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Nov 2024 · 142
Peter Beda Nov 2024
the first rays of sunshine
after two weeks of
staying silent indoors

recovering from
toxic world wars

so much to write about
that cannot be said

await my release
cross my fingers
seal my lips
cover my ears

one single tear
from my phone

I'm waiting.
Nov 2024 · 69
Peter Beda Nov 2024
Yoga is completely ridiculous. Some ex-alcoholic told me it changed his life, I should have taken that as a sign – just going to the supermarket will change your life once you quit alcohol. Anyway, I have a nasty habit of trusting people who give me advice instead of listening to my own intuition, so I took some lessons. 

My second lesson was called “Yin” (without the Yan), given by Kate who speaks with a nasal voice that nobody but her and those who know The Poses understands. We all have our little 65 euro subscription like Basic Fit *******, ordered online without talking to anyone, paid with a VISA card and digital money, perfectly anonymous.  The yoga room is like an empty, industrial, concrete space, filled with black yoga mats. Since it’s cheap, there are about 30 or more people cramped into this tiny space, you’re afraid to stretch your arms in case you accidentally touch somebody’s stinky feet. There are blocks of wood and a cushion and a blanket, which you are told to take to your mat. There are mostly women, but you’re not here to drool, only cold sweat will do. It’s a whole concept, and you’re buying. You pay little, you get little, like McDonalds for the body. No pressure, they say… but you have to be 5 minutes ahead of class and when you get there, you must punch in on the computa, like it’s ****** job. 

Nobody talks to you, or even looks at you. The so-called instructor doesn’t explain anything or help you, or even watches what you’re doing. I know for sure I didn’t get ANY of the Poses right, I was just half asleep breathing softly and in agony in some awkward position. It’s not even practice for *** or anything, just some stuff to make you regret you have limbs and muscles. But how can you teach a dolphin to ride a bike? It’s impossible. They go from Pose to Pose, and everyone seems to know what they’re doing, or at least they are well-trained in pretending this is Good For You.  I’m not even checking the ladies, even though I still get looks like I’m a pervert when I’m just looking to see where I should put my legs. Inbetween my ears with my left arm over my hips or something completely ridiculous, painfully impossible to any normal human being. 

I have no flexbility and I’m missing a few organs, so **** this. I can’t even touch my own toes. The few men that are there all look like serial killers or people with serious autistically challenged psychological issues. Tense. They look very tense. I’m troubled myself, mind you. This is why I am here, ******. I thought this yoga practice was supposed to make you feel relaxed and mellow. Quite the contrary, my dear. I’m ready to go on a killing spree in Russia. Give me a knife, I’m ready to die without my shoes on, right here on the streets of Ixelles. When I come back from a yoga session, I’m annoyed, angry and full of some twisted bad vibes, not counting the headache. 

Yoga. It’s just strange energy in a small sweaty room with strange people. Like sitting on the subway with your face between your legs, eyes glued to your phone because the world around you is so ****** up, you just wanna get home to your safe place. Just another scam for insecure people who are afraid to go to a bar alone to try to get laid. Have mercy on my soul. The complete ridiculousness of the world is upon us. Maybe I just had a bad teacher, someone said. So I took a third lesson, just to make sure, and completed Yoga for Beginners. Same ****, different control freak. Some woman actually put her foot on my black yoga mat, an invasion of my privacy, bordering racism, which I did not appreciate.  There wasn’t a Pose that I could hold and when the teacher, a good one this time, came down to help me, I just smiled softly to reassure her everything was going to be ok. The humilation, the horror. Next time I’ll just go for a drink and try to pick up some females coming back from yoga class. Tomorrow, I shall begin to write about work. 

Work, as you might have guessed, is completely ridiculous.
Nov 2024 · 64
the art of war
Peter Beda Nov 2024
he walked right into the firing squad
they aimed and fired
and got him good

he brushed the dirt off his shoulder
he wouldn’t die
he was going to seak his truth
even if it shaked the foundation
of those around him

there‘s no pleasing everyone,
he thought
saying yes to something that drains you
will **** you quicker
than a gun

other people’s discomfort
was not his affair

he stood straight
and took another round of bullets
to the chest
Nov 2024 · 54
I SEE through YOU
Peter Beda Nov 2024






Idealised Constructions

The Ultimate Protection Program

(Remember Kids: Instagram Is A Hater)




Layers of EGO to protect
WHO you really ARE

It’s in your nature
to SHOW everything

It’s in your nature
to BE who you are

What if
you replaced your negative SELF-image with self-love?

What if
you stopped REJECTING who you really are?

What if
you could just accept YOU for being YOU?


wouldn’t that be

Nov 2024 · 203
she shines
Peter Beda Nov 2024
she is jazz
she is freedom
she’s the sun

maybe she’s
the one

her joy is bright
and cheerful

beyond the clouds
invisible to the eye
she hides her heart
and smiles

waiting for a sign
or for me
to make up my mind

would you rather dream
or live your dreams

she asks,
knowing the answer
is in the question

another life lesson
a chance
to feel everything

patience, my dear
love is only
the absence
of fear

and magical things
happen to men
with beards

we can escape 
to the sun

or look inside
to find beauty

in ourselves
before it’s gone
Nov 2024 · 64
mission accomplished
Peter Beda Nov 2024
“Let’s play Head’s Up”, she said. “You know, where you have to guess the word that’s written on your head! Oooh, I’ve got the perfect one for you…” She looked at me and wrote down a name. We all played and asked questions to guess the names on our heads. The name on my head was Goebbels, a **** of the worst kind. After a minute or two, my instincts kicked in and I realised what she had done. We broke up two weeks ago and we were back to just being friends. It all seemed a bit below the belt to me. I stood up from the table and said: “So, you think I’m a ****?” I slammed the door and left the bar. She called me back, but not to apologise. She told me it was all just a silly game. “I feel really sad for you,” she said. “It must be awful living in your head with all that paranoia.” I had to give it to her, she was good. “DON’T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL!! GO AWAY!!” I screamed, and hung up the phone. I felt annoyed but also relieved, and went to bed. Just as I began to question my sanity, I understood. If this was an explosive reaction to my buttons being pushed, then I needed to take another bus. She was not the one who was going to help me heal my deepest wounds. I guess friendships only last as long as friends do. Be careful who you hurt. The next day I wrote her a long message, trying to explain Venus to Mars. Sometimes it’s better to let them win their little games. She wrote me a nice formal letter back and that was the end of that, but not the end of the world. It never was, no matter how hard I tried.
Nov 2024 · 45
Naturally / Naturellement
Peter Beda Nov 2024
We rarely call, we mostly text
This could be love, if I don’t stress
The little things… I must confess
I really think that we are blessed
I roam the streets with empty feet
Not one to judge but I can’t speak
I think too much but I don’t preach
Promised myself no drinks mid-week
Went for a trip, not even three
Express myself on jazzy beats
The girl behind me pretty sweet
I really try to be more free
Another day, too much to feel
Where this is going I can’t see
End up alone with strange beliefs
The kids are cool and so are we
Larmes de bonheur, et rêverie
Manque d’ouverture, mélancolie
Un jour partir, très **** d’ici
Pour échapper de, qui je suis
Je veux te voir, pas tes amis
Je connais tout dans cette petite ville
Je voyage seul, c’est la belle vie
J’ai tout écrit, l’esprit tranquille
Au point où j’en suis,
Comment parler de ce que je vis
Je veux te voir mais tu me fuis
C’est dire beaucoup sur ce qu’on évite
La vie est simple, t’as tout compris
Ma vie d’artiste, l’esprit fébrile
Tout ce que j’écris est rarement dit
Je t’aime un peu beaucoup à l’infini
Nov 2024 · 42
Life is a hell of a drug
Peter Beda Nov 2024
I’m pretty
talented, calm, helpful
and understanding

after a couple too many drinks
and some overthinking
I become another person

angry, resentful, impulsive
and agressive

through our choices of
substance abuse
we often experience
a personality change

negative emotionality
can also be
a positive thing

in the end
it teaches us something
about ourselves

I’m under the impression
that my life choices
dictate my quest
for the joy of life
in a way that affects
my relationships
and desires

I probably think too much
about these things
I instinctively distance myself
from clubs
I’d like to belong to

we must live
and experience
to the fullest
no matter

— The End —