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Upon Auhr, the walled fortress, the priests wait.
Sitting and hoping and praying for the return to the old ways of magic.

A mother sat, burdened with child.
The delivery to be made within minutes.
A ****** conception hailed by the sept to bring about the will of the Good.

This child, as fate saw fit, had been selected to be a magical reliquary;
A type of ley line to which the powerful reigned over their kingdoms and fifes.
Yet the previous phylactery had fallen, perished amongst the hounds howling; Shouting their desire for blood and fear and ultimately... control.

So to the priest we brought the woman and her gift so that magic;
That power... would not again fall into the hands of those hungry to own.
Instead a pact was struck;
A deal to ensure the boy would grow to be a wise and true ruler;
While also granting the priest and his sept access to the ethereal temptation of magic.


Within Auhr a child was born and for a generation peace ensued.
Philosophy and ethics were the thresholds of the Aurish culture.
One after another, generous philosopher kings guided the construction of an empire.

An imperial order was established shortafter;
Built by the very first priests that had shielded the One from exploitation.
Corruption had infiltrated their minds;
Their very souls,
To the point that they had forgotten the very reason power had begotten them.

The broken priests betrayed their God and were so lost in the process,
That eventually their greed led them back to Him;
The boy become old man, bearing the weight of the needy upon his back.

"Why have you returned?" The Wizened Wizard asked of them.

"You have something we all desperately wish to share with the masses."
They cackled menacingly behind weathered skin leathered with years.

"And what might I have to offer you holy men of my covenant that can be shared?"
He asked of the shrouded snakes huddled behind their robes;
In pittance for their transgressions do they dawn the hood.
A vain attempt to shield the world of the Good before their eyes.

They all cooed in unison.
"Life!" They chanted as they began to enclose their deity.

"My death?!" The Savior exclaimed, "will only further define your destiny."
"You parasites can leech upon my life's blood and engorge yourself with my flesh.
In the process you will destroy what light is left within you and only darkness will remain.
The worst kind of magic will emerge;
The kind of Death that will reave this world asunder and erase the progress We made."

The grand priest of Auhr walked within inches of the Wizened Wizard;
And like he did when the chosen child was born, he embraced his reliquary...
Easing his hidden dagger between the ribs of the One King Chosen to die.


Beyond Auhr, He was reborn.
Far away from those who would use his Good for all the wrong reasons.
Dreaded are the thoughts left alone among the past
A path laced with sadness that consumes the light
Blinded by the sheer luminosity of loving the sight
Your smile, and nothing more, a memory; the last

The past
The light
The sight
The last

The one
I lost
Never coming back
The sand from the sandstone rubbed raw my skin
Baring the veins of a network of fluids
Guzzling and bubbling in an attempt to pump
Life to limb from heart to organize
The soul lost in between the functions of living
Breathing the life through eyes wide open
Finally seeing the world as path among enemies
Staving off the parasitic accoutrements
That weigh down a mind burdened by the incessant grinding
Of sand from the sandstone
There is a place far away from me

That I can visit only in my mind

A white road with no destination

Where all lines converge perpendicular

To the motion of nonexistent traffic

Running parallel to my thoughts of you

As we traverse the fictitious route

Aptly named Rebel Road
As we cruise down the unmarked path
Lost without a care
The sun on our backs
The wind in our hair
This freedom feeling
From going nowhere
But to the shores of reality;
The place where it all began
Born from the love of nature
Is our desire to share
In this goal of exploration
Where times stands still
And all the problems
Of this rolling rock
Fizzle and sizzle away
As the fires of our foundation
Sears away the tears
Brought on by the stagnation
That perpetuates the daily struggle
To survive

We are only alive
When the wilds
Are on our sides
The sweet emotion of forever
Lasts as long as the wind caresses
And buffets the soul on a cloudy day

The sweet emotion of never
Is the repetitive cast into a flowing torrent
Of a flooded river that masks the shore

The sweet emotion of together
Coalesces into a monsoon of parity
That is a parody of the rain that crys

Now or never
This sweet emotion
Will last forever
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