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Marc Morais
55/M/Canada    I write to leave any kind impression on the world—a boulder for those who need a place to lean. My poetry drifts between solitude and …
"It's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live." -Alexandre Dumas
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Nancy Maine
F/Oregon    I am the fleeting, I am the free. Bound to nothing, yet all of me. A breath, a ripple, a song untamed. A force unseen, …
Vianne Lior
16/F    Stuck between reality and reverie
The Blue Bottles
14/Other/The void behind Oklahoma    Just a system filled with remorse and melancholy from unfortunate events.
Mica Wood
29/Non-binary/Pacific NW    Check out my book of poetry, Petrified Wood! It is available at
Evan Stephens
Alex Yao
Antagonistic Earth    repressed entertainer
Clay Micallef
Geof Spavins
67/M/United Kingdom    I started writing after my lover, my life, my wife, my all died. Words are powerful and in that strength we must care.
Michael Sean Maloney
Agnieszka de Lods
46/F/Poland    I write to organize my thoughts, feelings, and images that come to me in dreams.
Menna Abd-Eldaiem
F    Translator, graphic designer, and Poetess
Devin Johns
49/M/USA    I'm a hobbyist, chasing fresh inspiration and digging through the archives for gems (polished or rough). I try to have fun with my poetry, even …
Sharon Talbot
Massachusetts, USA    Teacher, writer, introvert, dreamer.
58/M/London    Ex navy, ex warden, ex many things, yet still writing poetry.
Todd Sommerville
60/M/United States    Hi all I really need your help growing my you tube channel. You can search Todd summers poetry on you tube. I really like being …
83/M/Sinks Grove, WV    I have been writing for 67 years, edited a shipboard newspaper called the Gymshoe Dispatch, wrote a couple columns for a local newspaper, maintained a …
F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
16/F/A shitty place   
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