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 Jun 2013 Leah
without you
 Jun 2013 Leah
each night
i go to bed alone
but talking to you
makes me feel less lonely

and when i get sleepy
and you say goodnight
i put the phone down
and i am overcome with fear.
 Jun 2013 Leah
I write a lot about things I don't understand.
I keep thinking that maybe if I write about them,
I'll be able to gain a better knowledge.
So far this has proved untrue.

I write a lot about love when all I really know is that it hurts.

I've been told by people (yes plural) that they either
don't know how to love or don't like love itself.
And quickly and shakily, and with an unstable mindset,
I am starting to think that what those people meant was not
"I don't know how to love", but "I don't know how to love you".
Not "I don't like love", but "I don't like the idea of love with you"

I am a blackhole of both unrequited love and endless bottles of
self destruction and I secretly like being perpetually alone.
I am a lover without a lover.
I am a writer, and writers are almost always broken.
If not broken, there are definitely surface cracks.
Take it from me.

My poems are all about love and you, and I don't quite understand.
 May 2013 Leah
Tessa F
 May 2013 Leah
Tessa F
One of the hardest things I have ever tried to do.
Honestly, half the time I don't even trust myself.
Fighting an uphill battle against my inner demons,
But you know that.
I love you so much it hurts sometimes.
I second guess myself
And claw at my chest to see if my heart is still there.
It isn't.
It's with you,
Held gently in hands that do not shake.
Will never shake.
You are always right.
Maybe even when you call me beautiful.
My jaw trembles sometimes.
With you I have given up trying to hide it.
Because I know now that when my faith cracks,
When my knees go weak with uncertainty,
And I decide that I am not good enough
You will pick me up,
Stare me sternly in the face,
And have the confidence to say:
*You are wrong.
 May 2013 Leah
Hannah Amara
Broken heart,
Tired eyes.
But a smile
is her demise.

It hides what lies within
while her cover grows even more thin.

And a tear falls down in the middle of class,
That cover now as useful
as shattered glass.

But she picks up the peices,
And puts them in her pocket.
Saving them for later,
When the *demons scream loudest
 May 2013 Leah
 May 2013 Leah
I thought telling someone would make it
In a way it did, a weight is lifted
Off my shoulders, which is nice
Because I never thought I had someone I could
Talk with,
Especially not about this

But in an entirely different way, I can't stop
Because now I know it's not just in my head, it's
Real, and the idea is eating me alive,
I'm so fed up with who I am

So now I'm thinking maybe
This was better kept to myself
 Apr 2013 Leah
Holly Anderson
 Apr 2013 Leah
Holly Anderson
The bruises.
When his father came home late.
The scars.
When Daddy had one too many beers.
The tears.
When his mother left him alone.
The hope.
When he thought she might come back.
The fear.
When the blood wouldn't stop.
The muses.
When his pain found an outlet.
The songs.
When crying wasn't enough.
The music.
When he hit rock bottom.
The silence.**
When the hit was too hard.
 Apr 2013 Leah
I wish I could tell you;
I've been keeping inside.
How I want to blame you,
how that Halloween was a thorn in my side.
How when I think of you,
I grit my teeth.
How you need to be in a hospital.

I wish I could tell you;
I've kept and all the lies.
How I never loved you,
how that companionship was just another
dip in my stride.
How when I see your name,
I wish it was on a clipboard;
at the foot of your bed again,
sitting guard-style as you made small talk.
How my sketchbook filled itself as I
stayed by your side.

How of all the people you've abandoned,
I'm the least of all the snide remarks,
the least of all the cries for attention.
How when I think best friend,
I think pull the trigger.

How when you mention all the things you've
"done for me" to get me to overlook your insecurity,
to get me to reassess the frailties I know are simply
ingrained in you...
What passes through my mind are not what I owe you,
but what I've done for you,
and all the midnight phone calls that saved your life.

How when you tried to make us "even",
I cried.
How when you brush aside my concerns,
I wallow that you've let me down.

You're unreliable and I've known it from the start,
that you were weak and lazy, like me.
How your conscience crumbles under the weight of
a simple phrase.

I always had hope but it fades every time you tell me
that I should talk to you, that I must not like you because I don't.

Steady, I am. Like a plant whose roots are drinking all the wrong things,
but going nowhere.
Locale has never been my issue. I wander not far,
I walk on my own two feet.
I am always where I am.

Afraid, and alone, and aside,
a thorn in my side.
a dip in my stride.

I know that you are the one that owes,
and I'd be happy to overlook it.
But I've given you
to overcome what I know you're capable of,
to become what I know you're capable of.
I've given you
to breathe life into the dream sitting straight ahead.

But your blind eyes sway you,
every time.
You're not sublime, never feeling just 'fine'.

I wish I could tell you
all those times we spent side by side
before you cast me aside
before the dip in my stride
before the tides tore us apart;

best friends means you get what you deserve
best friends means
written 03/16/2011
 Apr 2013 Leah
Heather Lapp
Are you scared yet?
Are you
Paralyzed by fear?
Are you afraid to lose the boy
You truly hold so dear?
For you had given him all you had,
When you hadn't much to give.
It's difficult for you to forget the past,
And just continue to live.
Live without the worry;
Live without being so scared.
Love someone with all your heart for once;
Something you previously never would have dared.
Love until you feel true abandonment,
And loss of all control.
Your hand need not be on the wheel.
Let it be driven by your soul.
Let him guide you along.
Believe in his loyalty.
You know that he is smitten with you.
You know that he is yours.
So calm down and walk beyond
Just the receding shores.
Feel the waves around you
Force your muscles to relax.
Let it engulf your pale frame.
He is your present,
Not your past.
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