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"Everybody loves notes"

Its the way we convey
In written words
What can't be said
Through spoken tones
Or relay those feelings
Which can't be expressed
Through candor and verbatim

Its more complex
To add a style
Rich with syntax
And double in meaning
So I can draw you in
Then repeat again
After every time you're reading

In this way
May you never forget
The moment in time
I'm after
Immortal is the scribe
That can contrive
A letter of the soul

A Post Scriptum endeavor
Intending to highlight
This memory
Canonized together
(Everybody loves notes)
Upon the banks
Of this little island inlet
The waxing light of sol's solace
Blanketed the horizon
For mile after mile
Casting a cool warm glow
Like a candle in winter
Slowly waning at the stars
When at its apex
The water began to shimmer
Ruffling our image into bright
Replaying our landscape
And our facade
Into countless ruminations
Of the single second
That marked twilight's ascent

This reflected memory remembered
In the twinkling sky
At night
I wish we could have stopped
To catch our breath
And consider the path to which we now travel
I feel guilty
Guilty that my behavior
Became a tyrant
Focused solely on the oppression of the "I"
So consumed was I
In my hunt for supremacy and success
That I lost you within my own hubris
Thinking that it's my way
Or the highway
Just because I read a few books
Doesn't make me king everything
The way I smothered you
Makes me king nothing
For this I am broken
I did not realize the burden of proximity
Until the erosion of your character was complete
For this I apologize
I did not intend
For it to end
In such a way
I loved you
You were my balance and muse
Yet I threw you away like you were old news
Until that's what you became
A person lost in the complexity
Of a prison I built with words
Not your own
Forever reducing you to a mere shadow
Of the woman
Living in my home

My actions
My fault
My heart
My vault
Never you

I'm sorry
As the mirror shattered
So too did my image
Into a thousand individual shards
Of rotating fractals
Fractured and staring back
Like dazzling diamonds dying
To tell the truth
Through different iterations of being
In an attempt to recreate what was once
Imparting an intense feeling
Detached from the reality
That reflected a view
Infinitesimally small
In comparison to my eyes
Which can only comprehend
The infinitely big

So it is,
That in my free time
I throw stones at myself
In order to understand
And my many pieces
What do you see,
In the complexity,
Of a world so flat and round?
Is it the subtle rhyme,
Or gentle bliss,
From a breeze that has a sound?

What do you see,
In the simplicity,
Of a desert so bright and bare?
Is it the quietness,
That you might miss,
The reason to compare?

So now you see,
That such beauty,
Exists without a care.
I can feel you hesitate
Catching your breath
The silence like a sweet sorrow
Mourning over a past we can't change
I feel it too, its like a superglue
Thats been holding us from the start
So I become like acetone
My words on acid tongue
Meaning in the fumes
Infiltrating and eating away
Your memories that consume
Happiness doesn't hesitate
It just happily resumes
Your silhouette captivates me
Soaking up the pale moonlit rays
Radiating a sense of oneness and peace
Like you're contemplating some grand scheme
To take control over the natural order of things
Yet nature can't be enslaved
Just like your illuminated outline
Bursting with such beauty it cannot be contained
I envy the moon it's treasure
To be able to shine my eyes upon such a majestic creature as you
Sadly, I am limited
'For my light shines from across the latitude
And everytime I get close
The longitude of our distance
Makes you a ghost

I'm the Sun
You're my silhouette
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