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May 2021 · 157
Jiali May 2021
how I long to be
your precious zeolite
pass over me
like water
a catalyst
to purity
15/05/21 19:01
May 2021 · 303
Jiali May 2021
he scratched his head
a thoughtful look
plastered on his face
technology he muttered
his tongue almost stumbling
on the strange syllables
of the foreign word
and eyes wavering
at the strange look
of the foreign world
11/05/21 18:45
Jiali May 2021
should I travel far enough into space
there would be a time in autumn after 8,
where I'd sneak out of bed as a child,
drunk on sleep and counting sheep
in warm pyjamas and bare feet
I'd often long for those times
when the world changed after night
and the carbonation of fuzzy TV screens
became a portal to my own magical world
of dragons and fairies and other flying creatures
08/05/21 20:07
If I were to shoot a rocket up to space, and leave this world for good, would I end up back at those days dreaming sheep after sheep, where nights were a little earlier and a little longer and a little calmer and a whole of a lot better
May 2021 · 463
Jiali May 2021
Why darling,
roentgenium was never
made for nature.
So how do you rest
knowing that now is
ever endlessly near
to happiness?
Don't take fate slow,
simply go
and walk yourself to the
other end of the rainbow.
07/05/21 18:33
Feb 2021 · 465
Jiali Feb 2021
An afternoon after rain
In faint musty humidity
Under a champagne-candied sky
That spring was terribly sweet
Sweet and slightly suffocating
The day I chose to love
10/02/21 16:59
Jan 2021 · 456
Jiali Jan 2021
Light! Ah, light. At last.
The dull grey vanadium
Even burns full blast!
No need to breathe,
Just take the heat
And soon you'll never
Know defeat!
Victory! Victory, at last;
A great pile of ashes-
That is all that will last.
On this meagre battlefield
For all that will not yield.
27/01/21 22:31
Jan 2021 · 164
Jiali Jan 2021
These days she has her eyes half-closed
As if she could only bear to see half the world
And these days she says
She would rather feel pain over this numb
As she slices herself open
In search of a better layer of skin
Like a moulting spider, upturned, and hanging from a branch.
17/11/20 22:51
Reach out
Hold a hand
You are loved
Jan 2021 · 179
Jiali Jan 2021
And softly, he exhaled,
Tattooed chest falling
Like the tide
In rhythmic succession,
My mind  
Wondering whether or not I loved him
Right then.
Cigarette smoke drifting in circles
Tantalising around his lips
As if glass could shatter
If I reached out
From the screen,
Fingertips grazing the surface
of someone so close, so clear,
Somewhere far, far away.
22/01/21 11:18
Jan 2021 · 167
Jiali Jan 2021
Dein kahler Kopf leuchtet
wie tausend Äpfel
Ich bin sehr ungeordnet
Aber du bist eine Freude für meinen Augapfel
20/02/21 00:49
Jan 2021 · 143
Jiali Jan 2021
Was it three years since you left
The hospital bed?

Now I sleep alone in our bed,
Still clinging to the left
Side, sobbing silently,
On our white sheets
Soaked blue.
With the fuzzy velvet
Sound of your voice
That I can barely remember.

It took less than three years
For your voice in my head
To merge into mine.
If they're your words or mine
I can no longer tell-
Drifting to the right
Side, slowly.
19/01/21 16:19
Jan 2021 · 135
Jiali Jan 2021
i think maybe i'll write
on soju and beer
and blow cigarette smoke on the page
the words that appear
make me think that i fear
a lifetime in my head
19/01/21 14:48
Jan 2021 · 127
Jiali Jan 2021
two years ago
my dad lost his tooth
to a bowl of fried rice
he said he likes it now
the gap in his smile
a void always left unfilled
16/01/21 13:14
Jan 2021 · 139
Jiali Jan 2021
I had loved you
When bright beating sun
Had cast its bold pain
As if veins of blood
Could have been golden rain
I had loved you
As I counted away
The years
In Christmases
And times
I had to walk
Our paths alone
Sent sudden shudders
Down my spine
As if you had been here
all along.
And I had loved you
When I had those vivid days -
And now, in my not so vivid days,
Velvet blindness by the sun
In my blur of beige and blue and bland,
I love you still.
Jiali Jan 2021
My guy, trust me when I say
“I don’t wanna die,” because I don’t
-but, if you thought I did, then
Maybe you’re the kind of someone that
Watches raindrops race each other
To death. Would it be so hard to turn
Your eyes into reservoirs;
Exchange those glances for words because
I don’t know how much longer
I can hold out. I don’t wanna die
But I’m so ******* lonely
That I just might have to cease
To exist
Because no-one knows I do
And honestly neither do I.
29/10/20 18:16
Jan 2021 · 117
Jiali Jan 2021
How easy it is to run away, to
Overlook three empty cups with two-half
Full. How simple it is to erase an
Entire timeline with a silent tap.
You with your obsidian spoon, too clean
A black, gouge out the splinters that linger
Behind your eyelids. Melt them down with the
Old grandfather clocks - an evanescence
You know will feed you immediate joy.
Jan 2021 · 111
Jiali Jan 2021
I believed we were made of gold
Shone in artificial light
And amongst the amber glow of dawn
:ignites our fingertips
Burning boldly as a Phoenix
Assorted in passion; euphoric
I watch as streams of shining viscous liquid lustre
Soak-seep-so surely within our tissue
Permeates past our brazen bone
Discovering paragons in animosity
Observing some shapeless forms
In an epiphany we don’t understand

I count them
On each golden finger
As they turn to stone
28/02/19 12:05

— The End —