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7.6k · Mar 2017
Mourning Spring
Lina Lotus Mar 2017
If i don't rise in blooming spring
Ring the doorbell of the gone
Cut off every string i have
Please unbind my ghost from earth
Shoot me flowers to the moon
Let me know i lived in you
Let me know i mattered once
***finding my poem on the daily was truly a nice surprise*** Thank you  wonderful poets
2.7k · Apr 2017
I will wait
Lina Lotus Apr 2017
In wings of Amapola
I'm wrapped...a new seed found

Atop round midnight strands
circlets keep my dreams

I'm drunk, intoxicated
spring has poured right through my veins

I sit on dirt side dreams
The desert calls my name
For now, I sit, I wait
I watch through windowpanes

I watch my crystal world
Where butterflies are dancing
And hummingbirds are diving
They dive into white Lilies
then jump into Camellias
While Zinnias wait their turn

The lilacs look my way and tell me, "soon your turn...
Your turn is coming soon"
I smile...all I do
For now, I sit,
I wait... like Zinnias
wait their turn
Wrote when I had no choice, but to be in bed for daaaays! the longing to go outside, to feel the sun, to touch the soil
Lina Lotus May 2017
Letting go of every single dream
I lay each one down at your feet
Every moment of my wandering
Never changes what you see
I try to win this war
I confess, my hands are weary, I need your rest
Mighty warrior, king of the fight
No matter what I face you're by my side
When you don't move the mountains
I'm needing you to move
When you don't part the waters
I wish I could walk through
When you don't give the answers
As I cry out to you
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in you
Just want to share with you one of my favorites. Listening to this song really helped me through my healing...when I needed the most  strength. To hear this amazing song go to
1.7k · Apr 2017
Invitation from Hades
Lina Lotus Apr 2017
The underworld calls
I seek entrance to that invisible realm
The ferryman waves
I saved my coins, but he says my coins are no good in his world, so
He tells me to wait  
I hear whispers
The ferryman laughs and the turning waters summon me
Another journey
into darkness
I pay the ferryman
The underworld calls
I wrote this shortly after my car accident- was feeling pretty dejected at the time
1.4k · Apr 2016
Girl with no Name
Lina Lotus Apr 2016
She hangs crystals from the sun
Always dreaming

She streams her dreams
From magical strings
Yellow ribbons hang from the sky
She climbs higher each day
Hoping tomorrow will birth yesterday
She climbs, she dreams
She hangs crystals from the sun
Lina Lotus Apr 2017
I bring you trinkets in the night
Rest your desolate soul on the colors round my wings

Scream your secrets
I will stitch them in the chambers deep in me

Never to whisper your darkest hues, like rising smoke they shall filter deep through me

I will never tell your haunting tales...make them melt in my nocturnal soul

Just let me be your Luna Moth
Inspired by our precious Petal's poem ~Night Whisperings Of The Moon And Luna Moths~
1.2k · Jan 2017
Lina Lotus Jan 2017
If I close my eyes
Will life speed up,
Or will this drowning nightmare disappear?

If I stare longer into peaceful space
Can I take the place of that shining star...right above my head
Free of pain,
Free of aches,
Free of paralyzing thoughts,
Free to touch the skies?

If I close my eyes under falling rain
Will it wash away all the purple hues from my bruising skin?
Will the bruises vanish
Leaving me untarnished?

I will trust in You
While you're holding me
Bringing me to WHOLE
I will someday soar
Under golden skies

Once again to run
While the miles shrink
I will pass this trial
I will conquer all with YOU by my side
YOU will keep me strong
Help me face this thunder as I hit the floor

Tomorrow comes making all brand new
My body shall heal, so that once again I can run through rain washing all this pain
I will run through fields,
Fields of marigold, the scent of HOPE
Replenishing my soul!
hope* healing after a horrific car accident* under His protection//marigold...because they remind me of my childhood -my mom had them everywhere
Lina Lotus Mar 2017
O spring...
Don't wake the butterflies
Don't call the hummingbirds to flutter in full grace

O spring retrieve your symphony
don't ring the bells of joy
While  winter lays in shreds

O spring  retrieve, retrieve your melody
Just let me grieve the spinning of my world
I've inhaled too much pain
I've swallowed burning rain
Just let me exhale once
Just let me exhale once
1.0k · Mar 2017
Lina Lotus Mar 2017
I yield to the chanting winds
The ones draining my strength
I try,
I pull,
But I  fall, and
My rivers run red

And sometimes I lose hope
Tormenting whirlwinds nesting in my head debilitate my mind and body...
as my soul hangs from tattered sheets

I can't weep...tears don't solve a thing
This life just stings and for a second I plead
If this is it...agony and pain...
Then please understand
I'm not strong enough
To carry on
"I hope the exit is joyful and i hope never to return."
Frida Kahlo
1.0k · Feb 2017
Fragility of Souls
Lina Lotus Feb 2017
My mental state is decaying
My universe... scattered fragments
And I watch myself collapsing
Silk melting
Clay figurine
Cracks against the surface
Shatters in this coldness
Of this dark road to nowhere
Transformation sealed on blueprints
Inevitable change
My world just collided
... seems hopeless, but as of lately my world just does... these are just pieces left of me- & maybe lacks coherence, so i do apologize, but I thank anyone reading
1.0k · Jan 2017
Just writing True Events
Lina Lotus Jan 2017
Trauma Center

Liquid on the ground
My head spinning
"Are you ok", I hear her asking
"I'm an EMT"
I hear a male say
"Hold on don't close your eyes, help is coming"
Then what appeared to be the longest wait reaches an end
I hear a man almost ripping out the door from my new red car (doesn't matter it's just a car)
Finally with a neck brace and on a stretcher
Flashing lights and sirens screaming
It hit me
I can't move and my abdomen feels like I got punched a million times
I can feel someone cutting through my pants
My knees where bleeding
"Where your pants torn before the impact?"
" no," I answer
How? I was just driving

"We're here"
Push, push
Hurry, hurry
I feel all, ALL of my clothes being cut off
Tests and more tests
I'm just thankful I'm alive!  

The Things we take for granted

I used to breathe without having to think about it
Now I slowly inhale waiting for the pain that follows
I used to get seconds I'd be on my feet
Now the pain is excruciating
I need support to pull myself up
Getting into bed is another eternal task
But thankful to God that I'm still here
And working on recuperating
Please wear your seat belt it saved my life

Pray for me
* the lady that came to my help... she sat next to me, prayed for me as we waited for the  paramedics-- her name was Lina! like me:) coincidence? I think not
Not a poem. Please, always wear your seat belt
1000 · Jan 2017
Awake My Soul
Lina Lotus Jan 2017
Awake my soul
Take my dreams
And mount them on wings
I want to sing like angels during
Shout your name till mountains  cry
Awake my soul
Awake my soul
I want to sing like angels during
1-27-17 Letters to Him
891 · Mar 2017
She's A rOCk
Lina Lotus Mar 2017
Never frail
Pushing forward lioness
Her hand comforts
Her love radiates
She's the healing sun
My sun

When daylight fades  
Through spilling moonlight...her silhouette is drawn
She sits still
She pours her soul till she floods the moon
And the heavens pour down her  requests

She's a rock, my rock
Never frail
Pushing forward  lioness
Her hand comforts
Her love radiates
She's the healing sun
My sun

She's my mother
Dedicated to my mother for women's day. She's been keeping me strong these days. She keeps me from breaking...she pushes me everyday to get better.
570 · Apr 2017
Lina Lotus Apr 2017
Through the rushing crowd,
Through the shrinking sidewalks, and the moving skies...somehow
I missed you

A strong desire
to press my lips against yours
flushed my thoughts and
I missed you
493 · Mar 2017
Lina Lotus Mar 2017
Daddy says I've been a blessing
When I fell his heart was shattered
He came running to my bedside
Where the tubes ran crimson bright
as my world turned upside down


Every morning he gives thanks
For the angels that protect me
In his absence I grew strong
But at last he holds my hand
Calls me warrior, his brave one

— The End —