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i want to build new things
out of what you left me
but these bycicle tires are flat and
you smashed my teacups against the wall

i want to build new things
out of what you left me
but my voice is flat and
you smashed my heart against the wall
please forgive me when I find someone new to hold
Everything is tired--
So tired

And my words refuse to form epics
And my lips refuse to form words
And my eyes don't glow
And I roll out of bed to cold tile
And sharp white lines

And the keys don't fit in the door any more
And your lips don't curl
And you don't see me
And you don't speak
And I don't worry

Because I loved you too fiercely
Because you didn't love me
Because I was cold
Because I couldn't swallow the pills any more

Everything is tired--
So tired--
Because I still dream you between my bedsheets.
i don't remember how to write
without you.
my words used to flow and,
might i add,
attract the eyes of many

i write from where it hurts the most--
from deep in the pit of my stomach
and there is still hurt to write about, yes,
but it lingers on the notches of my spine
the pain is too close to my bedsheets to do a ****** thing.

i miss you now from my stomach
where the love once lay its head
"I miss that feeling of feeling."
"I can't,"
You said,
"I'm sorry."*

I gave you everything
And now I'm left with nothing.

So perhaps, love,
This is for the best.
Let us see the end
Before we begin.
I want to tell you everything
Not a confession;
Is there anything left to confess?
I want to speak until my throat runs dry
I want to hold you for hours-
I want to hold you eternally.
I want to love you
And when I say that I mean
I want to love you infinitely.
*I promise I will.
Renovate yourself.
Whether it is once a year or twice a month:
Become new.
Roll up in your bedsheets and feel the chrysalis change you.

Don't stay the same.
No, don't you dare.
If you stop moving the darkness will catch up
Destroying your dreams,
Your love,
Your hope.
Everything that kept you steady.

Renovate yourself.
Whether it is once a year or twice a month:
Choose change
Before it chooses you.
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