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 Mar 21 Cné
The universe repeat my lesson so that I never forget.
My limitations are about the depth of my deepest breath.
Two lungs worth of air is all I can inhale, a minute or two of holding you in and I’m forced to expel.
I can’t make you love me, I can’t make you whole, I can’t keep you happy with silver and gold.
There’s really not much in this universe I can truly control.
Traveler 🧳 Tim

The feeling when your children fight with each other can rip you in half if you think you’re in control.
 Mar 21 Cné
Thomas W Case
Rain splashes off the
screen door.
It's raining in
my heart
chubby little drops
splashing on my soul.
The sadness is deeper
than a lagoon,
bluer too.

There are days
it doesn't pay to
get out of bed.
in the next dream
I'll find my
prodigal cat.
We could listen to
Sketches of Spain,
Miles Davis knows
how to bring the lost home.

She's a black runt that
burrowed into my heart.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from my recently published books that are available on Amazon.
 Mar 21 Cné
Arthur Vaso
The sky and the sea bend and kiss
stories of love, I would never miss
 Mar 21 Cné
Arthur Vaso
Radio silence
the explosions stopped
no one left to love
decomposing tear by tear
There is no measurement for sadness.
Her gaze is all moonbeams
Sweet as sweet can be
It cruises Exotic
and heavenly
Our Loves roses dreams

Reynaldo Casison
 Mar 16 Cné
Arthur Vaso
Thirsty, I have no **** or hoof
a small tree over a shimmering spring
the oasis
I succulently devour the water
every drop
a sensual desire for life
it quenches my body and soul
the water is your voice
softly falling on my ears
like a waterfall
cascading vibrations over the sadness
you never have to worry
you see?
I will always need water
only the camel will die
you are the pearl
that will live forever
in my memory
Confession: I listen to Turkish music
 Mar 16 Cné
Arthur Vaso
In her arms
it felt so right
she was a warrior
just like me
she was my book
I could read for eternity

Every battle we conquered
with olive trees, melons
gardens of wild flowers
that blew free in the wind
kept warm with the keffiyeh
a bottle of Bekaa wine
we dreamed
of a land
where all children
play with laughter
live with love and no fear
Also on Instagram ArthurVaso  for meme version
 Mar 16 Cné
Arthur Vaso
Yes! There I said it
a claim I declare it true
such love and care
rainbow of colors
red, purple, green, orange and blue
many shades of beauty anew
twenty four different vegetables fresh
twelve different greens
olive oil always a must
with a touch of Caesar
to be zesty, and make smiles gleam
truly art for a fancy museum
I impressed myself
only myself it seems
beside this work of art
a bottle of French Merlot
a meal to die for

I stared down
a tear more for the dressing
alone, even the candles now dead
slowly I got up
disposed  the salad in  the garbage
poured the wine down the drain
rains falls outside
darkness rains inside
a meal to die for
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