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Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
Seducing you away from me.
Stealing what our future could be.
I try so hard, but I just can't compete.
When you'll do anything for your whiskey.

I can dress really **** and fix my hair.
I can do my makeup and put on heels, my highest pair.
But when you start sweating and your hands are shaking,
She's calling to you, and only she can stop your aching.

You'll make excuses and tell me lies.
To have her near, right by your side.
She's your mistress in a bottle, she tastes so sweet.
It doesn't matter what I do, with her you'll always cheat.
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
I'll never forget the amount of time I had to save the life of the man I loved, 34 minutes.
Later, they would say I did everything right, but they couldn't be more wrong, could they.
If that were true, a beautiful life would remain instead of the legacy of pain and death that has followed every day since.
Besides, who is it that determines what is right and wrong in situations like these.
I've begged God for those 34 minutes back, to have another chance to get it right and not fail him this time, but God isn't listening just as he wasn't that night.

I made the call for help, the only one I thought would make a difference.
I called who I always called for protection and help, my father, not just mine but like a father to him as well.
A call made in desperation, a call made out of fear and panic.
Had I known the burden I was placing on shoulders I've always felt were beyond limit, I might have made a different call.
I know now that, because of that call, the regret and guilt and self-doubt that I carry are carried by my father as well.

Did we do the right thing? What could've been said or done differently to change the outcome?
The truth is we'll never know and the not knowing is the cross we both have to bare each and every day.
34 minutes from that phone call to the gunshot that ultimately became the single most horrific and defining  moment of my life.
The moment that serves as both the starting point and ending point for all events to come before and after.
The moment that serves as both an internal compass and measuring stick for all progress and demise.

A dark quiet family home in a good neighborhood, where most were making their way to bed for the night.
A place where things like this weren't supposed to happen, not to people like us anyway.
Civil servants, a policeman and a nurse, paying our taxes and raising our children and living our lives right.
Our two perfect little princes asleep in their beds, unaware of the bomb about to implode in their tiny worlds.
An alert family pet with an instinctual sense of something amiss and at the ready to protect at all cost.

34 minutes for a husband to say goodbye, caught in emotional turmoil between his unwavering love for his family and a sense of loyalty to men he calls brothers.
Secrets, held for reasons of protection and self-preservation, suddenly brought to light for the whole world to see and judge.
Hopelessness for a future of unimaginable shame and consequences for impossible decisions already made.
Actions carefully planned and taken to end an overwhelming and unbearable pain, which didn't quite go as planned, so a new plan had to be put into action.
A desire to hold on to the love he was about to leave forever, overshadowed by the mental inability to face the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

34 minutes for a wife, so devoted and terrified, to say the things that would change his mind and save them both.
I said everything I thought would matter and searched my mind for something more.
I ran the gamut of emotions, trying to sway his disillusioned mind or gain control of the situation.
Through my tears and pleas and cries  and begging for reconsideration came his screams and threats and tears and professions of love.
I was rational and emotional and weak, which was no match for his incoherence and determination and strength.

Then the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock where 34 minutes had passed and my time is up.
Maybe my father could help where I had failed but deep down I felt my husband, my love, slip from my grasp.
My father tried to reason but was met with his mounting anger and pleas to take me and our boys and leave.
With weapon already present, my father had no choice but to take his grandsons and daughter to safety.
As I argued with my father to take the boys and leave me there, the screams from inside the house for just me to stay were getting louder and angrier, and I was torn between staying with my love and maybe having him take me with him and leaving with my boys who are the truly helpless innocent victims in this tragedy.

My father in his immense love for me and his grandsons made the right decision for me, for I would have undoubtably chosen wrong.
We sent help and it arrived quickly, but I knew when I crossed the threshold to leave, I left everything I knew and loved behind.
My husband, the center of my world, was gone and I failed in the 34 minutes I was given to save him.
34 minutes that have haunted me every day since, each one I have relived millions of times.
34 minutes which cause me so much pain to remember but I am terrified to forget because they are my last 34 minutes with him.

34 minutes, too short to sum up the love in my heart and the hearts of our boys for him.
34 minutes to convince him that everything would be alright and that he would make it through because we would be right beside him.
34 minutes to make him realize all the experiences and moments he would be missing out on as our boys grew into the men he would help mold them into.
34 minutes to convey the pain and heartache and utter carnage he would leave in his wake as we tried to pick up the pieces of our broken lives and go on without him.
34 minutes, not long enough to change his mind which was already made up, but long enough to change the way my mind thinks about everything forever.
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
I've always loved looking into your eyes
I've always found them **** and disarming
I've never been able to resist you when you look at me in your sultry way
Those eyes have always said so much to me
Some things you wanted them to say, some things you didn't

When our eyes meet, I see so many things
I see my best friend
I see my protector
I see my lover
I see how much you love me
I see the reflection of my love for you
I see our future filled with so much joy
I see our smiling faces on our wedding day
I see our babies yet to be born

But behind those gorgeous, smiling eyes I see the secrets you hide
I see the pain of years past and things done
I see the scenes you've tried so hard to wash from your memory
I see the slow chiseling away of the happy young man I remember
I see the soldier following questionable orders
I see the sorrow of a shepard leading his flock into destruction
I see the heaviness of the loss on your shoulders
I see the loneliness of separation of a man from his brothers
I see the strong self confidence fading with each passing year
I see the anxiety and the jumpiness and constant vigilance
I see the nightmares that **** you into sleeplessness

I see all these things and I want to wrap you in my arms
I want to ask what happened to you that's changed you this way
I want to hold you until all that pain I see disappears
I want to kiss you so long and deep that I consume some of the things you keep hidden
I want to take those memories into myself to lighten the burden you carry
I want to be a light in the darkness for you
I want so much for you to unload all you keep hidden behind those eyes
I want you to trust me with all of it because I can handle it
I can be strong for you the same way you're strong for me
I wish for this so often and one day maybe it will come

But for now, I have to settle for making those eyes outwardly happy
One day you may allow me to help heal the beautiful soul behind those eyes
Those eyes that house so many conflicting emotions
Happiness, sadness, pride, shame, anxiety, fear, and hope
Hope for a better future to help forget
I've always loved your eyes and I will always love everything behind them
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
The second time around, conversation is so much easier
The second time around, the walls are so much lower
The second time around, simply laying with you is heaven
The second time around, the hugs are warmer and so much tighter
The second time around, each touch is more electrically charged
The second time around, each kiss is deeper and more tender
The second time around, your arms feel just like home to me
The second time around, each "I love you" means so much more
The second time around, you know just what my body needs and wants
The second time around, pleasing you is both my goal and my undoing
The second time around, each time we make love is like the first time
The second time around, I am more terrified than the first
Because the second time around, I know exactly what I'll be losing if I lose you again
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
Cold, heartless, unaffectionate, incapable of giving or receiving love
Are they right?
Materialistic, narcissistic, manipulative, cheater, thief, liar
Are they right?
Ugly, fat, short, unfashionable, easily forgettable, so replaceable
Are they right?
Untalented, uneducated, unmotivated, insane
Are they right?
Stupid ****, fat *****, dumb *****
Are the right?
Nasty ****, stuck up, snotty *******
Are they right?

Could they be right?
Is this me?
Am I not what I thought I was?
Do they see me more clearly than I see myself?
Is that possible?

Are they right?
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
Where are you now, not where you said
Are you with her now, thoughts cloud my head
Why don't you call, you said you would
Is it her you dial, when it's clearly me you should
Are you lying next to her, spent from love made
Is she in your arms, where many others have laid
In that place you said was only mine, another broken promise made
You've left me here cut by your lies, without so much as a bandaid
How is it so easy for you to tell these lies, the ones told to so many before me
Why did you choose me to do this to, more importantly why did I not flee
First signs are easy to explain away, but the truth has been so clear for so long
I was trying so hard, to make right out of someone so plainly wrong
I knew in the end, you would take all there was to take
Leaving behind without a care, a mess of broken hearts in your wake
On to the next group of lives to destroy, without a backward glance
Such a seasoned con man, they'll hardly stand a chance
Lies are what you bathe in each day, before descending upon your prey
Looking for your next opportunity, to further you on your way
You're a liar and a con artist, taking from each latched upon soul
It doesn't matter to you, how very young or how old
You have no moral compass, to show you right from wrong
It's like a second nature to you, you've been doing this so long
Liar, cheater, *******, douchbag, pathetic, worthless, *****
All names for you rooted in truth, that's why they'll always stick
Leisa Battaglia Jul 2018
Slumber is sliding slowly away as wakefulness creeps in

Few hours remain before morning breaks, and I feel his arms around me pulling me back to rest

I feel the warmth of his body and the smell of his skin long before my eyes open to meet the day

I can hear his heart beating its soft steady lullaby against my face on his chest

This amazing man, so loving, so gentle, so kind, yet fiercely protective and loyal; a mixture of perfection

This is what I want, I think to myself, as I start trailing my fingers across his chest

He lets out a low growl in his sleep, his body responding to my touch even in its unconscious state

Does he feel my presence with the same strength that I feel his

Does it permeate his resting mind and infiltrate his dreams

His nakedness next to me is so primal and natural, everything about this feels so right

I study his face, the long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, the cut of his jawline, his lips not long removed from my own

I listen to his soft snoring and smile at its familiar cadence, a sound I couldn't imagine being without now

I wonder if he knows; does he know what he is to me

He is air, he is water, he is food, he is sunlight; nourishing my every need

I worry that I am not enough to fulfill all those needs in him, but I will live my life trying

This is what I want, this moment, this peace, laying on his chest, his arms keeping me safe, our bodies lazily intertwined

This is how I want every day of the rest of my life to begin

He starts to stir and his eyes sleepily open taking me in, he pulls me even deeper into his embrace

I melt into him; happy, peaceful, and content in this moment that I never want to end

Yes this is what I want; this man, right now and always

Good morning my love
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