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Rubber bands, rubber bands
pull them back and they burn my skin
but isn't it better
than digging in?
Harry the Hippo was a circus fave
For 15 years on the center stage.
He delighted kids young and old
Balancing ***** on his oversized nose.

Year after year
Show after show
Harry delighted
with his big, whopping nose.

No one under the big top
could have guessed
What horrible thing
Would happen next

From the front of crowd,
in a colorful seat,
A blond haired boy
tossed Harry a treat

Harry chomped it down
and continued his act,
Harry stopped,
And fell flat on his back

Harry rolled right
Harry rolled left
Harry died a

The Ringleader called for the hippo doc
Who told him that Harry died from
Anaphyalactic  shock
Brought on by a child’s
Peanut lollipop
Your life is less than worthless to me
It is a stain on a perfect world created by the perfect being
I want to cut off your face with a rusty knife and feed your flesh
to wild dogs.
I want you to feel ground glass and petrol splashed into your open wounds
I want to set you ablaze - and watch your skin blacken and crack
I want there to be no end to your suffering
I wish upon you Perpetual agony
I want your soul to be tormented by demons and your children to know their names
I want your house to be a pestilence amongst your people
and disease to run rampant therein.
I want the all powerful and ever living God to smite you into oblivion,
erasing all traces of your being from the universe.
I want all manner of vermin to gnaw upon you and make your essence theirs.
Condemnation is your name and the deepest circle of Hell is your domain.
Thoughts wander
tears fall.
What just happened?
What went wrong?
You said you loved me
well apparently not.
You left me broken
no second thought.
You said I'm the ONLY one for you
Ha, you probably said that to him too.
Sometimes if you look hard enough,
the sky is running away from itself.

And the clouds,
they dangle off into islands
where they dance their way to death.

The dark clouds are scary and intimidating,
but behind it is always the sky.

So never fear,
the sky always wins.
He asked if he could date her
She said she was too young
He said, "Don't you love me?"

He asked her to kiss his neck
She said she didn't know how
He said, "Don't you love me?"

He asked her to give up her dreams
She said she didn't want to
He said, "Don't you love me?"

He asked her to take off her clothes
She said things were moving too fast
He said, "Don't you love me?"

He pushed himself inside
She said, "No."
He said, "Don't you love me?"

He got up and he left
Without a glance behind
She whispered,
"Don't you love me?"
he looks at her
and she recoils
her bright, nervous eyes
scanning his body
as if she has a
test on it
and she must memorize.
she takes shallow breaths,
teeny, tiny breaths
unable to bring the air
back to her lungs
she doesn't want this
but what can she do
but agree
in exchange for love?
he does not smile
with his eyes
instead he falls down on her
causes her pain
and she closes her eyes
in grief
as he takes her away
How often do we listen
To that pump inside of us?
What do your shallow breaths
Or controlled inhalations
Are you in tune
Or tone deaf
Playing yourself?
Erratic in rhythm
Or a constant tempo?
Losing your breath in amazement
Or monotonous throughout?
Experience each day.
I like you.
because you noticed me
when I was trying to be invisible.

I like you
because when I talk, you look me in the eyes
and listen to everything I have to say.  

I like you
because when I jumble up the words I'm about to say,
you patiently wait until I'm unjumbled and set straight.

I like you
because you're you.

I like you
because there is a chance that you'll like me too.

Freedom is a myth.
There is no time,
no place,
and no society
where it can be real.

And I can offer proof...
with actions comes
an ethical lifeline
which ties you to
Judgement's forever
threatening scissors,
resting on it's pulse.

I see the reason,
I see the logic,
the neatened box in
which our world is
folded sweetly,
I crave release.
I crave a freedom
to break the bonds of
judging faces,
judging stares,
judging whispers...
to just


and be me.

Be mad without the fear
of imprisonment,
to experiment
and probe
and explore
and run
and jump
and be happy
and be free
and to not be scared.
To still feel safe
because I don't,
and I really rarely
have done.

I am yearning...
for an impossible dream.
To have a day,
an hour,
a minute,
a second-
which I don't calculate,
and analyse,
and wait in fear of

And that is what it'll stay...
a dream.
And hauntingly wonderful one
at that.
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