazzle in
the sunlight, drawing
in fools who mistake
my loose shrapnel
for beauty.
February 26, 2014
3:40 PM
 Mar 2014 jennifer
I have taken to riding
my bike down my street
helmetless, and worst
of all, with my eyes
closed. You would hate me
for playing with your
heart this carelessly, but I
despise myself too much
to care right now.
February 27, 2014
7:22 PM
 Mar 2014 jennifer
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Ever since that night
when I imagine crying, I think
of sobs shaking my body and tears
running down my face and you
holding me and telling me
it's going to be OK. Now,
more than anything, I
need to cry, to sob
to let the floodgates burst
and shake under the strength
of my own gale-force
winds, but you
cannot tell me it
is going to be OK, now
you are hurting
me, and I
cannot cry.
February 26, 2014
1:41 AM
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
I have a certain paranoia
That everyone hates me
I know it's completely irrational
But this anxiety won't stop plaguing me

I feel like a burden
For simply existing
I'm fidgety, anxious and restless
Bracelets on my wrist always twisting and untwisting

A squeamish feeling in my stomach
When I hear laughter
The whole day is now spent
Thinking about it long after

Logically I know not everyone hates me
I know the things I tell myself aren't true
But I take solace in the fact that
No one will ever hate me as much as I do
 Mar 2014 jennifer
" - - - "
 Mar 2014 jennifer
When I say
"you took the words out
of my mouth," I'm
not saying you said them
before I could. You
took my words straight out
of my mouth, newly
hatched though they were, and
locked them away, you
imposed a ban on my lips
and my pen. I
try and tell you how I feel, but
the words to do so, you
stole, too, and so
I -
February 26, 2014
1:28 AM
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
I've never liked the expression
'Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will never hurt me."
I think it undermines the power of words
It's undeniable that words have an impact on people
Letters strung together can sting a person's soul
When they are spoken with a tongue used like a whip
Words evoke passion,
They inspire us,
Make our blood boil,
Horrify us,
And yes, they can hurt us
To say that words can't hurt,
Is to demean all that words do
Look at Marat,
Martin Luther,
And tell me words can't change the world
Words are what I turn to when I have nothing left
I'd rather my bones break,
That would be much better,
Than to lose my dignity,
To have a record of voices
Tell me I'm useless,
I'm stupid,
I'm fat,
I'm never good enough
Always on repeat,
Always on my mind,
Always ringing true
Maybe I'm over analytical
Maybe I care too much
About things said in the past
But here's to all the "I love you's"
All the "I hate you's"
To saying "I don't give a ****"
The pen is indeed mightier than the sword
Because your words
Are what made me turn the blade
On myself
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
She used to kneel before her bed every night
Praying to God
Make me beautiful,
Make me skinny

He didn't make her beautiful,
Or skinny
But he graced her with depression and anxiety
So she took matters into her own hands
And she now kneels in front of her porcelain throne
Hair in a messy bun, trying to keep quiet
And she prays
*Make me disappear,
Make me die
Inspired by This Is LA by the fabulous Marina & The Diamonds
 Mar 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
They say that love is blind
But unfortunately hate can make you blind
To a love that's right in front of you
Darling, untie the blindfold,
Open the curtains,
You're drowning so deep in your self loathing
You can't see how many people are jumping in after
Trying to save you from yourself
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