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My sadness comes when life is put into perspective
Just how tiny we all are
In a scheme unknowable
But also possessing knowledge
A contradiction set in the realization
That perfection is not a part of our condition
Instead that we are conditioned to seek
My sadness is not one devoid of happiness
But alas one of wanting more than can be obtained
Straining to see through a looking glass
Whose aperture contains but the slightest imperfection
Such that the vision produced is warped
To a degree that sight becomes a lie
Dancing like a butterfly just outside my peripherals
Taunting and laughing at me during those quiet moments
Of peaceful contemplation
That lends the insight that generates a sadness
As massive as the black hole at the center of our galaxy
******* in the surrounding information
Only to spit it back out
To the otherwise happy and content man
That desires to be more than this mortal coil can permit
So I sit and write aimless lines
Designed with the intent
To convey in words
The potential inherent within a mind
Wondering adrift in a world possessing a surplus
Of ignorance

If only others possessed my sadness

The world could be a happier place
Why hasn't it changed?
If all we just do is sit back and abdicate
In faith that justice and liberty are inherent
Within the minds that control and manipulate
Both the means and the ends
That lead to a prosperity unworthy
To the masses and become limited to an elite
Selfish and soaked in a tyranny
Founded on the power generated
By the minds of the ignorant
Who truly know not the meaning of freedom
Given, only to be ripped away by the simplest
Execution of our most fundamental rights
Possessed by all with a mind
And a soul which yearns to decide
For itself whether it is to be free
Or a slave to those inferior in wisdom
To the animalistic tendencies we so quickly
Fall back on in a relative, fictional, safety
We all have a treasure to discover.

Some of us collect cards
While others of us hoard gold
But there is nothing in comparison
To the love I now hold
For there is no price tag
Or dollar amount to pay
The value that you bring
Makes tolerable my day
For you I will sing, scream
And even write
Proffessing my love
In all its might
So that it might grow at a steady pace
Never moving to slowly
Always giving chase
Because you are my queen
You're happiness my focus
To spend my life with you
Is just a pleasant bonus

I discovered my treasure. Shes priceless.
The clouds scamper along the horizon
Bringing with it a breeze of life
Ever so succulent
Like the sweet smells from a jungle canopy
Ripe with fruit and flowers of all variety
Accompanied by the sing song melodies
Of crickets
Chirp, chirp, chirping
And bees
Buzz, Buzz, buzzing
As the breeze weaves it's way through the trees
Causing a deep moan sporadic in nature
Then... rain...
Falling out of nowhere
Lightning flashes as thunder follows
Upsetting the breeze to a gust
Speeding up the world in a fast
Slow motion
That yields sight to rushing lime greens
And bowing brown boughs
Caught within the torrent of life
Only the forest may know
Woe is natures peace in quiet respite
When confronted with the haste of man's despotic despite
She mourns and screams as her majestic memories
Are burned, cut, and cast into tyrannical histories
That honor folly over beauty
And ****** over purity
Leading her tears to bore holes where life once thrived
Foreign to all who sit content and watch her die
So that ignorant men can suckle at her bountiful ****
Yet are conveniently to arrogant to bow at her feet
Till the day comes and her gift is never more
Barren are the days that is their reward
Then the sun will set and man will discover
The earth as their home and nature is their mother
Words absent I sit and ponder...

Am I the one I see in mirrors reflection
Or I am just a mirror immage of potential
Lost in the convex surface striving to be more
Like light flowing in waves to form an image
Particles aligigning at the wrong moment
And at the wrong time to develop a concise juxtaposition
So that the world appears like a 3D movie absent 3D goggles
Side by side with the potential to relay a whole
Yet only delivering a blur of information undescerned
Similar to a vinyl record slipping on an endless scratch
Forever broken and divided from it's potential
To deliver a clear and crisp note tonally pleasing to the ear
Yes, I am he who exists in a self imposed purgatory
Forever doomed to repeat the mistakes from his past
Never quite grasping the difference between the cardinal directions
Of life and the proper heading into the storm and the fluctuations
Marking the true course of happiness and it's cardinal rose
No, I am just a broken man sitting and remembering
The myriad failures that drove me to write the very words now read
By another soul dissatisfied by the image facing them
As they sit and ponder their reflection in the mirror
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