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Dawn chorus be my lullaby
as morning paints the azure sky
and stars like embers slowly die
another day is born

Sweet starling sing me to my rest
and warm this heart beneath my breast
as day moves slow from east to west
and I for night now mourn

Sparrow and lark give melody
to dreams I seek nocturnally
as let thy song wash over me
from field and dew kissed lawn

Blackbird and rook give it thy base
as once more from the sky you chase
the waning moon with smiling face
and rend the night veil torn

Dawn chorus sing to me thy song
as I like night now move along
for in this moment I now long
to upon your wings be borne
Sweet Dreams fellow Wordsmiths
I miss myself
Self-contained, free,
not longing to belong
with someone
who’ll never long
for me.

(But I’ll make it poetry.)
The chains you wear around your heart are fastened tight,
You forbid the essence of love and compassion to enter,
You fear the inevitable and bitter sting of heartbreak,
But there is only so much you can hide before those chains will break.

The sudden rush of desire encases you,
Ensnaring the senses you have so cunningly controlled,
Can you feel it?
The stirring in your chest,
The flutter of butterflies in the cage beneath your skin,
The muscles in your stomach tensing as you control the peculiar feeling
Of something that you have alienated yourself from,
A foreign body that seems farther than the edges of the universe.

The chains around your heart have loosened,
And now you have embodied the embrace of love.
"hey dad,
I know you'll probably never see this...
because I never showed you...
not like you asked...
but this is what I do...
You have told me things I don't really remember but you have shown me somethings..
that I never want to do..
and for that I say
Thank you "
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