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Mar 2012 · 646
Stay With Me
Stay with me, stay here tonight,
And I’ll fill you with delight,
Be with me, be here tonight,
And I’ll kiss you, up, down, left and right.

Hold me close, and I’ll caress,
As we kiss, we slowly undress,
Hold me close, and I’ll caress,
The sturdiness of my bed, we shall test.

Scream for me, scream my name,
As I go in, again and again,
Scream for me, scream my name,
Scratch and bite, I love that ****** pain.

Hot and sweaty, out of breath,
I don’t think I’ve got any energy left,
Hot and sweaty, out of breath,
Round 2, you’re in charge, you’re the ref.
Mar 2012 · 561
Sometimes I Imagine
Sometimes I imagine...

Happily sailing through life
you and me walking hand in hand
able to face each problem and strife
experiencing a love that understands

Where I can rest all my anxiety
in your comforting arms
conquer every goal and see victory
and not come across despair or harm

Sometimes I wonder...

If you think about me
and share the same feeling
or am I just a quiet breeze
that comes and goes not affecting

Do you desire the same love
which echoes within my heart
thoughts of me do you just shove
and let my memories depart

Sometimes I just wish...

To be lost in you and in your passion
bathe in your tenderness and rejoice
to drown in the sea of your affection
and float in bliss listening to your voice

Sometimes I miss you and want you here
wishing for much more wishing for you
will you come to know or ever come near
and hold this heart of mine that longs for you..
Mar 2012 · 559
More Than You Know
I'd like to tell you
How much I love you,
And I hope you know that I do...
I wish that the words I speak
So gently to you could be
Heard by your heart
With the same meanings
And the same soft feelings of love
That they carry from deep within me.

For more than you know...
I love so many things about you.
More than just the way you hold me
And the warmth you give;
I enjoy sharing life with you.
I enjoy the way we balance each other out,
How we share the good times
And support each other through the tears.
I enjoy the knowledge that we'll make it
Through whatever life brings
With courage and with love
Through the years.

More than you know...
And more than I can ever say,
I feel a wonderful thankfulness
In my heart ... just for you.
And I want you to remember, though
My thoughts don't always convey
And my feelings don't always show,
I love you, and I always will.
More than you’ll ever know.
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Our Kiss
A kiss of passion,
In a moment’s lapse,
Seems to linger longer,
With a fervent fiery flame,
Burning between our avid lips.

Wrapped up in a romantic nuance;
A feeling never felt,
Never known, never shown,
Never till now,
Under the moon’s radiant glare.

We feel the wind blow smoothly,
As it caresses our cheeks ever so tenderly,
And we embrace the dark night’s sky,
As my head tilts closer to you,
And our eyes meet in a timeless glance,
Before they close and we drift,
Into each other’s hearts.

One heart beat, not two,
Our kiss is the rhythm of a euphonic melody,
That of which can’t be sung,
‘cause the lyrics we cannot fathom.

But I know the song very well,
It’s the tune that will never cease playing,
In my heart,
When I’m with you . . .
Mar 2012 · 958
Nothing Special
I am a king without a crown,
the lost that was never found,
Wealthy, with no money,
I am music with no sound.
A statistic to the government,
Another shadow on the ground,
A pebble on a beach,
Always there, but never around,
I am nothing special,
Just a millionaires spare pound,
I am friendless, yet popular,
I am known, far from renowned.
Mar 2012 · 931
My Drunk Poem
Starkle, starkle, little *****,
Who the hell are you I think.
I'm not under what you call
The alcofluence of incohol.
I'm just a little slort of sheep,
I'm not drunk like thinkle peep.
I don't know who is me yet,
But the drunker I stand here the longer I get.
So just give me one more fink to drill my cup,
'Cause I got all day sober to Sunday up.
Mar 2012 · 582
To You Mum, On Mother's Day
For all the things I didn't say,
About how I felt along the way,
For the love you gave and the work you've done,
Here's appreciation from your admiring son.

You cared for me as a little tot,
When all I did was cry a lot,
And as I grew your work did too,
I ran and fell and got black and blue.

I grew some more and it didn't stop;
Now you had to become a cop,
To worry about mistakes I'd make;
You kept me in line for my own sake.

I got older, and the story repeated;
You were always there whenever I needed.
You guided me and wished me the best,
I became wiser and knew I was blessed.

So, for all the times I didn't say,
The love I felt for you each and every day,
Mum, read this so you can always see,
Just how much you mean to me.

Mum, Thankyou,
For being nothing but you,
For everything you've done,
And everything that is to come.
Mar 2012 · 523
Miss Misery
Misery ******* loves me,
She can't let go,
Anywhere, and everywhere,
Her face will show.
She drags me down,
When my life goes good,
She makes me suffer,
To be fair, she should.
I cant get close to many,
But when I do, they'll know,
Cos there wouldnt be any part,
Of my life not on show.
Thoughts and feeling,
Race through my mind,
A place to rest my thoughts,
Are rare to find.
So I'll just carry on,
Doordling through life,
Coming across pain,
And walking hand in hand with strife.
Mar 2012 · 639
Memories I Wish I Had
Memories I wish I had,

With you I wanted to make,

Like staying round my flat for the first time,

and watching me blow out 21 on a cake.

Watching my sister get married,

and seeing your first saints game,

Growing old together, I can do it with others,

But it won’t be the same.

The things I had planned,

To sweep you off your feet,

Take you abroad when we’re older,

All my family you’d meet.

All of these thoughts,

Running through my head,

I will carry these thoughts for life,

All the way til I’m dead.

Unless you make my dreams come true,

We can join our dreams together,

We conquer the world, if you take me back,

And once again, Always and Forever.
Mar 2012 · 426
If These Walls Could Talk
If these walls could talk,
you'd know my body is dead,
my mind has been taken over,
that's why I am so scared,
I can't control it,
anger is making me blind,
I've been left here on my own
chained to a hate of some kind.
If these walls could talk.

If these walls could talk,
you'd know about my fears,
about all those nights I screamed for help,
about all my fallen tears.
You'd know about the demons
haunting me at night,
you'd be able to help me
keep my fire alight,
if these walls could talk.
I want you, I need you, to be here,
I’m not upset, and I’m not in pain,
I’m just not complete,
You being away is just not the same.

Every time I see another female,
I compare her to you,
And every time, I think,
You’re 10 times better, and it’s true.

You make my heart pound,
For it is strong, when you are its keeper.
At first I tripped over love,
Now, I just fall deeper, and deeper.
Mar 2012 · 2.0k
Happy Birthday, Yasmin
Happy birthday Yasmin, my precious friend,
My love for you, I wish to extend.
Experiences filled, with joy and laughter,
Special memories, we shall recall after.

From the beginning, you made me smile,
Accepted me, without any trial.
Never judged or jumped to conclusions,
Exciting friendship; random infusions.

I cannot ask, for anything more,
So many things, I simply adore.
Hope this birthday never ends,
In my heart, time transcends.

No more fake I.D, you’re legal to go clubbing at last,
All the worry of getting in, left in the past.
So Happy 18th Birthday, my special friend,
Good times await us, just round the bend.
I wrote this for my old friends 18th
Mar 2012 · 862
Future? What Future?
What future?
******* to the future,
For it doesn't exist.
The past does,
And so does the present,
People who say they can see it,
Well, they must be ******.

We make the future,
We do,
Not fate or destiny,
We make it our own,
We make it everyday,
With bare hands,
Working them to the bone.

Who are you to say,
That there is no future for us?
We have all the foundations,
We gotta take it day by day to build,
We have no plans,
We dont need them,
'Cos we can change, altar and rebuild.

I don't see myself,
Being a millionaire or a star,
But who's gonna stop me?
Just me.
Only I can stop myself,
Like you can only stop your future,
But we will have a future,
If you'll let it be.
I wrote this when my now ex, told me she doesn't see a future
Mar 2012 · 430
For You, T
How did you get so pretty?
And to control my heart?
Ardent feelings explode, really,
I can feel them start.

Pretty girl,
Beautiful lady,
Open to me,
Don’t be shady.

Pretty baby,
Beautiful lover,
Hold my hand,
A second longer.

Darling girl from space,
You fell from above,
Into my life to be,
Filled with love.

Sweet loving girl,
I die for you all day,
To bring you to my world,
And find a truer way.

I think of you with every scent,
In the steam of the morning heat,
Among the flowers that don’t bend,
And within my every beat.

Darling say yes to me,
When I come to you with nothing but love,
Take me and hold me,
Don’t push and shove
I wrote this about 2 months after I first met my now ex.
Mar 2012 · 578
Are You Okay?
"Are you okay?"
Thats what I ask,
"Yup u?" is your reply,
Texts, they hide you like a mask.

I can't tell with texts,
If you're lying or not,
If you wern't okay,
Would you tell me or not?

I want be there,
To ask you the same,
"Are you okay?"
"I'm glad you came"

I could hold you close,
And hold you tight,
Together we'll conquer the world,
We'll win this fight.

No matter what the future holds,
I will be there for you,
If you'll let me,
I promise this is true.
When I text a certain someone who is very close to my heart, all I ever get is 'Yup, you? x' and this frustrates me
Mar 2012 · 839
We've been there through life's sorrow and pain

But together we have always endured the strain

We've argued and bickered and made each other mad

But if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad

We've cried till we laughed and laughed till we cried

Sometimes for no reason we didn't even know why

When we're not together our bond is just as strong

We are brother and sister we know when something is wrong

We've whispered our deepest secrets only we could share

I love my sister dearly because she really cares

So whether we are together or we are far apart

Alana, you're my sister, my friend and forever in my heart.
I wrote this for my younger sister, Alana, for her 18th
Mar 2012 · 622
I Can Only
I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.
This was written with few close friends in mind when I was asked for opinions/advice
Mar 2012 · 624
2nd Place
Once again my friend,
I am put second to everything,
I can't help but feel unwanted,
As if I dont mean a thing,
An unwanted rain cloud,
In a photographers summer scene,
Beans on toast, topped with cheese,
When she wants fine french cuisine,
I am put second, as usual,
Noone initially thinks of me,
Unless they've thought of everything else,
Because anything else is better, you see?
I wrote this when I felt as if those who were closest to me weren't even considering me

— The End —