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1.2k · Nov 2015
I am disgusting
Linz Nov 2015
Looking back at photos of me looking happy
A nice slim figure
No extra weight to carry
No face to be ashamed of

I have a house with no mirrors
Because I get disgusted by myself
When I happen to see a glare in a window
I only feel tears

"I'll call you sometime," he says as leaves.
That will never happen, ive so many times learned
He looked repulsed when he saw me
And my stomach just turned

Even my family feels hopeless
That one day I'll look lean
Around the table aouside we relaxed.
Later They hint I'm too fat
On my fat giant ***, the chair too small where I sat

Diets and cleanses
Jogging and biking is pointless
As fat just seems to add
I just get more sad

Nobody knows in the dressing room I cry
After rejection I sob
After a meal I feel guilty
When I breathe and I live
It seems so silly

But maybe one day I'll be happy and skinny
I won't be alone, eating won't feel like I'm sinning
So the mirrors that I threw out
The pants that are huge
The face disgustingly ugly
The way I look, I have no excuse.
1.1k · Nov 2015
Jagged Lines
Linz Nov 2015
All of the loveliest dance in a
perfect circle bright and beaming

In the dark shadow beneath it, a jagged line which is me
That has a life with no meaning

A hero, a mother, a rock and a star shine bright
Past, present, future all signs point to right

A lonely stray cloud that is me.
Never fit the mold
Or came out on top.
A life that is cold.

Worthless, pathetic, and sad
Are the words that are me.
I have only heard thunder
No piercing bright sunbeam they will see.

Amongst the words spoken
Happy, proud and strong
The jagged line only hears
Sad, hopeless and weak
No longing for better
A life that went wrong

Is it pointless to try?
Is it crucial to stay?
Is it worth trying harder?
Is  there a reason for another day?

The perfect circle has no room
For a lonely sad face
I am only darkness
A waste of space.

~ * ~

I Have recently found friendship with someone who has experienced much of what I have.
An artist whose powerful expressions inspired me to finally break the cord of what my heart and mind were tied with.
Thank you Sierra!
1.1k · Nov 2015
Linz Nov 2015
Dear Grammy
You are my everything
You make me smile
To be with you, I'd walk a million miles

The thought or your stew
Makes my stomach growl
Your warmth in the kitchen
Makes everyone run to the table

The thought of your embrace
I feel happy and high

The way your smile
Light up my life
I'm sad that your memory of me
Is no longer in sight

"What's your name?", you ask.
"I'm your granddaughter", I say.
Tear stream from my face
As I hide far away.
I come back, sit next to you
And your smiles astray.

I miss your fond memories
Of me and you dancing
Of us making dinner
Of us simply driving.

I know you can't remember the words that I say
But for you dear grandma
In your heart I will always stay
For my dearest Grammy and my favorite person in my entire universe, to the far galaxy and beyond, I love you.
984 · Nov 2015
The Black Sheep
Linz Nov 2015
Fields of green
Tall blades of grass
The dew of the morning still making it shine
    and sparkle from the bright sun

In the far yonder sheep peacefully stray
United as a pact
Never leaving each others side
White and beautiful

Off to the side
Where the thunder always stays
The sun never shines
One sheep is astray

She isn't beautiful or graceful
Her coat black and matted
Her hooves cracked and her eyes dark

She tries to join the family
But is tied tight to the fence of
Humility and shame
The black sheep will never be good enough
To be wanted or proud

The pact only allows
Sheep that are perfect
There's no room for the one
Who fell astray one day

Why can't they just see
That all she desires is to be wanted
To feel love and not shamed
And never again be taunted
914 · Nov 2015
You Make My Heart Hurt
Linz Nov 2015
After awhile of you begging
I was willing to give us a chance
But now I feel like a fool
You haven't even given me a simple glance.

Thanksgiving alone
I feel like I don't matter to you
Do you really care?
Are you wanting this to work, too?

I feel like an idiot
I feel like a fool
To give my love to you
You make me feel so blue

As I lay on my bed with the TV on
I'm not even paying attention to it
I feel sick to my stomach, my heart hurts so bad
Your slowly leaving a red thick scar
And no longer makes me mad, just sad

I'll assume you have no ******* interest
To me or my love
The tears weld up and my frown gets deeper
I feel like I've been shoved

So take your heart back, cuz it has no love
And when you call back to make amends
I will just say that is it the end.
780 · Nov 2015
The Lonely Girl
Linz Nov 2015
The lonely girl
Wakes up to sunshine
But doesn't see a face
Laying beside her

She longs for love again
When will she find it again
Trying and trying
The race has no end

The lonely girl
Sees a beautiful peony along her walk
She picks it and smells it
Hoping she doesn't have to pick her own flowers
The rest of her life

The lonely girl comes home
A day that was rough
All she want is a love
To be waiting for her touch

The lonely girl opens
Her door that gets stuck
And walks into darkness
Reaching for the lamp, she stumbles about

The lonely girl climbs into bed late at night
A love to lay next to seems completely out of sight
"I hope that he's out there," she says to the stars
And falls asleep lonely, maybe tomorrow she'll feel right.
711 · Nov 2015
That Basket
Linz Nov 2015
He brought you to me that evening
He woke me from my sleep
"I have a surprise!", he said
Turned the light on, my eyes stung from the sudden brightness.

A little red plastic basket you sat
With handles on both sides
A yellow ribbon around your neck
So cute that I cried

I think of you every day
You filled my heart and soul with love and smiles
But a churning fire brews around it, leaving scars that will never go away

Its all my fault
That you are gone
I wish I would have tried harder

You snored so loud
You ate all the cat food
You pooped in the bedroom
And had a cute little attitude

Your tag is the jingle I hear on my keychain
I feel your heart with me at night
snuggled under the blankets with me and holding you tight

I love you my boo boo
Forever and more
~ my darling boo boo, rest in peace my beautiful precious baby boy ~
642 · Nov 2015
All Women
Linz Nov 2015
A goddess of ****** desire
Transfixed by her image of perfection
A lady of lust

Slick with sensuality
She stands bold, and bare, and brazen
Long lucious hair
Skin dripping with promise

The absolute embodiment of arousal
Her fair skin is like silk
Soft and perfect

The curves of her body attract angels
Her *** pure and innocent
She is an angel
A warrior
A woman
633 · Nov 2015
Linz Nov 2015
We complain when our foods served cold
When the WiFi is down
When the beer is too old

Actors and athletes are presented as gods
Their drama is top news
If they show enough skin
They become top dog

We worry about a pimples
We ***** about sports scores
Its all nonsense and *******

A long wait at checkout comes with a sigh
But stop, you ******* drama queens
Because there are some people whose lives
Never come with lies

The soldiers are heroes
They spend all their lives
Saving our *****
They put everything they have on the line

Carrying guns
200 pound armor
For America to have freedom

So stop your complaining
About your wants and needs
Because without those brave soldiers
We wouldn't be free.
To my hero, my brother Billy. I'm am so proud to be your sister.
611 · Nov 2015
Bullet Holes
Linz Nov 2015
I've been played by you
Once again
After you begged for my love
I let you back into my heart

I thought that you loved me
You said it so much
When I was in your arms again
I remembered your gentle touch

We said that we loved eachother
A thousand times a day
Then out of the blue
You pushed me away

Was it vengeance you were seeking
Because I resisted your love
I feel like a a fool
Its like I've been shoved

You put bullet holes in my heart
It will never stop bleeding
It will forever be scarred
Your love is so deceiving

I feel like destroying the world
You act like the Joker always grinning with evil
I sit here as my heart aches
I just need my soul to take a break
546 · Nov 2015
I Always Roll My Eyes
Linz Nov 2015
Rolling my eyes I wait for the automatic doors to open
Walk in to the hellish stench of dog food and bedding
Walking to the back seeing the dribbles of **** left by a curious canine

I roll my eyes when the broken lock gives me trouble
Maybe its a sign I should just leave now
Enter to the ***** that thinks she's top dog
Talking loud and acting like she's the ****,

Speaking to people who are idiots
The area is full of rich trust fund babies
Who are of course better than me, they think
Im a sad cashier
Does this thing even work? As they slide their worn card
I just roll my eyes

Getting in trouble for talking, and breathing, and stepping in the wrong direction
When I hear my name on the intercom
I just roll my eyes

Soon I'll be above you
Smirking as you greet me
And all you stagnant *******
Will roll their eyes when they see me
543 · Nov 2015
Unimaginable Beauty
Linz Nov 2015
A land of unimaginable beauty
Unspoiled country
Never a footprint
Beauty that nobody has seen

Lands sculpted by volcanic forces
And immense glaciers
A place of other worldly beauty

An island of mountains
Lava plains
Sandy beaches
Deep valleys
Abundant fertile soil

Where rivers and streams flow peacefully as far as the eye can see
And shooting springs sparkle in the sunlight
A supernatural land
A land of the Gods
504 · Nov 2015
The Cheater & His Whore
Linz Nov 2015
You cheating *******
You are lower than low
You make me want to *****
Go be with that ***** **

Your **** is the alpha dog
And your hearts on a leash
Go stick it between her filthy legs
You lying ******* cheat

You thought you were sly
But you must've just been ****** high
To think that your infidelity would just slip by

She's not a success
She's not a strong woman
She's a mistress, a ****, a ***** and a *****
Family wrecker, ****, I could name a lot more

So go let your **** lead you
Its small so be careful
Your gross ***** hair
That ****, she'll get a mouthful.
#**** #familywrecker
481 · Nov 2015
Broken Thoughts
Linz Nov 2015
We met at my work
I helped him with leashes
We locked eyes for a second
And before I knew it a date was planned

A coffee and a large ice tea
We sat down and said he really liked me
Sipped our drinks and drove away after
"You have dogs too? I'd really like to see".

We went in my house and I called the pups
They jumped on him and and played
But he didn't pay attention
He was only looking at me.

He kissed me slowly, he saw my bedroom door open
Kept guiding me back and it took on a moment
For me to reach the unmade bed
Um what's going on? I thought in my head

Next thing I knew he was on top
I laid there, confused, did I lead him on?
I told him, hey there buddy no time for this now"
I don't feel comfortable, just get down"

He pinned me to the bed as if I were kidding
He smirked and kissed my neck
I told him to stop
He kept saying "you know you want it"...but I did not

I kicked my legs as he touched me
I kept saying the word "no"
But he just continued like I was silent
It started to get violent

I screamed as loud as I could "STOP NOW"
He got up and I ran outside with my phone
Screamed that he needed to get out of my home

He strolled to his car without saying a word
Off he drove and I fell to my knees and cried
Dialed my friend as said "remember that guy?
Its not good, come get me"
My mind racing inside

I see every week the bread truck he drives
The place that I work he delivers to close by

When I see the logo on the side my body feels
My heart starts racing
My throat closes up
My body starts shaking
Its just too much
447 · Nov 2015
You Defeated Me
Linz Nov 2015
My heart went dry
After the first tear I shed
When you told me you were done
There's someone else, instead

My stomach is bruised
From the punches it took
When you said that you don't love me
And gave me that harsh and cold look

My mind is hollow
From the thought of you gone
Why do you hate me?
What did I do wrong?

My hands are tied tight
And will never again touch your face
I thought the words "I love you"
Would follow with a forever embrace

My whole being feels defeated
By the sight of you leaving
The exiting footprints you left
My heart has stopped beating
Breaking through the tightly wound ropes called heartbreak will be cut by my rise and followed with a smirk. Let nobody defeat you.
427 · Nov 2015
Home Alone
Linz Nov 2015
I know how Kevin McCalister felt
When he realized he was alone
No family or friends by his side
My heart is crying inside

The memories of eating a big dinner
The food coma waiting to come
Football, laughter, and pumkin pie
After the turkeys all gone

My dad, mom, brother
Sister, her hub and my baby neice
Around around the table smiling
And 2500 miles away the though of that, I'm dying

No love to share the day with
My friends are at home with their fam
Maybe next year I will partake in a *****
Instead of chinese food from Sam's

So with Netflix and take out
Sweatpants and slippers I lay
I hope the next year I'll be happy and able to enjoy this day
415 · Nov 2015
Feelin' It
Linz Nov 2015
You have no idea
What its like to be ****** by you
Call and tell you to get over here now
Walk on the door I take a bow

Feelin' me up and kissing me right
You tell me how hot I am and that I'm so tight
His **** is like a tower
And  I'd **** him for hours

Explicit content? Oh yes
You might be offended
Gasp with your hand on your chest
You've never felt it, that way
When you bend over and he hopes his hot body will forever will stay

Hard and rough
I like it that way
Take control, take charge
His  **** gets so ******* hard

He grunts as he ****
Deep inside me
So euphoric I feel, I can't even see

Please stay, don't go
I think to myself
He smiles and through the door he will pass
He'll be back tomorrow, slapping my ***
414 · Nov 2015
I Just Wanna Dream
Linz Nov 2015
My day hasn't even started
Even thought its two pm
The suns been shining awhile
But my mind is in denial

I lay my head down
On the smelly old tablecloth
Waiting to start work
Wanting to just close my eyes
And dream in a peaceful slumber with a smile

My eyes are heavy
My breathes are deep and slow
All I want is to snuggle up
With blankets over me and fuzzy socks on my toes

Waiting till the moon let's the sun sleep
Until darkness takes over
The stars start to sing
When the owls start to speak
A peaceful slumber the night will bring
411 · Nov 2015
Linz Nov 2015
**** this ****
Annoying as hell
Is disrupts my life often
Even my sense of smell

Im scared to walk
I don't want to step on a curb
I'm seeing double
Everything's a blur

Its making me late
And I feel so bad
My coworkers are annoyed
It always makes them mad

It constrics me from walking
Seeing and steping
Every one looks at me weird
I'm dizzy and frowning

Just go away please
So I can get on with my life
You making my life hell

I see the light rail coming
Should I chance it?
If I fall to the ground
All I wanna shout will vengeance is **** THIS ****!!!!
397 · Nov 2015
Its My Fault...she says
Linz Nov 2015
Your problems are your fault
She always says with a roll of her eyes
I want do jump at her
For making my soul cry

Is my fault my husband left me
For another woman?
Its my fault I have hardly any hours at work?
Is it my fault sometimes people just wanna be jerks?

I'm broke all the time because I have lots of bills
My epilepsy keeps me sometimes very ill
I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me
But don't be a ******* *****, I plea

You live with your mother
So you have NO bills
So if I want to cry sometimes
When I just feel defeated
And think its worthless to try

Just listen to me vent
About barely making rent
And that I look at my bank account
As see my moneys all spent

Sorry if it sounds whiny
Or that I feel sorry for myself
But sometimes my problems
Just aren't my fault
395 · Dec 2015
Linz Dec 2015
The new boy
He makes my heart flutter
When I hear the chime of a new message
I hope that it is him
And when it is, I smile so big

His words make me feel giddy
I smirk when he winks at me
When he first held my hand
My body felt chills

Crossing my finger its the start of something wonderful
Being safe in his arms
With a peck on my forehead
Nothing else matters at that moment
To love I am led
383 · Nov 2015
Linz Nov 2015
My body is freezing
I'm shivering so bad my head hurts
I have so many layers on its weighing me down
Falling asleep is the only reasonable way to not think about how cold I am, how cold and frozen over my life is

I am stuck in time
Cannot crack or begin to melt the ice that I keep allowing to freeze
The heartache, the pain, my disappointing ways lead me to hold my arms up and allow myself to drown

Should I just give up on beginning to melt my past?
Just fall asleep and forget about it all together?
Doesn't seem reasonable, because eventuly time will pass and the glaciers will melt away

But for now, I'll just keep adding layers
353 · Nov 2015
It was Almost The End
Linz Nov 2015
The clock said five twenty two
When the knife came out of the drawer
A girl who thought she was ahead
Suddenly found herself in the only dark space in the world

"It will never get better," she though
Nobody could ever forgive or forget
Even her own soul was ashamed
There was nothing left to live for

The dull worn down knife made a tiny sliver
And then a single drop of blood dripped down
The once off-white carpet seemed soaked from the one tiny drop

From the moment she sat in front of her bed
With a note that said "I'm sorry"
When the pen hit the floor, it seemed like every breath lasted an eternity
Her Mind spinning
Her body floating

It must have been the years of sitting in the back of the drawer
That made the knife unable to end her
Or the stars wanted to keep her
Or her tired soul wanted to save her

It took forever to get back her smile
To feel wanted to needed
And cherished and loved
336 · Nov 2015
#1: Falling
Linz Nov 2015
The day all of mankind will remember
Or learn about
On that day, all races, ages and genders
Were united as one
Finally embracing, even if strangers

The day that changed the world
It was horrific and sad
Falling from 192 stories
The day was so bad

The American spirit will prevail
All people have stood tall
The souls that will be remember
Are honored on that wall.
328 · Nov 2015
Linz Nov 2015
They are like a rare flower that blooms silently, even in the dark.
They are founds spontaneously sometimes
Or sometimes right from your start

A friend
Is with you forever
But in some cases
The friendship has an end

A friend
Is there to hear every word
From new love and breakups
From accomplishment and fails

A friend
Doesn't turn on you
Isn't shady or judgemental

A friend
Is always next to you
To the end of time
And when the two are you and together
There are nothing but smiles
319 · Nov 2015
You Are Invisible
Linz Nov 2015
You're not a mom
Your the being that birthed us
What you have done is so wrong

You left us in the dust like we didn't exist
We were just tiny pebbles to you
amongst canyons and mountains

The beaming bright face that only good can see
The beautiful little girl , cared for she'll forever be
She will never call you grandma
She will never feel your warmth
She only knows love
You could know her, but your soul fell short.

How could you leave the three souls
That once thought you were the world
I never want to see you again
Even if you are weeping at my feet
Your invisible love is a speck of dirt now

So stay with the ones who did no wrong
Who are never to blame
Who sing their own song

The three stand together with hands locked
Ready to conquer the world
Remember those beings you held so tight
******* *****
Those tiny pebbles shine bright

— The End —