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it feels like
just yesterday
we locked eyes for the first time;
slipping words and stories
into one another
with kisses;
and reading into each other,
trying to uncover
our deepest secrets
in the smallest crevices of our minds.
it seems like just yesterday
when i didn't know what to say
a nervous laugh escaped me.
just yesterday i spent hours
memorizing a song
only to impress you
and just yesterday
we spent a full day four wheeling,
finding beauty in mud covered faces
in the northern woods.
just yesterday i learned
you love having your back scratched
and you hate having your picture taken.
yesterday i discovered
your great love for poetry
and your amazing talent in it.
just yesterday you wrote me a beautiful poem that
to this day, still drains my tear ducts.
you taught me confidence
and you taught me to love myself and
not give a **** what anyone says
about me,
or you,
or us.

how strangely wonderful it is to think
"just yesterday,"
was almost nine months ago!
tomorrow my boyfriend and I will have been dating for nine months :)
I just kinda decided **** it, I'm gonna post this!
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
A thousand broken hearts lay at her feet...

How different it must feel, when this one is her own
I am not now who I was before.
When I was young I knew the score.
To me there was just black or white.
But now I know what's worth the fight.

I've learned that things aren't what they seem.
The *** on the street is not really a fiend.
He was not always drunken on *****;
After all is that the life you would choose?

It pains me to think that I was so sure
of how life should be; everything pure.
But people are not made of brick,
and sometimes life can make you sick.

In youth you do not know it, it is something you must learn.
You see life is full of secrets, and this one you must earn.
You see children, life is sometimes only grey,
And in the end, we are all made of the same clay.
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