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As the sandstorm rises to block the sky
And the air becomes thick with grit
I embrace for the impending impact
Patiently waiting to say my final goodbye

As the gale swept closer my ears began to ring
The moan of the approaching monstrosity
Silencing all but my thoughts on life
To which I prehumously began to sing

"Take me higher up ye selfish demon
You cannot take my sway
For I have traveled further then even you
You cannot block my way"

As if angered, the roar began to increase
The arid tempest rotated and spun
Spinning faster than I could ever think
Reaching down it snatched me off my feet

Together we rose, rolled, and tossed
Till the air cleared and I was alone again
Looking down at my last seconds of life
Realizing the beauty of the world I had lost

So I sang as I fell to my death:

"Do not mourn me for I am now free
Higher up above I can finally see
Ye are not the devil I thought ye to be
All along it was the evil inside killing me"
Read in landscape format
Beyond the moon we float suspended
Hanging onto each gasp
The EarthRise pulsing in our fading vision
Growing dimmer with every flash... until
Out of body we float
Turning towards ourselves in confusion
Letting go for the briefest moment
To touch what always had been us
Trying to grip at the life we once loved
Staring back blankly at our distant home
Now a memory as time is timely forgotten
We drift quietly
Into the dark side of the moon
Where silence gains a new definition
Absent the light that once illuminated
The hidden void between us
Frantically we scream in search of us
Yet not a sound can be heard
Just a faint echo of our late hearts
Thumping in rhythmic unison
To a song shared between lost lovers
Defiant of its ending we struggle
Pushing back against the black
Hoping to glimpse just one more ray
We are together again
Basking in the beauty of balance
Unwilling to ever let go of the other
As we soak in what we know to be
Our final moments of awareness
Hand in hand we kiss
Sparking a multitude of distant images
Completing the final chapter of our lives
White capped waves crash into an infinite tidal spray
Sandstone breaches collapse downwards blocking the way
Slow moving glaciers form ever expanding cravases
Angeled snow drifts fall into onrushing avalanches
Angry volcanoes erupt deadly excrement into the sky
Danger surrounds us yet we continue to survive...
As I wake to a new day, a new me arises
Different yet the same, a fresh reset
Retaining those values, fundamental
In defining one's true character, absent
The previous outline of my whole.

Confusion takes hold, for now I am half
Like folded tracing paper, overlapping
Complex lines in gesture, ever moving
In an attempt to remember, who I was
Before peaceful sleep took me under.

Stubborn I stand tall, looking around
To my surroundings, searching for meaning
Amongst a newly minted world, glimpsing
A single picture, mirroring my sketch
Standing next to the only reason I wake.


Only your beauty can complete my art.


You, my heart.
It is trivial to question matters
Of the big and small
For within geometric progression
We find that every size has an origin
Or starting point from wence it grows
Like the spinning fractal that fractures
And divides itself into slightly altered
Versions of its original self
Yet somehow still maintaining the intricacy
That would make Pythagoras blush
As he contemplates the diagonals
That separates the stars on the grandest scales
Whereas each individual twinkle
Seemingly comprises the same amount of space
To the eye untrained to experience
A universe larger than the mind can comprehend
These ruminations are trivial
Because at the heart of every idea
Lay the very precept upon which life itself is founded
Where the import of every single inquiry
Will always be
The question itself
Not just its complexity
The soft soil slowly cools the emerging heat of spring
As it slips between my fingers I am reminded
That my home surrounds me:
It is in the sky where eagles fly;
The air where fresh winds bring warm tidings of change;
And beneath my feet that life is built in forgotten solitude.

Nature sparks within me...
Speaks through me...
With every earthy scent that raises as I till the ground
So to does my spirit reach for the heavens
When it remembers the kindred bond shared
From mother to son;
From sun to mother.

Here, I am connected, linked to the ethos of growth
Planting future generations that will always
Know my heart
Long past the day that entropy deems to return me
Back to the very soil that I never toil
To sow
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