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 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
Jack Turner
Old World Juliette, it is a sad day which has come true.
My skill with the English language failed me
And I said things which no man should ever say to you.

We did come to date for a while like I had wished,
But then it all came crashing down around us
Because of those ill-advised words which I said
In worse-fated moments of desire and despiration.

I wished to be the one, your protection against the world
But all I did was turn and cut you down again.
I claim to be a Modern Day Romeo,
Thinking of us as star-crossed lovers destined to be,

But we, like the original pair of this namesake, are fated to be separated
By the poison I have taken, crafted by my own hand
And put in each arrow of each word to you I had spoken.

Then, in Juliette fashion, I came out of my stupor to find our love dead,
Poisoned by my vial - by the vileness of my own creation,
Stopped before the budding love-lily ever truly started growing.
Nope. No more.
Inaccurate, you are not a noun or an adjective,
But a verb transitive.

My love is not static,
Not a thing,
It is man-in-motion,
A process, a play,

From henceforth,
I shall address thee thus:
My Loving.

Yes, loving this accuracy,
Amended ways, coming to you
With all my loving,
My Loving...
Born five minutes ago from our good mornings...apologize for the transmission delay...
There Is But One Law (The Dancer's Coda)

There is but one set of laws,
One that need be obeyed,
One that brooks no heresy,
One that gives no absolution.
One that needs no priests, no canons,
One that that refuses disobedience.

We all bend knee at altar invisible,
Though feasance never requested.

The Laws of Physics.

A body at rest, a body in motion.
Laws immutable, unconditional,
Equations, proofs, demonstrable,
Inequalities inexcusable, banished.

Dancer says:

I am heretic, even these laws I refuse.
My body denies limitations,
My mind believes I will make do
What it could not, but yesterday.

Defiance from wire to wire is the
Fuel in my veins, fear but a detail,
Leaping from from ten meters more,
My Declaration of Independence.

My body plastic, my mind ethereal,
Some mock, call it trickery,
Some hail, call me hero.

There are forces greater than mine,
Forces irrevocable, mathematically superior.
Each day my force grows as well,
Visions imagined supersede the
Tedium of definitions, of boundary lines.

Bend the law, conquer the null, fill the void.

Each day sketch, devise, organize a
New rebellion, follow only one command,
Honor but a single battle cry.

Leap, then fall!

That dancer, your only law,
That heretic, thine only coda.
Action is freedom.

For you are dancer,
Whisper as you leap:
The Fifth Freedom I possess,

The Freedom to Fall.

May 17th, 2013
May 17th, 2013
 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
 Oct 2013 Liv Vastola
you think i'm yellow
but i'm really blue

on the outside, i'm happy,
but my inside, is not
you think i'm pink,
but i'm really blue

i'm always smiling,
but my smiles are fake,
i greet you kindly
i'm really in so much pain

i'm not yellow,
i'm not green,
i'm not pink,
i'm not anything,
but blue
for you to *******
i dont want your attention
i never was seeking it
so ******* and take your *******
"attention" with you
because you wont understand
and you wont help
so ****
no one comment i dont want any comments
I don't show her all the poems
I write,
Because if I did,
I would be picking up
***** crying tissues
From every room.

I don't show her all the poems
I write,
Because if I did,
My neck would be sore,
My back twisted,
My arms black n blue
Where she alternatively
Hugged me too hard or punched me harder,
For making her sadmadhappy,
Or just one of
all of the above.

I don't show her all the poems
I write,
Because some are meant for her to read,
Après les deluge,
After I'm gone,
Safely but sadly,
Out of her reach,
And the man who always carries
Tissues for her,
Has finally
Run out of stock.
He falls asleep when his hand stops shaking;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.

His life was never made, it’s in the making;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.

He’s abused, re-used, begged and been refused;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.

Reality needed another victim to be excused;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.

He greets the same morning sun as you;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.

But darkness falls a little harder when light never shines through;
There’s another soul on the street tonight.
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