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As the eagle soars so to must our hearts
Fly above the clouds that might cloud our vision
For sight is a precious gift, privy only to those
With the bravery to look past that which obstructs
Our wishes and desires so that we can appreciate
The short life that we're given and recognize
It's beauty inherent within each other's souls
To find the worth of the character that shines
Like a radiant sun slowly peaking over the horizon
That highlights the ground below with the majesty
Of the heavens as fits Gods that cast aside doubt
To favor us that affix divinity in the nature
Present all around us yet shrouded by the night
Content to cast shadows to hide the innate array
Which is life in love with it's ability to be
More than the various shades oft lost to the eye
Weaker than the telescopic accuracy of the eagle
Gliding high above the minds that are blinded
Against that which perpetually surrounds them
Mountains are both steep and tall
Just ask the pebble that broke free,
Eager to fall faster with every pace.

At its apex, excitement led the race
Bounding nimbly across fractured stones,
Boulders like in it's infancy.

Though growth cannot occur absent tragedy,
For with every hurdle and obstacle
Obstructing it's path it began to crumble.

Leaving behind a pile of dust and rubble
Patiently awaiting the next powerful gust,
Or a flooding tempest to wash it astray.

In an attempt to return to its home away,
So it might coalesce again into that daring pebble
Desiring only to be free
As it dawned,
The Golden age of man
A wonderful group was assembled
To analyze the Sands

Grain by grain
Hands that they shook
Forever questioning the meaning of life
Remembered only by books

Yet for the men of Philos,
Quickly did they die,
Were criminalized by the people they loved
Mourned by those that cry

Since wisdom is a trade
Surrounded by weightless fences
The spiritual, the ignorant, the arrogance of all
Left Philos nigh defenseless

For there is a price for everything
Just ask the great city
To tell the tale they all forgot
About Philos and its fee.
Blood lashes in the rain as the wind buffeted the Plains of Detritus.
Fetid smells plagued the air in torrents of swirling effluence.
The red moon shone beyond the bending and bowing trees slashing the horizon.
A lone figure stood awash in the downpour yet firmly unaffected by the gale.
"Stay" said the statue.
Unmoving in his conviction that all trespassers be swept away with the storm.
White lighting struck the ground mere feet from his outstretched palm.
The explosion reaping a cacophony of destruction resulting in smoldering craters.
Glare obstructed the morosity but did little to extinguish the rotten fumes of death.
As sight regained clarity another flash lit the scene to reveal a writhing mass
Emerging from the rent earth like the oscillating arms of a millipede.
"Come closer" said the Devil.
In a blink a thousand wails descended on the land.
Baring teeth and grabbing hands.
To grab hold of the light of the last soul holding claim to its life.
Stubborn, it resists the touch of darkness by force of will alone.
Until even the last spark of hope became entangled within the putrid hellscape,
Winking out of existence and forgotten;
Consumed by evil.
"Such is the price of the blood moon" cackled the fallen angel.
Azure silhouettes peaked against the horizon
Borne from the sky's last testament
Of rays beaming and accentuating
The suptle curves and vestments
That expressed their innate beauty
In the form of love with contentment
As her eyes soaked in the sight
Azure bled to crimson at the days
Dying light
Yet the fight is far from over
As she battled up the climbs
With wars and steps aplenty
Shared with her heart and mind
It is there
That the endless foothills roll
A memory of togetherness
Unafraid to fold
In the face of freedom unburdened
Her story is now hers to hold
For she is azure like the sky
And I,
The crimson before the night
Together we paint a mountain sunset
With a love that will never die
What is art if not love?
The ability to take ones values
And etch a cohesive memory
Into the fabric of time

Whether dark or bright
Art provides insight into the minds
Of men long forgotten (or present)
To the annals of history
Telling their stories of blood
Or reciting exciting tales of heroism
Catechising the moments
That define all of humanity

What isn't recorded is the decay
To which wisdom lost its part
A tragedy that bred dependency
On popular ideals
Contrived of the notion that society
Derives the very heart of love
For all to see

Yet I view the world differently
Drawing the conclusion that if
In fact,
Art IS love
So to must philosophy be explained as
The Art of Wisdom
Painted only by the individual
Capable of discerning the foundation
Whereas beauty is inherent
As we are bled dry.
Our lost art dies.
Sadness cries,
At remorseful goodbyes.

Now gagged and bound.
Never to be found.
Speechless we sit,
Competent to admit:

That we have to quit,
Lest we remain,
Silently content.
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