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 May 2012 Kyla
Mark Lecuona
The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like forgettin’
Pain that lasted a lifetime
Because it was swept away by your love

The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like rememberin’
Love still works
When you decide to let it in

It’s rainin’
Like never before
Summer can wait
For as long as it takes
For the rain
To bring you to my door

An old creek bed still knows what to do
You just have to give it what it needs
You can let your heart dry up
Or let it rain and see where it leads

It’s rainin’
Like never before
Summer can wait
For as long as it takes
For the rain
To bring you to my door

The way it’s rainin’
It’s just like livin’
In her garden
With flowers she planted long ago
Song lyrics... and it is raining in Austin, Texas and we are so happy....
Hypnotic air looks at my heart
while the world waits
to rebuild the pain of old wounds
by turning back and twisting words.
Still, I offer up heaven as I write
inside a web of remembrance
where a fire burns in the darkness
of everything I ever said
that was not heard.  

Overnight the feelings of innocence
tremble on my shoulders
but the night still asks me
where you are
when I look out the window.
I began to wonder
if I spelled out storm
inside my web
to create a field capable of keeping
this smile on my face
and oh so slow.  

One day I will walk to a place I know
where there are rooms
where I can escape from the world
waiting to rebuild my pain.
I will then write with naked eyes
words that tell shattered glass
to be silent
while hypnotic air
becomes a gateway
for my smile's refrain.
Copyright @20l2 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 May 2012 Kyla
Ahmad Cox
A little tired
A little worn
A little trial
A little worry
A little peace
A little joy
A little happiness
A little bit of sunshine
Can go along way
When you are feeling
A little tired
 Apr 2012 Kyla
Jon Tobias
Your voice is like a silent whisper that I no longer wish to hear

On any given day it breaks me down
like the soft hiss and hush of waves
working to break the levee

I feel your voice speaking from inside my cheeks

It feels like forever
and I still can't seem to shake you from my skin
how I say things the way you used to say them

how I sometimes think about things that make me uncomfortable
and say your name out loud to halt my thought's direction

I ******* miss you
but I don't want to miss you anymore

Moving on is the dilemma for ghosts
Who have nothing left to hold on to

I can't hold your ghost
There are people here who
are still perfectly capable of holding me

And when I see you again
Maybe you won't be able to hold me

Because I imagine
is energy

I know this in the way my skin still heats up
at the thought of your touch
you move my molecules a fire-friction-engine-rumble

You are energy
and this is how I know you are happy
because there isn't anything else you can be

This is how I know heaven is real
God is a ball of light that feels like a fiery smile when you touch it

But I still hear your voice at night
and maybe your memories creep up
like epiphany shivers

This is just me missing you
I am still human
and I am allowed to do silly human  things

Because I am alive
and so much self preservation
I haven't let you go yet

Which is why I still hear you
reminding me to do stupid things like take care of myself
and to not hang my head so wrecking-ball heavy
unless I am finally breaking down my own walls
to sucker punch my gut
in order to remind my lungs
that even without you here
the air still tastes so sweet

Reset my suckerpunch
to gasp
to fight for inhale
to understand
that my own breath
still tastes so sweet

I hear you
you silent whisperer
I hear you
Fist line donated by Nicole (Lady) Adams
 Mar 2012 Kyla
Marsha Singh
 Mar 2012 Kyla
Marsha Singh
If an easy rain
would make the rocks slippery,
he would hold my hand.
 Mar 2012 Kyla
When it rains
 Mar 2012 Kyla
When it rains
You know I feel what you feel
Everything you've ever known
All your wounds that never heal

Yeah, when it rains
I feel the same
Don't let just anybody
Come take your breath away
When it rains

When it rains
You know I see what you see
All the vivid colors, shapes, and sounds
Come out and surround me

Yeah, when it rains
Don't be ashamed
You have every right to
Speak up and say your name
When it rains.
 Mar 2012 Kyla
You know what I mean when I say that it's strange
To come down from heaven and walk through a range
And serve as a target for all of your pain
You should know what I mean by now

                                            You know what I mean when I say that it's true
                                             I haven't found anyone who's close to you
                                             But I couldn't start looking because I'm a fool
                                             You should know what I mean by now

You know what I mean when I say that I'm tired
Of all of the cheats and the ****** and the liars
Yet I'll sit and roast with them above the fires
You should know what I mean by now

                                              You know what I mean when I say that I'm done
                                              And your little mind games have lost all their fun
                                              And I'm through with sitting here, I'd rather run
                                              You should know what I mean by now

I lift my eyes
Up from the dirt where I am standing
Up from the hurt that I've been handed
To the river where I find myself again
To the hands that offer me a second chance
If you liked "Cheeks and Faces", try reading this one out loud as well.

Here's the link to the song that I wrote to this poem, after Edward suggested it.
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