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 Mar 2015 Lindy
Francie Lynch
Did I dream
I saw a funeral
Procession leaving
St. Giles Church?
Sans caisson,
Black horses,
Boots and  backward spurs;
No black feathers,
No armbands,
No Oliver's crocodile tears;
No Orleans trumpets
To allay my eternal fears.
I caught them slide
The silver casket,
Into a chamber,
To shoot into the ground.
I never heard a sound.
Oliver Twist: Considered to have the perfect face for a child mourner. "A born mourner."
 Dec 2014 Lindy
Scott Madden
 Dec 2014 Lindy
Scott Madden
Einstein's Relativity tells us that time slows at fast speeds,
So much so that it stops when travelling at the speed of light.
As you look up at the stars tonight think of this:
The photons that travel across the universe to your retina,
Are created in the depths of a star and destroyed within your eye,
In the same instance.
 Dec 2014 Lindy
SG Holter
Now I notice
how your eyes burn
when you look at love
looking back at you.

they could cut
through iron bars;
set free
the wish to settle down,
caged within men like me.
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