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Today I thought of you,
Everytime I close my eyes,
This happens everyday,
And everytime, my strength dies.

I can't look at myself in the mirror,
Without seeing you,
And when I see you, I break down,
In the past, I flew.

I've lost my princess,
I've lost my inspiration,
My life has lost reason,
My life has no direction.

I can't put my thoughts into this...
My mind is racing with its eyes closed,
My chest is left wide open,
Leaving my scared, dead heart exposed...

I feel dead...
I don't hate you for not loving me anymore,
but I hate myself for still loving you.
I assure that every word in this,
Every single one, is true.
I love you so ******* much,
And I'm clinging on to hope,
But I'm starting to loose the will to live,
I've already tied my rope.
I probably won't do it,
I'll stop myself in the final seconds,
But death is constantly tempting,
"Come to me" he beckons,
I don't hate you for not loving me anymore,
But I hate myself, for everything I'm not,
Karma gave me all the bad luck,
I'm due some back, I guess she forgot.
I'm not the man I used to be,
I was improved by our passion,
I was smelted from our love,
Our happiness, and our compassion.
I will always be here,
Waiting for you to come back,
I'll be living my life, just not fully,
Because a reason is what I lack.
I used to have a reason, you,
But you're no longer there,
Just a scar on my heart,
Of which I'm proud to wear,
I don't hate you for not loving me anymore,
But I hate myself, for hating you,
I've somehow turned this pain into hate,
But this hate isn't real, just an attempt to pull through.
I will never hate you, I have nothing but love for you,
But this love is killing me, its tearing me apart,
Let me show you how to fall in love again,
Let me take you back to the start?
As I lay here,
Never have I felt so alone.
No one wanting me,
Not even a text on my phone.
I keep looking at it,
Shall I text to say hello?
Or should I leave it,
And hope the feeling will go.
I hear your voice,
When the silence becomes too much,
Telling me everything you used to,
When our lips used to touch.
I smell your aroma,
As I lay here in disbelief,
My eyes tear a little,
No sense of relief.
I'm so lost,
I can see the way home,
I'm just clutching onto hope,
As I lay here, so alone.
**** the world, and life,

Along with everything you taught me,

Nothing you said would happen will happen,

Nothing will be how it ought to be,

The good guy will always come last,

Broken hearted and dead,

Whilst everyone else is happy,

With the ******* that they're fed,

This middle fingers aimed straight at you,

For telling me everything will be okay,

For telling me always and forever,

You knew it would never be that way,

I put my whole soul into to you,

Put my dreams there with yours,

But you threw my heart out in the rain,

And locked all the ******* doors,

Now my life is empty,

Nothing but ******* left for me,

Just another empty shell,

A failure for the world to see.
This is an angry poem, and exactly how I feel right now.
How am I the one in the wrong?
I just don't understand,
When you were the one who kiiled us?
Left me unable to stand.
You stabbed me in the heart,
And you twisted the knife,
You took away everything,
I live an empty life.
I prepared my life around your wants and needs,
And I was still happy, I was,
I loved you for everything you were,
I even loved you flaws.
I still do love you,
And I miss you so much too,
I always will,
Long after this life is through.
You have no idea what you're doing to me,
Have you ever devoted you life to someone,
Who just threw it away?
I don't wish this pain on anyone.
I hurt so much,
But then the pain turns to emptiness,
Then the emptiness, not filled, but consumed,
By lonliness.
I except eveything,
All the problems we may face,
Yet you ran straight away,
This isn't a race.
Just come back to me and talk,
We'll talk about you and me,
We were happy, and we will be,
Just come back, you'll see.
Why won't you listen to me?
Please hear my silent plea,
You so often ignore.
Why can't you see my pain?
Just once, I wish you'd say;
I love you, simply because you are you.
Why can't you admire my compassion? My soul?
That you don't even know yet cries out for recognition.
Why have you never heard my plea?
A plea to understand who I am.
Grew up believing,
Everything you did was right.
I tried so hard to please you.
Yet I always fell somehow short of your expectations.
Why did I fail to win your love?
Why have you never heard me cry?
Why have you never listened to me?
You have heard my words,
But you never understood what I was trying to say.
He's not my real Dad, I just called him Dad. Long, complicated story.
This poem is about our friendship,
I used to think it’ll never rip,
But now I know it’ll tear,
But I know you’ll always be there.

Like time, we’ll go on,
Like Robin Hood, and Lil’ John,
Our friendship is a disease,
With no cure, we catch it with ease.

Yes we have some great fun,
But regrettable things our done,
Sometimes I don't understand, sometimes I don't know what to do,
But remember always, that I will forgive you.

You are my best friend, you always will be,
Yet sometimes I get mad at you, and you get mad at me,
I can’t stand not being,
So let’s start forgiving…
I wrote this when I was like 13, 14
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