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288 · Apr 2014
The Only Girl
Emily Apr 2014
There's a girl in my head
I can't get her out
She's the only one
I've ever thought about

I want to know how she is
What she does in her spare time
I want to know how she talks
If her voice is anything like mine

I want to feel her lips
And wrap my arms around her
She's so worthy of love
I bet she tastes like sugar

The worst part of this all
Is that she is a stranger
I'll probably never know her
And that fills me up with anger

But mainly it tears me up
It really breaks my heart
Because I'm so passionate about her
And we'll always be apart
© Naomi 2014
287 · Mar 2014
The Face Of My Lover
Emily Mar 2014
No longer is the face
Of the person you pretended to be
Stuck in my head
Instead it is replaced
By the one who set me free
By the one who truly loves me
And is set out to make me happy
That's the face that I see in my mind
When I am in my bed and fantasize
About my lover
It is no longer you
Or the face you pretended to have
But it is my lover's face
And God, is it beautiful
280 · Jan 2015
the reason
Emily Jan 2015
trying to find a remedy
for the pain that i feel inside
i miss you
and it creates a hole in my heart
filling the void
with things that make it even worse
i just need you
need you by my side again
it's hard to keep the faith
when the one you want is a world away
but she's the reason i'm alive
the reason i am ever happy
so i'll keep going
smiling for her
it's what she deserves
been a while since i've posted and yeah i think my writing *****, especially these days but thought i would post a little something. Happy New Year.
280 · Apr 2014
You Have Me Wrong
Emily Apr 2014
I'm so done with the worthless arguments
And the childish petty fights
I am finished being blamed for it all
I am not selfish
You have me wrong
I was a fool to think you'd ever be mature
The way you act like a **** on purpose
And your vindictive manner and combative spirit
Is more than a turn off
Hanging around you only brings tension
You were supposed to be my lover
You were supposed to be my best friend
Now you're just my enemy
It's exhausting trying to keep up with you
Everything is wrong, no matter what I do
You twist and turn nothing into something it was never intended to be
I'm sick of being thought of as always angry
It's just getting to be impossible to make you happy
I don't believe I can continue walking in your shadow
With your hurtful and harmful words beating down on me
Day after day
Night after night
Give it a rest already
Not everything is a fight
© Emily 2014
276 · Apr 2014
That Was Then, This Is Now
Emily Apr 2014
It's funny the way life changes
And how
Once before, all my thoughts were consumed by you
But now
You never even cross my mind
276 · Sep 2014
Emily Sep 2014
depression isn't an excuse to be mean
but one must understand what comes along with a depressed mind
it isn't fun and games
it isn't smiles and laughs
and more times than not it is impossible to forge happiness
you can't expect everything out of someone who can't even get out of bed
you can't expect sanity when one is high off of self inflicted pain
and wasted off of several bottles of alcohol
maybe it is something others can't quite comprehend or understand
maybe it is something not everybody has had the misfortune to experience
but please don't hold it against those who have
please don't assume that they are bad people
because they are good at their core
and they are trying their very hardest to find the light
275 · May 2014
Must Be Love
Emily May 2014
Her eyes speak wonders
Her voice is so mysterious
I tremble every time I hear it
The feeling must be love

I watch her sip hot mint tea
She takes a drag from her cigarette
And the smoke is released, escaping passed her lips
I'm jealous of the contact they share

She looks at me with her deep gaze
Whispers how she loves me under her breath
I want to pick her up and take her away
Claim her for me and make her stay

I love just watching her in plain sight
She's so lovely to me that nobody else could suffice
This isn't a phase, no, this is real
She has everything I want, all the appeal

I am captivated at best
She's my ultimate distraction unlike the rest
I tremble every time I see her
The feeling must be love
© Emily 2014
274 · Jun 2014
A Lost Love
Emily Jun 2014
The first guy I ever loved has found another
A woman who is quite different from me
It's an odd sensation
Is what I'm feeling residual emotions
Built up love that I thought was gone
I'm confused and feel threatened
Though I shouldn't be
Then why do I wish he was dating me...
© Emily 2014
274 · Mar 2014
Next To Me
Emily Mar 2014
When you're not here
I have trouble falling asleep
But when you're next to me
That problem disappears
My eyes close with ease
You are my dream
I dream of you
My everything
My dreams are my reality.

© Willa 2014
269 · May 2014
What Would You Do
Emily May 2014
What would you do
If I reached out to you
Not for the first time
But also not the last time
Previously, you've been cruel to me
All for no good reason
And it's made me see you differently
I wanted to think that you had a good soul
I'm hoping you prove me wrong
If I come back once more
We don't have to fight
We can keep it between ourselves
I just long to speak with you again
Know who you are, maybe become friends
It's childish to continue avoiding me
When we used to be very close
And preferred each other's company
I want to get to know you
And I'm not hesitant to try
But do you really deserve it?
All you did was lie
I'm wondering now what your reaction will be
If I try to revisit what happened between you and me
Will you attack me with anger and disdain
Will you ignore me and solely cause me more pain
Or will you answer and begin to apologize
Allow us to move on instead of dramatize
The situation at hand could be better
It's in your control and all up to you
We used to work so well together
Don't forget how you wrote me a poem or two
They were about love rather than hate and doom
I know you must think back on those days
So when I reach out I hope to find
That you've changed your ways
© Emily 2014
263 · Jul 2014
Emily Jul 2014
Looking like my princess
In that long lavender dress
Walking so elegantly
With those heels, you're taller than me
But you've always towered over me
With your style and your beauty
Love struck to the max
Nothing keeps me away from you
Not a word anyone says makes a difference
Because all I want to do
Is see you move
Dance for me and smile
They'll never understand
How special you are to me
My arms around your waist
My head buried into your neck
Kissing you softly
Teasing just slightly
The night ends
And I take you to bed
Love you all night
Holding you till the end
Morning comes
And you're my princess again
Wrapped up in soft sheets
Hoping these moments of pure bliss
Last forever
© Emily 2014
262 · Aug 2014
New Addiction
Emily Aug 2014
I've cut myself four times the past two days
For the first time ever
And I never understood why or how cutters became cutters
I thought it would never be me
But now I understand
When you're in such pain
When you're experiencing depression
You reach such a low point
And the first time you try it
It hurts, it stings
But then you see the blood
And it's like a wave of clarity comes over you
You see the blood and it makes you smile
The first smile you've had on your face in a while
There is something about seeing the blood
And seeing the scar
That makes your pain real
That makes you feel validated
And you cry as you swipe the blade across
But then the cut is made
And suddenly, your eyes dry up
You're able to breathe again
It's addicting
259 · Feb 2014
Emily Feb 2014
Without your pathetic and pitiful web of lies
I finally feel I can live my life
I'm free from the garbage that fills your mind
25 words.

© Willa 2014
258 · Jun 2014
Emily Jun 2014
i won't forget the way you left me
and i won't forget the way you threw our friendship to the ground
nearly 7 years strong
it was all for nothing
i guess i wasted my time believing you and wanting you for all those years
i guess i wasted my time sticking up for you and defending you
when even your own brother warned me of your childlike personality
not to mention your mother and father
grow up
no relationship is perfect
every friendship has its ups and down
it's only the strong and the willing who stick with it no matter how much it hurts
and no matter how much it frustrates the mind
you are weak
you are stupid
you are inexperienced
clearly you know nothing about what a true relationship entails
it takes hard work, devotion, dedication
it takes two people working through the horrible times
to make it out on the other side
you have lost me forever, since you threw me away
it seems so easy for you to just toss me aside
i hope you realize what you have done
i will never forgive you
you aren't willing to fight for me or us
the way i was willing to fight and wait for the right time
the time when we could have been happy
but you ruined it
© Emily 2014
252 · May 2014
Waiting For The Day
Emily May 2014
It's impossible to hide from me
You can never escape me
You led yourself to this place
You filled yourself with doubt and hate
It's time for you to face the consequences
Step up to the plate and pay the expenses
What you did was wrong but forgivable
Why you still choose to live this way is pitiful
Don't you want to go by your real name
Stop living your life with embarrassment and shame
Maybe coming clean will rid you of your sorrow
Help you wake up every morning and look forward to tomorrow
But don't try and hide from me
I'll be watching you forever, you see
I'm waiting for the day you finally drop the act
Then everyone will see the truth and have to adapt
© Emily 2014
250 · Jun 2014
Forever And A Day
Emily Jun 2014
I'm sorry I wasted so much time in our relationship being a *****
I hope she realizes the type of man she's got
I hope she sees what an incredibly intelligent guy you are
I hope she treats you with respect
I hope she understands the way you work
I hope she is able to read you the way I could
I hope she makes you happy
I hope she cooks your favorite foods
I hope she likes the music you do and can make you laugh
I hope she doesn't care that you enjoy the occasional ****
I hope she enjoys that with you the way I did and do
I hope she loves you as deeply and as passionately as you deserve to be loved
I hope she knows that to have you is a privilege, a high honor
I hope she's the one and makes you happy
I'm feeling terrible and sorry that it couldn't be me
I'll miss you probably forever and a day
Wishing it could've always stayed that way
Wondering now where things went wrong
Listening to Rebelution reminds me of my ex...

© Emily 2014
244 · May 2014
To The End
Emily May 2014
I want you around for now, forever
I believe that we can make it through together
I know we've had our ups and downs
And that it seems impossible right now
But I know that we can make a change
Live it through to the better days
You've been in my life for so long
I don't want to see our relationship go wrong
I appreciate you in so many ways
And if I have to, I will certainly wait
Our love is strong and even if we part
It will never die, it'll stay in our hearts
I'll always care for you as my very close friend
I'll look at you with love all the way to the end
© Emily 2014
237 · Aug 2014
What Do You Do
Emily Aug 2014
What do you do
During those hours without me
Do you think of someone else
Someone new to make you happy

What do you do
During that time spent alone
In the middle of the night
You don't even call me on the phone

What do you do
During the hours that you're away
Are you dreaming of something else
Something new to rid your pain

What do you do
During that time to yourself
Do you even think of me
Or am I just gathering dust on a shelf

You're getting tired of me
Annoyed with me throughout your day
The hours we have together are shortened
You're in control
You leave me
You're leaving me
You're gone
I'm dead
233 · Aug 2014
never the same
Emily Aug 2014
A few days in now
Never will my skin look the same
I'll always be reminded of this pain
I thought I could be strong
But every day I grow weaker
Give in to the urge and grab the blade
Run it across, not feeling any shame
Crying, smiling, laughing, glaring
It's more than just ****** up
I've truly lost myself
I've no idea what I'm doing
The only thing I'm sure of
Is how worthless I feel
And how ugly I look
My wish to disappear
Conflicts with my wish to stay
I tell myself through the flow of years
"I don't want to die,
I just want to be happy for once"
I wonder if this will ever stop
Or if I'm slowly destroying myself
One cut after the other
231 · May 2014
Emily May 2014
The leaves are vibrant
Green the color of bright eyes
The sun leaves a mark

© Emily 2014
227 · Jun 2014
Emily Jun 2014
Laying on the couch
Thinking of your lips against mine
And how I'll smile as we kiss
Tell you I love you
And escape to a place I've never been
You're my heaven
© Emily 2014
226 · Mar 2014
I Don't Love You
Emily Mar 2014
I've been in love
Three, maybe four times
But neither one of them
Was with you
© Willa 2014
218 · May 2014
Check Yourself
Emily May 2014
You look at others and pass such judgment
Yet you never take the time to look at yourself
© Emily 2014
212 · Jun 2014
I Can't Wait
Emily Jun 2014
The day we meet
The day I meet you in the flesh
The day my life begins
© Emily 2014
207 · Feb 2014
It'll Kill You
Emily Feb 2014
In time
It will **** you inside
That you gave up
On a love such as mine
© Willa 2014
204 · May 2014
I'm Sorry
Emily May 2014
When you love someone
And you make them cry
Nothing is worse
I'd rather die
15 words.

© Emily 2014
198 · Feb 2014
Grow From This
Emily Feb 2014
I deluded myself into thinking
That you were the only one for me
But I couldn't have been more wrong
I was blind but now I see

You're nothing special
Nothing compared to what I need
I give you my all
And you take the life right out of me

It's such a shame
How the wasted feelings left me empty
I always have faith in everything
Including the things that hurt me

I suppose it's time to change my ways
To stop believing in things that are hopeless
And instead live my life with clarity and peace
I'll move on and grow from this
© Willa 2014
179 · Feb 2014
New Company
Emily Feb 2014
It's amazing how I feel
Such clarity and relief
Simply by changing
The company I keep
© Willa 2014
95 · Jun 2020
like the moon
Emily Jun 2020
I replay in my mind
the feel of your lips against the skin of my back
the softness of your beard on my legs

I hear in my head
your tired but hungry voice
the words ‘i love you’
sweetly in my ear
my heart feels so full
like the moon

but more than these physical sensations
are the feelings of rapture and safety
when you look at me with love and deep care
your admiration for me washes over me
my soul is so peaceful
now I sit back and wonder, did that disappear?

losing you is my greatest fear
for jkm

— The End —