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 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
Tammy M Darby
The cold gray swept across the sky
Sad winds
Encircled my heart
No warmth of love to defend me
Iciness forced my soul into the dark

The emotion of desolate loneliness
We suffered together in silence
As the gray moved through me slowly
Ever so carefully and quiet

Sweet thick fog that envelopes me
A reclusive world of frozen screams
It is my sympathetic companion  
Who lives in my nightmares
My dreams

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
i don't want to smell alcohol
on your breath when you kiss me,
i want to taste the hours that you waited
and to feel how much you missed me.

i don't want to breathe in smoke
when i bury my face into your chest,
i want to hear your barely-beating heart
and feel it pulsate in the warmth of your flesh.

i don't want to see the moon & stars
swirl like diamonds against the onyx sky,
unless i can do so in the comfort of your arms
and have your fingers interwoven with mine.

i don't even want my morning coffee
unless you're the one that brings it to me,
having learned to make it just the way i like it
and committed my preferences to your memory.

i don't want sunrises or sunsets
if i can't watch them dance upon your skin,
or love you between dove-white sheets
on saturday mornings at half-past ten.

i don't want to see the day i become old & grey
an early grave i would sooner invite,
than to live to greet old age without you
by my side to guide me into eternal night.

- m.f.
 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
there's a pit inside my stomach
it was full of you last night
but today it's empty
and it aches

you once told me
that we all have a thin line
that separates love from addiction

oh how,
mine blurs and bends and fades
for you
 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
"You won’t affect me,
I’m in control”

The words that stoked the embers

Long ago-
laziness, my wife
****** it all over
and ambition, my father
abandoned his son
the dogma rewrote itself
before my brother, conviction
was convicted of capriciousness
-my family was lost

Death is a powerful thing
it’s transcendence, one could say
and when the future dies
the present is lost in disarray
to think so lightly of the end
is foolish, arrogant, in fact

If a ******* wishes to die,
does he curse the world or the ones that fed him to it?
there is a lot of hate going around
hate that can’t be absolved simply by love
this ******* is hell spawn

It takes will to overcome fear
not courage or bravery
vanity words for a vain republic
getting plastered on screens worldwide
yeah that’s it… overcoming fear
Becoming it

What more can money buy?
A new life? A new dream?
A reset button?

A simple barter on the divine sale
ideals don’t come without risks
the higher the horse, the longer the fall
but that’s not the case at all
the highest one here gets to buy **** IT ALL
the ultimate get out of jail free card

But I’ve already gotten way off track

Either way,
you won’t affect me
I’m in control.
You won't affect me,
I'm in control  - Long live the misanthrope (soilwork)

 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
 Oct 2013 Lady Elle
in the distance
if i squint, will i see you?
dancing away under the stars
before the eyes of those you allure
i have grown weaker in your presence
exposed and vulnerable
it's not your charm
that which i so admire
or your ferocious mind
that ever seeks answers
not even your thirst
for the world and its colors
your shimmy tilts me
a beautiful work of art in motion

it's those eyes that see truth in things
in the hearts
in innocence and impudence
if i could love a thought
i would think only of you
far away in the distance
floating through the fantasies
no one will ever know the splendor
you fill this decrepit soul with
your sadness and joy
spills onto my soul
you have tucked away
a piece of you in me
and enslaved me in your kindness
leaving me addicted to you
 Sep 2013 Lady Elle
E I Alvarez
so i will spell it out for you in words and phrases and half-finished sentences.
and when you refuse to listen i will paint it out with acrylics and oils and pens.
and when you refuse to see i will press all my words and phrases and colors and inks into your skin so that you can feel. so that you can feel what i feel. so that you can know that i love you.
but don’t be confused because i don’t love you that way.
i don’t love you the way they love the movies.
or the way your sister loves herself.
or the way my mother loves the person my father used to be.
or the way you loved your ex-girlfriend.
i love you the way the fish love the sea. the way the birds love the air. the way the trees love the earth. i love you like home.
i love you like you never hurt me.
i love you like you never made those mistakes.
i love you like i will give everything i am to make you happy.
i love you like it won’t matter if you never notice. i love you like that.
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