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 Mar 2018 ES
 Mar 2018 ES
You told me the stars shine for me
but that night was the darkest,
there were no stars

that was the night I figured
I don’t need the stars,
I can shine, too
 Oct 2017 ES
Can I be?
Your today, your tomorrow, and all of your yesterdays.
Will you take me where you go?
Can I be?
Your favorite photo,
The one you feel compelled to stop and stare at,
Every time you walk by.
Can I be?
Your first thought in the morning,
Drink me with your cup of coffee.
Breathe me in with your cigarette.
Your last thought at night,
The peaceful thing that drives you to sleep.
Can I also be,
All the thoughts in between.
Can I be?
Your favorite prayer,
The one thing you really hoped for.
Can I be?
Your favorite demon.
Ready to dance with you in happy, hot bliss.
 Aug 2017 ES
 Aug 2017 ES
Know what keeps you warm
and let it burn you
 Jun 2017 ES
 Jun 2017 ES
Sometimes what you need is not something you can have nor gain. Sometimes what you need is a brief moment of nothing, a comma in a very long sentence, a pause in a long argument, a moment of hear nothing, see nothing, be nothing.
 Apr 2017 ES
 Apr 2017 ES
And like those Japanese broken pots repaired with lacquer of gold and silver, you make me feel special

Thank you for finding beauty in my wreckage. Thank you for fixing me.
 Apr 2017 ES
 Apr 2017 ES
I am the moon that always keeps a part of herself hidden, but I am always the full moon for you.
 Apr 2017 ES
 Apr 2017 ES
Broken souls and heavy hearts
Shout "help!" but don't weep
We have to hear them, heal them
 Apr 2017 ES
 Apr 2017 ES
I wanted to shield you from every heartache this world would make you feel
Yet once I let you shatter after my eyes; to this day you can't be healed
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