Show me the monster that controls you if you can.
I want to ask him if he really knows you, who you've been.
Who you are is not who you want to be.
I can see it in your eyes when the monster goes to sleep.
He sleeps so silently, and you act as though you're mourning in his absense.
You look so sad but strangely I enjoy your lonesome presence.
Are you scared he won't wake up and you'll be left alone?
Like a soldiers wife who's soldier never had the chance to return home.
I'll be here to love you, like I still do, when he leaves,
and I'll keep reminding you 'til I see a face that believes me.
I miss you and I miss your bright, ***** smile.
I miss the way you laughed like you were just a small child.
I miss the way you smiled back in those days,
Back when the monster had no control of your ways.
The monster in this represents my father's alcohol and drug addiction.