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 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
there's a pit inside my stomach
it was full of you last night
but today it's empty
and it aches

you once told me
that we all have a thin line
that separates love from addiction

oh how,
mine blurs and bends and fades
for you
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
I laid under the sky on a bed of down
Wishing that you could be with me.
Staring at the black sky with patterns
Of sparkly green and blue,
I think of a sky filled with cotton, only
In our world.
Because in the dark days or cold nights,
It would be the only thing we know.
Pulling the sky down on top of us to keep warm,
All the while, utilizing our heat and lust to
Ghost your fingertips across my hips, dear.
Gently bite my neck, dear.
Drag your callouses down my legs, dear.

Send shivers down my spine, dear.

But you can't. Not yet.
We can still dream, and we can still imagine.

Dream for me; the sky of silk and cotton waits at the inside of your eyelids,
Enticing and beautiful. Picture the world where nothing else matters
And feel my touch, hear my heart beat.
See the sky of silk and cotton blur and fade as we drown in eachother.
I was starting to catch feelings
Turns out you weren't right for me
Moving on without you
I felt connected now we are distant
Overtime my feelings fade I craved her to be around
The days off missing you are over
The days of reaching out and being lead on end
Start new not saving a place for you in my heart
You go away I wish you the best
I want and wish for better I deserve love things feel right and natural
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
you're on my mind
like you were last night
and the day before that

you're in my dreams
always visiting me
one of the reasons
I prefer to be asleep
because my fantasies
are better than reality

you're in my thoughts
I kinda hope I'm in yours
because I have a burning desire
to reignite what used to be ours
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
There is something about
the way we seek
what we can't
or won't
reach for

Time and time again
we remain hopeful
to gain access
to the forbidden doors

Minutes turn into hours
hours turn into days
we gain and lose
as we walk through
and dare to reach
for the impossible
the fairytale
we want to see
in front of our eyes
not a picture
imagined by our minds
but a reality
that our hands
can simply reach
without a struggle
or loss of breath

Not sure what fascinates most
the easy way to happiness
or the metal doors
keeping the love
in our hearts
under lock and key
as we try and retrieve
what used to be
rightfully ours

Nothing is exciting
about waiting
and waiting
patiently praying
that maybe one day
you won't be the one
suffering for a lifetime
to get a bit of joy

The things we put ourselves through
the things we say and do
to build up the hope
and strength in our hearts
is something I'll never understand
but my mind seems to have a clue
maybe one day, I will know
the meaning of it all
and find myself
as well as the one
who means the most.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
Relapses* are ****
but the pain
brings *relief

I'm a true

I'm not saying
that relapses are good
I'm just saying
the pain drowns
all the bad

I lose myself
in order to feel
I'm not fully aware or conscious
but the pain makes me feel whole

Happiness always leaves
but the pain remains
and it makes me feel
so much more less alone

Sadness is not a choice
although sometimes
it's all we possess
when life gets rough

Misery is not beautiful
or in any way nice
but I am so used to it
it's become a part of my daily life

I have tried to separate myself
from this terrible state of mind
but it's too late for me to fix this
**the old me has been left behind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
Your love shines
Sends out sparks
But you're a ghost
I can't hold you tight

I cannot see you
But I sure feel you
I cannot touch you
But I can dream I do

You bring me a handful of love
And that is more than enough
Even if I can't see your face
I can sense your heart
Embracing mine

People say we aren't right
But love can't be wrong
You are my lover
You are the light
Because of you
My heart is strong

We had our downfalls
Our share of flaws
But we corrected
Our mistakes
And now
We're in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is meant to be a song, but it can be a poem too.
Just followed a rhythm and wrote this.
 Oct 2013 LaToya Taylor
Nothing but negativity
spreads through
my numb body
I can't scream
I can't shout
my emotions
all bottled up
lost my voice
can't seem to speak
feels like I have no choice
but to let my thoughts
consume my mind
and leave them to it
my sanity seems to have faded
self-control, patience
just can't control it
been tested too many times
and I have reached a breaking point
been challenged too often
and now, I feel broken
© Natali Veronica 2013.

mood crashed. sorry if it sounds depressing..
I've been good and working hard
Doing my best to get noticed for the right reasons
There's a ******* my mind
We are both goal oriented
I've been focused and ambitious
Id like to do more for myself and other benefit
Lots of of ideas bouncing around
Id like to make them a reality
Instead of asking what if
As of late I've been asking how
Id like everyone to be happy but that's on them
In over lowering myself to be accepted
Majority of the time I'm rejected
Being sober and straight edge
I like to read use my mind not let tv influence my reality
Writing is my expression so I could be heard and understood
I'm hooked on good vibes not fueled by negativity
Avoiding ppl who don't understand
Praying to be understood

— The End —