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 Jan 2013 L Gardener
Alice Kay
when this beach is stained ******,
lit only by stars at midnight,
no one will know in the morning
because the tide is coming in
and will wash it all away.
No, I'm not a psychopath. :P I went fishing with two of my brothers last night on a beach to try to catch a shark (they are out at night), and it was really scary because no one was there, and the boardwalk to get there was surrounded by dense forest/swamp stuff. I get scared easily and I have a fear that a psychopath is going to **** me (yeah...I'm weird) so this was what was going through my mind that a psychopath would be thinking if he/she saw us standing alone on the beach.
 Jan 2013 L Gardener
Reza Mahani
When everything is blurred
faces unrecognizable
and you do not know
whom you love
write a poem
Thursday, January 06, 2011
 Jan 2013 L Gardener
C Phillips
Just give me love like
you want to be loved.
I'm holding my breath like
exhaling is the last resort,
as if i'll inhale your thoughts
that tell me
once again
that all we are,
is the
empty space
beneath your stars.
 Jan 2013 L Gardener
rough day
 Jan 2013 L Gardener
all people have demons
that attempt to reduce
and conquer them

i am no different and
each morning I stand
and face my own

my demons are special
known only to me
and  tailored to know my weaknesses

where the knife cuts
where a soft word wounds
and festers

sometimes they score straight to the heart
questioning not only my abilities
but the personal relationships with those i love

no one loves me
i am pitied
does he really know anything?

the fight can be subtle.
as it gnaws on the insecurities
and internal perceptions of me

the **** things make me feel alone
an alone that moves with me
hiding the people that care

do you know what it feels
to think people don’t care?
that you’re unimportant?

such are the thoughts of mine
when defenses are down
and i’m feeling weak

many times i fight the good fight
killing such thoughts
with laughter or anger

valiant or not
i do not always win
fear that they are right creep inside me

the real struggle begins
real versus imagined
a fight between selves

long fight or short
nasty or not
i come out ahead

i have to fight back
for there is to much at stake
to let them win
rough day and this lets it out.
Show me the monster that controls you if you can.
I want to ask him if he really knows you, who you've been.
Who you are is not who you want to be.
I can see it in your eyes when the monster goes to sleep.
He sleeps so silently, and you act as though you're mourning in his absense.
You look so sad but strangely I enjoy your lonesome presence.
Are you scared he won't wake up and you'll be left alone?
Like a soldiers wife who's soldier never had the chance to return home.
I'll be here to love you, like I still do, when he leaves,
and I'll keep reminding you 'til I see a face that believes me.
I miss you and I miss your bright, ***** smile.
I miss the way you laughed like you were just a small child.
I miss the way you smiled back in those days,
Back when the monster had no control of your ways.
The monster in this represents my father's alcohol and drug addiction.
What would it feel like to be on the other end of how I think of you
How would it feel to be wanted so bad, I'm all they thought about
And their last thought before they fell asleep was me
How would it feel to be the way you are to me

What would it feel like to be the one that saves the day
You amaze me with being more perfect than I thought you could be
When I'm laying down I feel alone thinking of things I'll never say
How would it feel to be the way you are to me

Do you know all of this happening when you're gone
And when you wake in the morning do you feel that feeling so so strong
You have me chasing shooting stars and staying up till dawn
Just for the chance that you tell me in your mind, I've been that one all along

How would it feel to be the way you are to me
 Jan 2013 L Gardener
I just want to spill my secrets to everyone I see on the street, I want some one to listen. These unknown pieces of information seep from my mind, but where is my mind? and where is my mouth? I'm silenced by the weight of everything I want to say and everything I need not say. Some things i keep locked away and try to forget but when ones mind wanders it finds the deepest repressed memories.
It's not fair, to work so hard to drown these thoughts, these images for them to just as easily float right back up to the surface. Hanging to it like a film to forever underlay right below covered but yet so visible, so easily distinguishable.
It is in this hour,
as the exposure of day gives way to the intimacy of dark,
when all plans cease to matter
and the very air relaxes from reverberations of days clutter.
darkness smooths out the bumps of light,
softening annoyances
and lending much needed contrast to things that matter most.
We behave truest in our darkest hour
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