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Dear God, The Boston  Red Sox Win The World Series?

My congratulations to themselves from Bahstom,
I am sure you will wear your crown with classy
NY Yankee Pride and not riot in the streets
As has been known to happen in Beantown.

But I though I would let you know,
Having spoken to god on Yom Kippur,
He confessed it was a typing mistake.
He meant for the Chicago White Sox
To be resurrected and to win,
Not noticing he was auto-incorrected,
Reassuring me that he was
Installing IOS7, so it won't happen again.

Pride goeth before the fall of 2014.
Congrats to the Bostonian Lipstadts.
Given all that Boston has gone through  the world's balance restored.

3 days off enjoying my alone time
I've given so much need to recharge
Confidence in others runs short
Going my way over being pushed aside
Thoughts of what to do next
Bouncing around ideas
How to put the master plan in motion
The more I stall emotionless feelings surface
Locked in my room listening to music
Watching my fave film
Creating my sitcom script
Writing monologues
Sharing my experiences hoping others laugh understand
 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
Sia Jane
Save her once
save her twice
what value do we ever
put on a life

Skip a beat
miss a heart
she always knows the way
to resuscitate me

Her face a
picture of caress
it holds me close to
those havens safe

Her touch is
lightening deep in
my soul that craves her
living open soul

It crashes through
the empty pain
numb I come alive in
a force unmistaken

Don't leave me
the broken girl
for she promises to live
as long as

Empty hearted
numb and dumb
save me one last time
fight is all she can promise

Set me free
from the monster
under my bed
that keeps the voices
company in my head

Needy and desperate
crying to you silently
free me
free me

She doesn't need saving,
she is strong enough
but she loves like no other
can't fight that feeling
of needing
the love

© Sia Jane
Shivering fingers, cradling a cold clay bowl
with dull roses surrounding the rim.
A Klondike bar cut like a grid on a paper towel.
My grandma used to let me eat one in the living room
"careful of the carpet"
on her yellow couches covered with sticky plastic.
She would play the Elvis Presley Christmas album,
To Ginny written in black sharpie on the sleeve
with a Love always, Mom underneath,
over and over again
while she hung bulbs of wood on the bottom branches
so her Welsh Corgi wouldn't break them with his paws.

Slate slabs with handprints
in purple paint every year for the holiday.
She'd set death aside in a coffin ashtray
to kiss my cheek.
Presley played in the background.

She'd rock
on the front porch in white wicker
coughing into the lid of a Pepsi can
until she'd catch me pressing my nose against the door glass,
tell me to turn around and sit on the couch.
It was too cold for me.
She'd only be a minute.

When we played, I'd hide between the two baskets
in the closet that held her hair products.
I could count all the bottles three times each
before she'd say she was too tired,
put on her coat, grab a white box, and hit play.
I always hated that album.
 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
i look at the burn peeling on my arm and i think about all the **** that got me here
from the red asterisk i drew with a knife three years ago
in the butter yellow room of my older sister's house
when we were homeless
to the childhood summer i spent as a lake baby
in my grandmother's car

i finger the scores of cuts on my arms
my thighs
old, most of them
some too deep to fade
each scar has a face
most of them are

i like to remember her from old photographs
sun-bleached hair down to her unblemished thighs
the most inexplicable shine in her face

i think of how different those photographs would be
if she knew then that her daughter hurt her body
every time she thought of her mother

i think the smile would be different

but i look at her now
still smiling.
as if she didn't know
that she made me a tiger
gave me these stripes
as if she didn't know
that it is her fault i am a killer

i look at the burn peeling on my arm
and for once this self harm isn't pretty to me
it is very, very ugly
a big, blistering red mark
marring my freckles
i wonder when it will fade
or if it will at all
i wish i could burn more than
just this arm
of mine.
sitting at home
i slept in today
should have gone to school
my health is more important
i've lost
my appetite
can't seem to eat a whole lot
i'm always tired
something is wrong
can't tell what
don't want to go to the
probably nothing
a cold?
maybe stress
whatever it is
i'll be fine.
© Alysia Michelle
Last night is blurry in my sleep fogged mind,
through my smudgy black eyes.
But I can feel the ghost
of the awkward,
kisses we shared,
the faint tickle of your hot breath
that whispered down my neck.

Did it really happen?
 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
i want saturday mornings to always smell like
black coffee and your cologne

i want to wake up before the sun rises
and walk around in wool socks, sing elvis presley
under my breath because i'll never admit it
but when i fell for you it was relentlessly and without
inhibition and
                          i just
                                     could not
                                                   help myself

i want to carry two mugs back to bed instead of just
one and i want to be there when you wake up
i've got it so bad but he's really precious when he sleeps and it's all his fault
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