My tranquil storm is beginning to ruin the peace
I'm indulging too much in these cherry heresies
I left the candy faucet running
Only to have my cup filled with nothing
The dulcet haze amazes me
The doubts resonate
I shiver and shake, my head
From my childhood dreams
Stuck in a room of black ripples
The susurration slightly annoying me
I know something so pure could never remain
I hate when you sugar coat the truth
The lies are obscure, but I believe
even when you find fault in me
I go to the sink turning the handles
In deep thought, I think
I always keep going back to the kitchen sink
You come out of darkness
Pull me in
"I want you to love me again"
I want to put an end to the mystery
So, I take a towel and attempt to cleanse
The mess I found last night
In the kitchen sink
Created 1.28.18