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"Twenty years before current time, the Spear Sect, known for only taking one student had its Sect Head accused of practicing Demonic Martial Arts by the leaders of the Murim Orthodox Union and was given the judgment of death."


"A team of horses will struggle to chase down a spoken word. From the Analects of Confucius"

And when they died, their life ebbed away.
The maws of dogma forcing their daggers
To blot out the truth with the blood of the lost.
The orthodox sect's swords painting an old wall
With thin veneer of paint, haphazardly done.

In an unmarked grave lies the spear sect.
Where two died, another lived on.


"An old warhorse in the stable still longs to gallop a thousand li. From the Analects of Confucius."

And they pierced his ribs,
his flesh threshed by deceit and
The facade of the pharisees
forcing him down. In the dark caves
he was placed with the heavy stone.

The shroud is a white sheet
Covering his scarred body.

His life lived on with the sinful:
the tax collectors and the courtesans;
the uncouth and uneducated,
the murderers and drunkards,
the gentiles of the other sects.

Though he lived not as others did.

From one spear he died,
with another he lived,
Leading them with the sacred fire.
Fishing for followers
among the many hungry.

December 2021
This was a challenge in the Luminous Scans Discorc server, that is to write a poem with the themes of christmas and one of the scan group's korean manhwas. The first one was inspired by the Chronicles of the Heavenly Demon.

Action instead of meditation,
Whispered the old sensei in his deathbed.

This world is made for the living.
Stop digging a grave in your head.


The old portrait lies forlorn
In this. The only smile in the occasion.

All the white sheets are draped in black
The sweltering heat, echoing.
The only movement:

That of a dog digging for his bones.


Though not a single bone in my body
Is that spiritual at all
Mine might be cranky

My spirit is getting old
Along with my bones

I carry the weight of thoughts acted
And unacted. Realized, failed, and the impossible.


On my shoulders, they lie, like only they can lie
Shouts and whispers drip on like in water

Torture. Which is the voice that carries
My truth? The boundary between which I claim
And which this world of movement

For me, has claimed.
An analogy about my old sensei's thoughts about karate regarding it's completeness and truth. This is my fourth poem regarding martial arts.
and the face
that reminded her
of what loss was,
arose in full circle.
the light shone on
what the darkness kept
hidden: the dead
bodies of little furry animals;
all the white rabbits
(as if pulled out from that magical hat)
appeared, surrounding her.
first two lines had been the exact words i remembered from some dream. the rest is a recollection of the gist of the longer poem.
after painfully separating
the colors in intricate patterns
she allows herself the full glimpse
of her daily labors. and without
hesitation brushes the dry earth,
along with her work.

her long fingers unfurling,
the long and brittle parts
breaking into sand.

7 November 2018
literary exercise "hands" ; remembered natgeo clips, one from a monk in ornage robes and another woman from India, creating mandalas from colored sand only to brush it with the earth as soon as they finish.

**** it, what's wrong why wont asterisks for italics work now?
my ribs were pierced and the last 
vestige of life kept pouring out.
​and when the last word was said,
my body was lain among the mute.

I was a carpenter once, yet I will  
Soon be carved from wood
To sit in silence like furniture,
all dressed up and well kept
with expressions on my face: 

Of pain, of hope, of kindness.

But let us keep our eyes
on what cannot be seen.
What is visible is seldom what it shows.

A man I once knew kept with him a jar of seawater
He reasons that when he wakes up 
He is reminded by the vastness of the sea. 
And he embraces its fragrance: 

Salt and water.

Can not a jar claim a portion of the sea as his?
Or to put it in perspective is it not the sea that embraces us?
Our mouths and minds are still, left open and dull in silence
Waiting perhaps in solitary meditations 
or in many tongues we will talk.
and the crowd will call us drunk.

I and my other self are one. 
But soon, after I have gone another will take my place,
he will embrace us like the sea 
Even in places where no sea is in sight.
One thing is certain: salt. 
The tasteless air will ink new births of sea.

Today let us clothe ourselves in the nakedness 
of our adopted innocence. We will walk with the many 
and again converse in the greater garden.

- 5 September 2018
We both ask for a reminder
of our closeness:
A broken handle of a porcelain cup,
an old book you said you lost
in the flood, and the jacket
we both shared in the absence
of an umbrella.

Whispering words that remain
unsaid. Struggling to hold on
to what little we can keep;
the spaces are left out
for memory to fill in.

- 7 August 2014
old 2014 draft. this was for some girl but i no longer remember who. hahaha
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