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 Feb 2014 jennifer
Caitlin Sales
Insanity Is the comfort of a pillow, used for suffocation.
Insanity Is the warmth of a gun, used for a death shot.
Insanity Is the enabler,
The barrier breaker,
The undertaker.

Insanity Is a safety zone.
Insanity Is a shield.
Insanity Is a guard for all to take part in it,
All who brush with it,
All who dwell in it.

Insanity Is the abstract thoughts, the rotund ways.
Insanity Is the thought that you can do anything.
Insanity Is the fact that people can question, can insult, can pry,
And they never seem to affect you,
And they never will.

Insanity Is a soft room, padded with cushy walls.
Insanity Is a group of people, who try to figure out what's wrong.
Insanity Is not quite knowing what's going on,
Having that privilege,
Having that power.

Insanity Is engulfing, a single being in itself.
Insanity Is the process of losing yourself.
Insanity Is the way you go when you just seem to snap,
Lucky enough to see nothing,
Lucky that everything goes black.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Lizzie Juliet
Revenge is just a quick fix
That quickly slips from fingertips
Purse your lips and take a sip
It just tastes too good.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Ahmad Cox
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Ahmad Cox
Sometimes I wonder
If I am going crazy
There are sometimes
When I wonder
If I am truly insane
And if everyone else around me
Is actually sane
It seems more often than not
The things and the ideas that I express
Don't really seem to follow
The general rules
I know that there are some people
Who seem to agree with what I say sometimes
But a lot of what I think
Is just a jumbled mess of words
Coming together in my poetry
Sometimes I wonder
If I am going out of my mind
But then again maybe everyone is crazy
And I am the one that is insane
But they say that the true sign of insanity
Is not being able to realize you are insane in the first place
I was feeling in a silly mood when I wrote this poem.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Venturing into the heart of insanity,
(my mind)
I fear that i will lose myself.
I hear the blood rushing in my head
(Will it ever drown me?)
As its the only sound i hear apart from myself.
Alone with my thoughts,
(Wish me well..)
Maybe this is what i want.
Insanity. Chaos. Something.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
insanity is using the comfort of a pillow for suffocation
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
I won't compare this love to planets,
the universe, or the stars
in the night sky
Because this love is not beautiful
This love is not harmless
It's cruel and senseless
Like a natural disaster
Leaving behind a million shattered pieces
That I know have to put back into place.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
I don't want someone that just makes me happy
I want someone that makes me feel a spectrum of emotion
I want to feel happy when I'm with them
I want to feel sad when I'm not
I want to feel jealous when they're with someone else
I want to feel scared when I think about loosing them
I want to feel safe in their arms
But most of all I just want to feel.
 Feb 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
I'm sitting here  trying to relive everything you've ever said to me
Hoping you're doing the same but knowing I cross your mind as as often as last nights homework.
You belong to me in the same way the rocket ships belong to the moon. I've never had the courage to land so I stay in orbit hoping your gravity pulls me in.
I've learned that people can never  really belong to people and We throw around the word love like its a mythical creature that's always just out of our reach.
I realized I'm in love with the tiny broken prices that seem to fall off of you when you walk.
And Your words are earthquakes and I'm a house of cards.
I've accepted that you'll never truly belong and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to get to a place that doesn't exist

— The End —