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L Seagull May 2018
so what was about that Hellen of Troy
who confused the villagers when a big horse
line train interrupted the flow of the conversation
with a most vile tone imaginable just to make
the air smell like it's insides - hatable
They say Ms. Andrews liked to stop by
Just to help with gardening she was rather short
But resilient as a sense of urge for destruction
So here now, grow your courage to face
Another day
L Seagull Apr 2018
Hello again
Without sense or meaning
Or good intention
Just out of hope
For confusing enough
Entanglement of ideas
That lead right to where
We started unintentionally
And proceed out if desire
To waste precious time
On something
That chose to be
L Seagull Apr 2018
Hospitals are great for
Keeping people alive
And checking for dead relationships
L Seagull Mar 2018
Simple errand of the day
To keep the yesterday away
From feeding on tomorrow’s hope
Yet right along the old survival trail
We walk picking up pebbles
Of everything that could have been
Throwing them in the air
Kicking them up with the dust of regrets
Breathing in the particles of potential
Proclaiming myself incapable
Of life for nothing else could overpower death
Only the fear of living
L Seagull Mar 2018
does the air smell fresh at the root
of all histories where rhythm and heart beat
still merged as a pulse from the core
of the earth and the sun is closer
to the heart of all things
life giving and dangerous
warm and eternal in the face
of a fly with a universe inside
does your heart sing when the foot
kisses the dirt that nourished your tree
do you swirl with the drumroll and
discover your right to be free?
there is no art without inner freedom
L Seagull Mar 2018
One more day of
What else is there to say
Relationship that keeps on
Taking and throwing words
At you in return
L Seagull Mar 2018
Same life
Same wheel
Same squirrel
Rushing towards
One could think
She found her comfort zone
The cage was open
All along
And then the incessant reminder of the shittiness of your nature... like being what you believe in is beyond the scope of your effort
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