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 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
My eyes so weary were blessed by the sight of you one day.
But you did me not see, and you seemed so far away.
Silver sheen hair, and a face revealing signs of long years,
Yet your smile, your laugh, could still banish all my fears.

          I closed my eyes and saw;
          A girl in her finest summer dress,
          A thousand suns shining upon her head,
          While dancing into my dreams so sweet.

I walked on that day, but if my courage was to decide,
I would serve you a smile, then say what my mind has denied:
”Though time has been ungentle, and I will remain an old cavalier,
Please know that my thoughts sometimes to you wander, dear”

          Now I close my eyes and see;
          A woman in shiny lace so lovely,
          A thousand golden roses leading her way,
          While floating down the aisle by his side.

Yes, my aged, crooked heart felt its rebirth by this sight of you.
The future never to us belonged, but I believe you once felt it too.
Yet we had our shores just left, setting sail for the sea.
How I wish I knew, that only you could bring me to my knees.
           At times I close my eyes and see:
           A couple old in their sunday best,
           A thousand angles their wings unfolding,
           While drifting away, hand in hand.
I've been listening to Tom Waits a lot lately, especially his song Martha, which resulted in this one.
Excuse me while I hold my breath
Count to ten, puff my chest
The words I need have been suppressed
Far away, for the best
No cause for concern or distress
Silence stays, a welcomed guest
My troubles find a peaceful death
Away again, pain at rest
A storm rages through the caverns of my mind,
My hearts trees sway and bend,
Taking in the hurricane.
I am at war. -
Too much to say,
But no way to speak it.
All alone the branches break,
But there is not one person here,
Who will clean up the debris.
I am gone gone gone
Blown away by the wind,
I can only watch and pray the storm will end.
Theres a jungle in my heart,
And a buzzing wind through my brain.

Nothing matters.
Nothing makes sense.
Stains & worn spots in carpet.
(A heart trampled, abused & neglected)
Torn wallpaper.
(She doesn’t feel as beautiful as she once did)
Chipping paint.
(With a little maintenance & love she would shine)
Mold from water damage
(Nights of tears & heartache stain her pretty face)
Leaky roof
(Her mind only dwells on the past not able to rise above & find something better)
Poor design
(Is it her fault – she was made this way by God – to give her whole heart & soul.  For what?)
Needs expansion to fit more people
(Her heart is cramped and closed – afraid to let anyone in.)
Chairs hard, uncomfortable.
(Unaccommodating, she turns people away so that they won’t hurt her too.)
Under construction, work in progress
If the time ever comes
when human touch
is taken from you

(because you are
sick or in solitary
or castaway or...)

you will understand
how much
you need it:

your skin will ache
as a riverbed

of rain;

you will never take it
for granted
for Trip, from Trip
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
 Mar 2013 Lauren Dorothy
Being your friend is enough
is a small lie I tell myself constantly
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