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Nov 2016 · 1.1k
Naufrago en ti
Krusty Aranda Nov 2016
Tu cuerpo dibuja las olas en la arena
Tus caderas van y vienen con un ritmo interrumpido por la espuma del mar
Tus labios tan salados como el agua en la que nado
Tu canto irreal como las sirenas de leyenda
Tus manos me aprehenden como el pulpo a su presa
Tus piernas me envuelven como el alga al coral

Navego lentamente hacia mar abierto
Atrás quedó la seguridad de la bahía
Yo capitán y tú tormenta
Azotas mi navío con violencia
Me lanzas a las frías e imperdonables aguas de tu océano
Atrás quedó la seguridad de la bahía
El agua de tu **** inunda mis sentidos y ahoga mi conciencia

Al despuntar el alba estás tú
Etérea en mi soledad
Efímera en esencia
Eterna en alta mar
Oct 2016 · 329
Krusty Aranda Oct 2016
Maybe I'm afraid to tell you
Maybe it's because I'm in love with **you
Krusty Aranda Oct 2016
La vida se me va en las caladas que le das a tu tabaco
Con el fuego me consumo y en humo renazco para desvanecerme con el viento
Atrás queda tan sólo mi perfume oxidado y rancio, impregnando tu ropa y tu cabello
En tu boca se guarda mi último aliento, pesado y asfixiante
En la ***** de tus dedos queda mi cuerpo moribundo, lentamente tornándose en cenizas
Llenas de mi tus pulmones y me expulsas nuevamente con delicada violencia
No reparas en pensar en la última bocanada de disforme humo antes de llevar de nuevo la colilla ahumada a tus labios
El filtro del tabaco no evita que me vaya en él
Tóxica existencia que te fumas en minutos
Y de nuevo yazco entre tus dedos, consumido por completo por el fuego de tu desamor, listo para ser desechado en mi mundana sepultura
De una nueva cajetilla sale un inmaculado cigarrillo
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
La mujer que yo amo...
Krusty Aranda Oct 2016
La mujer que yo amo
No es quien crees que es
Le escribo poemas a diario
Le dedico las palabras más bellas del diccionario
Mas no entiende el trasfondo
No ve más allá de la superficie

La mujer que yo amo
No conoce el amor
Acepta amores de cama
Amores de cuerpos desnudos
De sudorosas cabelleras
De sucias sábanas y vacíos amaneceres

La mujer que yo amo
Me ama de vuelta
Pero no conoce el alcance de mi amor
No quiere verlo o no se da cuenta
Un trago o un viaje le bastan
Para caer en brazos de otro hombre

Conmigo desahoga sus penas
Conmigo llora su soledad y su miseria
Conmigo habla hasta que los segundos se tornan horas
Pero no soy yo su salvación

La mujer que yo amo
Nunca cae en mis brazos
Aquellos que la han de proteger
Aquellos que la envuelven con el calor de una fogata en un frío y apartado bosque
Aquellos que sostienen las piezas de su roto corazón juntos en su lugar

La mujer que yo amo
No es quien crees que es
Oct 2016 · 676
Sudden Realization
Krusty Aranda Oct 2016
Today I came to a terrible realization
It sends chills down my spine
My body has been left completely numb, paralyzed
My heart rate has increased
It is about to burst out of my chest
My hands are sweaty
My mind hunts me with infinite thoughts
Scary, worrying thoughts
I'm shivering in fear
Could this be the end of me?
Today I came to a frightening realization

*I realized I'm in love with you
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
Diálogo de Luna Llena
Krusty Aranda Sep 2016
Sucedió una noche en noviembre
Sin decirlo te fuiste a dormir
La noticia la oí de repente
A llorar me senté sin decir

Destapé una cerveza en tu nombre
Tu recuerdo no dejaré ir
El sufrimiento voló con el viento
Embriagué al dolor, mas lo pude sentir

Y lloraba y lloraba tu triste partida
Con la luna me fui a despedir
Luna llena brillaba esa noche
Le pedí que cuidara de ti

Seis botellas vacías quedaron
La vida sin ti no podía concebir
Fue poco el tiempo en el que coincidimos
Más tiempo le quiero a la vida pedir

Quisiera poderte haber dicho un te amo
Por última vez antes de tu partir
Sentarme una noche a tomar un buen trago
Contigo hablando hasta ver el sol salir

Ya débil estabas. Luchaste tu lucha
Con garras y dientes; que necio el vivir
Rendirse, en tu mente, no estaba presente
Las luces se apagan. Ya no más sufrir

Sucedió una noche en noviembre
Borracho y en llanto, en la luna te vi
Hablé con la luna pidiéndole a gritos
Que algún día nos reúna por fin

Y lloraba y lloraba tu triste partida
Con la luna me fui a despedir
Luna llena brillaba esa noche
Le pedí que cuidara de ti
Sep 2016 · 603
No es para mi
Krusty Aranda Sep 2016
De nuevo acepté que no va a ser mi nada nunca,
y sí, es triste,
pero no hay nada que yo pueda hacer.

No deja de ser mi amor inalcanzable,
pero sólo deseo que sea feliz,
que esté bien
y yo estaré ahí siempre que necesite a alguien,
incluso si no me busca.

No siempre se puede tener lo que uno quiere,
y lo sé.

Me siento bien con saber que la puedo hacer reír
y que podemos hablar de tonterías y temas profundos,
saber que puede ser ella misma cuando está conmigo
y yo ser yo mismo cuando estoy con ella.
No tengo que aparentar
ni dejar de hacer
ni empezar a hacer.
Me siento bien siendo yo con ella, me quiera o no.

Es lo que le puedo ofrecer.

Sé que he hecho cosas fuera de lugar con ella,
y que quizá lastimaron su perspectiva de mi y su decisión.
Y ella igual ha hecho cosas que me han lastimado mucho,
pero no le reprocho nada.

Sé que ella no es como cualquier mujer que haya conocido,
es diferente,
y, aunque ella no lo logre entender,
es un ángel más allá de lo que deja ver.
Y a los ángeles los adoramos desde la distancia,
nos son inalcanzables,
tanto como ella lo es para mi.

Y la seguiré soñando cada noche,
y la seguiré mirando cuando ella no ve,
y la seguiré pensando,
y la seguiré escribiendo,
pero no es para mi.
Aug 2016 · 341
Lyric and Song
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
She the reason
He the emotion
Careless season
Without notion

One collected
Two a mess
Three neglected
Four to bless

Rhyme and metaphor
Bars and clicks
It's been said before
Not quite like this

Careful thinking
Thoughts of mayhem
Peaceful inking
Notes obey them

Song and lyric
Together are strong
Speechless critic
Lyric and song
Aug 2016 · 389
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Thank god I'm awake
For my dream was unbearable
The pain that I felt
From oneiric dimensions
An alternate reality
As lonely as this one
Where I still can't win
And lose much more than just you
Aug 2016 · 350
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
If I had known that would be our last kiss,
I wouldn't have let go so quickly
Aug 2016 · 297
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
                                                                ­                                                     *away
Aug 2016 · 230
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Now I know the purpose of me wanting to talk to you...

I needed **closure
Aug 2016 · 254
Gotta Do This
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Gotta do this.
And I know it will break me, and it will scar me,
but I also hope it will heal me.
Aug 2016 · 666
The Dilemma
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
I don't want to be asleep
because I'll dream of you,
and I don't want to be awake
because I'll think of you.
Aug 2016 · 281
Night Time
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Oh, how I worship the dark skies full of stars
Celestial beings that look down on us
They shine the brightest light for us to traverse through the paths we can see no more
They are our helping hand when all else is gone
And the moon, our lonely satellite
It follows our every step
Making sure we don't fall into complete darkness
The night is the time when I feel most alive
In it I cry
In it I laugh
In it I feel
In it I die and am born again
Night after night I am
I can't stop staring into the night
She is my comfort
She is my peace
She is my happiness and my tears
She is as much of me as I am of her
And when she's gone I miss her
I can't be in the light of day
It burns me so, and I crave the night
The night is my friend
The night is my love
The night is my all
Aug 2016 · 742
Perfecta Imperfección
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Aunque quiera enamorarte
no sabría cómo hacerlo
Tú y yo ya nos conocemos
mas aún eres misterio
Tu sonrisa y tu mirada
son el aire que respiro
y tu voz adormilada
la pasión con que te miro
Son tus sueños fantasías
Son los míos realidades
Vice versa tú me admiras
mientras yo te lloro a mares
Amar es para los locos
Pocos locos somos todos
Somos todos quienes aman
Quienes te aman somos pocos
Pero locos somos quienes
imperfecta te adoramos
Yo te adoro imperfección
más perfecta que he admirado
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
See you today
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
I hope that I can see you today
Even if just a glimpse
I want to see your eyes again
I want to see your lips

I hope that I can see you today
I hope that we can talk
Even if only to say hi
I want to hear your voice

I hope that I can see you today
I hope you can see me
I can't forget the words you said
You alter my heartbeat

I hope that I can see you today
And the next day and the next
I want to see you out of my dreams
I want to see you today
Aug 2016 · 768
Las penas del escritor
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Las palabras eran balas que disparaba con los dedos.
Acariciaba las teclas de la máquina de escribir con delicadeza y pasión.
Vertía sus emociones, sus desgracias, sus alegrías, sus dolores, todas en una blanca hoja de papel.
La tinta nunca dejaba de correr.
Mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Puntos, comas y acentos.
Letras, números y símbolos.
Un teclado completo para experimentar.
Combinaciones de letras, de palabras, de sentimientos, de ideas.
Un libro o un poema.
Una canción o una novela.
Un ensayo o un sólo verso.
El escribía y tecleaba, y tecleaba y escribía.
Escribía para sí.
Escribía para todos.
Escribía para ella, sobre todo.
Y tecleaba y escribía.
Y sus dedos no cansaban.
Su lírica no dormía.
La prosa que antes sostenía.
El epíteto que añoraba.
Y sus lágrimas palabras.
Y su sangre tinta en verso.
El latir de su corazón marca el ritmo del tecleo.
Y escribía y tecleaba.
Mente llena de problemas, de ideas, de emociones, de fantasía.
La realidad se torna inefable.
Las palabras aún fluyen.
Los sentimientos se escabullen y se esconden en una rima.
Ella se disfraza en papel de apología.
Y tecleaba y escribía, y escribía y tecleaba.
Aug 2016 · 593
Sin Ganas
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Y he perdido las ganas...
Ya no quiero hacer aquello que antes disfrutaba.
Ya nada me causa la alegría que antes causaba.
Ni la música me consuela.
Ni los libros me distraen.
Ni los juegos me transportan a un lugar sin dolor.
Las palabras que te escribo ya no van a tu pantalla.
Las canciones que te dedico nunca llegan a tus oídos.
Mis caricias y mis besos me los trago con amargura, pues no quieres recibirlos.
Y así me quedo yo sin ganas.
Sin ganas de ver la luz de un nuevo día.
Sin ganas de afrontar las horas en las que estoy despierto.
Sin ganas de moverme, respirar, reír, llorar.
Sin ganas de beber para olvidar tu nombre, aunque sea por un segundo.
Sin ganas de morir para no verte nunca más.
Sin ganas de vivir una vida alejado de ti.
Sin ganas de llorar para vaciar el corazón.
Sin ganas de buscarte para que me rechaces de nuevo.
Aug 2016 · 645
Una Tarde en Viernes
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
Te lloré una tarde en viernes
Te lloré de forma amarga
Pena grande mi alma carga
Sentimiento, en mi te ciernes

Te lloré en solitario
Confinado a un rincón
Desahogando el corazón
Recorriendo su calvario

Te lloré sin hacer ruido
El silencio es mi testigo
Lágrimas, mi buen amigo
Las derramo con descuido

Te lloré hacia mis adentros
Pues mi pena es mía sola
Pena enorme que desola
No consuelan los encuentros

Te lloré con ojos ciegos
Sin mirar a las razones
Tontos son dos corazones
Que no pasan de los juegos

Te lloré con ritmo errante
A destiempo y sincopado
Estar lejos, ser amado
Destino del caminante

Te lloré por vez primera
Desde hacía muchos meses
Te he llorado muchas veces
Desde aquella primavera

Te lloré hasta no llorar
Mi motivo se ha apagado
Por vencido no me he dado
Pues por siempre te he de amar
Aug 2016 · 267
Find Out
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
I'm afraid again.*
Could I trust myself this time?*
I'll have to find out.
Aug 2016 · 281
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
If I ever hurt for you,
it would mean I loved you right.
Aug 2016 · 251
...And I Tried
Krusty Aranda Aug 2016
I couldn't hate you*
That is a fact

We have a kind of history
An odd one at that, and yet a fun one
We started out great
I was the new kid in town
You were the girl unlike any other
Kind of cliché if you ask me, but that's how it went
We met, we talked, we kissed
It was bliss, but one that wouldn't last long
On and off and on again
Until it wasoff for good
Realization and forgiveness
Taking up the routine once more
We were friends again
Until, without warning, I remembered
The laughter, the warmth, the beauty, the love I had felt
It was back
And I waited
And I feared
And I longed to be with you again
You can't always get what you want
But I had learned
I had grown
I gave you my blessing and stepped aside
Until you came back
And I choked
I was shocked
I was happy again

So here we are
A long time after I first tried to hate you
Fact is I couldn't hate you
Not even if I tried...
Jul 2016 · 594
The times when I am not
Krusty Aranda Jul 2016
Will you be my midnight conversation?
Will you be my 7 a.m. dream?
Will you be a meaningful elation?
Will you be my darkness and my gleam?
May 2016 · 321
There She Is
Krusty Aranda May 2016
There she is
There she is right there
But I'm too shy to dare
To dare to talk to her
Krusty Aranda May 2016
She's got me against the ropes.
I'm subdued by the spell she put on me.
I can't break free.
Hit me once. Hit me twice.
Yet I can't seem to hit the ground.
I take one blow. I take two blows.
The pain grows bigger while I get smaller.
Caving within myself I can't stop loving her abuse.
Or is it even her that's killing me at all?
Krusty Aranda May 2016
How can I learn to love someone, and not how to love myself?
I'm insanely in love with her.
With her eyes.
With her smile.
With her laugh, her voice, her skin, her hair, her soul.
So why can't I love myself?
Love myself enough to not put myself through the pain my love being unrequited.
Love myself enough to accept that she won't love me.
Love myself enough to stop fooling myself into believing I can make her fall for me.
Love myself enough to give myself some time alone. Trully alone.
How can my heart belong to everyone but myself?
Why do I give myself away for the wrong people?
These questions I've asked myself for years, and still I haven't found the answer to any of them.
She's so important to me, and I know she cares, but not as much as I care for her.
I know it, or at least my mind does.
My heart refuses to understand.
My heart won't let reason take over for as much as a second.
I love her so much.
I'd give it all for her.
So why can't I do the same for myself?
Why can I love her, but not myself?
Apr 2016 · 345
Take Flight
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016
We're both standing on the edge.
You. Me. The void beneath our feet.
People walk frantically down below, rushing to get somewhere they don't want to go, to do things they don't want to do.
The wind blows harder on the rooftops, getting lost in your long, wavy hair like a newborn deer would alone in the forest.
Your eyes take a lingering look at the busy scene the streets are acting for us. Then you gaze at the clear, blue sky as you sigh and ask for forgiveness, but there is nothing to forgive.
I hold your hand in mine, and look into your eyes. They are scared, troubled. They shed a tear for who you were. They are filled with hope for who you'll become.
You smile.
I smile.
We close our eyes, and fly with the wind under our skin.
We soar so high into the sky.
We soar, you and I.
Apr 2016 · 286
One Hot Wednesday
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016
She was an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She was sent for me to open my eyes, to help me see how the world does not revolve around me.
She was crying for help, and I lent her a helping hand, even if I wasn't sure how to help.
He was going to beat her up.
I just knew that wasn't right.
"I just want to die."* she said as she burst into tears.
I choked. I couldn't think of anything to say.
How do you reply to that?
With my hand on her shoulder I told her she didn't want to die, trying to imply that there is much that's worth staying alive for.
She made me realize there is much that's worth staying alive for.
I wish I could've done more for her.
I wish I could've stayed. Maybe buy her a cup of coffee, and keep talking.
I want to know what was on her mind, what was going on in her life, why she wanted to die.
I wanted to be sure she would be fine.
She said I didn't know how much I had helped her that day, turned around and left.
*I still wonder if she's ok.
Apr 2016 · 357
Syllables of You
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016
            I wrap my arms around you

            I can't taste this without you

            The brightness of your spirit

            The tiredness that comes with it

            An aura that provokes me

            Before I am without me

            The songs that I am writing

            The thoughts you are igniting

            My heartbeat when I see you

            *My heartbeat when I miss you
Apr 2016 · 891
That Stupid Smile
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016
I hate that stupid smile.
That stupid smile that's drawn on my face everytime I see you,
every time I think of you,
every time I hear your name or read your texts.
That smile I get when you daydream in school, while my attention is drawn away from the class.
That smile I get when you fall asleep, and I only wish you're dreaming of me.
That smile I wake up with after every night I dream of you.
That smile that I can't erase when we're in your car laughing and singing, enjoying the music and the wind in our hair.
That smile that belongs to you and only you.
I hate that stupid smile because I can't stop smiling it.
Apr 2016 · 961
Sólo me quiero morir.
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016
"Sólo me quiero morir."

Me dijo esto con voz quebrada mientras rompía en llanto.
Era joven. Se le veía desaliñada y su rostro mostraba la dureza de la vida que ha llevado.
Su piel bronceada sudaba bajo el abrasador sol del medio día y su cuerpo temblaba presa del pánico que lentamente se desvanecía.
El señor con quien peleaba, un señor de edad avanzada quien amenazaba con golpearla, se había refugiado en su casa al ver que me acercaba e interrumpía su disputa.
No se qué sucedía.
No se por qué peleaban.
No se quiénes eran.
Se que él quería dañarla y que yo no lo permitiría.

Le pregunté qué sucedía, si estaba bien.
"Solo me quiero morir."
"No te quieres morir." le contesté, sin saber realmente que decir.
Le expliqué que tenía cosas que hacer en ese momento, y me ofrecí a acompañarla hasta donde yo iba.
Ella amablemente declinó la oferta, alegando que no tenía dinero para unos medicamentos que necesitaba.
Me disculpé por no poderle ayudar más, dado que yo tampoco contaba con mucho dinero.
Ella me tomó de la mano, aún con lagrimas en los ojos y la voz quebradiza y me dijo **"Ya me has ayudado más de lo que tú crees."

Tras decir esto se dio la vuelta y se fue en la dirección opuesta a la mía.

Aún no se quién era ni qué fue lo que sucedió, pero se que, quién quiera que fuera, ese día comencé a ver la vida desde una nueva perspectiva.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Krusty Aranda Apr 2016

I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
No. Not thinking about dying, but about the whole concept of it.

The end of life.
The only thing we all share.

There's a million different ways of dying, some better, some worse, but the outcome is always the same.
Some get it sooner. Some get it harder. Some get it painful.
What do I think?
I think death is the ultimate goal.
The cure for this terrible disease called life.
The end of all suffering. A state of eternal bliss.

It hurts when someone close to you dies.
It hurts me too, even though I know they are far better than we, the living.
Life hurts. Life stings. Life kills.

Many people fear death.
No one fears death. We fear the way we die.
We fear the uncertainty of what comes after it.
So what comes after death?
Decomposition of the body. That's it.
Your conscience is as gone as your body, and neither will come back.
Everyone may believe what they want spiritually, religiously or whatever.
Physically, the fact remains the same.

The end of life.
Eternal bliss.
The thing I fear you catch before me.
It is a cult we all adore.
The god we fear.
The one true god we get to meet.
A grim entity that handles us with the utmost care and love.
A cold embrace that doesn't let go.
A symphony of silence.
White paint on a white canvas.
An unsculpted statue.
A figureless sleep.
The most rude awakening.

My most recent thought.
Mar 2016 · 366
Krusty Aranda Mar 2016
Why can't I write you something to make you fall in love?
You're so complicated to me, but also quite simple
You stay at a safe distance from me, but you're still the one I feel the closest to
It's no secret you are the one with whom I get along the best
You get me, and I get you
But there's still one thing you don't get,
and it is that I'm enamored of the way you are
Maybe you don't like it, but there is one person who'd never change a thing about you:
Your slim figure
Your contagious smile
The cigarette in your hand perfuming your clothes
The music that you listen to, which doesn't bother me anymore when I listen to it with you
The grimaces you make
The way you talk
The way you feel and the way you think
Your cinnamon coloured skin
The different colours of your hair
The way you dress and the way you undress
The way you told me you loved me a year back
The way you are so feminine
The way you are a friend
The times we spend talking about nonsense
The times we spend talking about everything
Is there anything else I can say?
I adore you
You fascinate me
You caught me without knowing or wanting to
Now I wonder what you might feel.
Mar 2016 · 658
Synchronized Heartache
Krusty Aranda Mar 2016
An interrumpted heartbeat
A crooked candle half lit
A careless wander into the pit
The suffocating summer heat

A self inflicted chest pain
Messing with the lion's mane
Diagnosis: not insane
Walk on on the empty lane
Mar 2016 · 350
Rambling About You
Krusty Aranda Mar 2016
There's only so many ways to describe the way you love that special someone, and, baby, I've used them all.
I've talked about the butterflies in the stomach.
I've talked about time standing still.
I've used all the analogies in the book to describe your beauty.
Your hipnotizing eyes.
Your bright smile.
Your delicate skin.
It's all been done.
All the clichés have been applied to you, time and time again.
I can't write you a poem because it ends up being the same exact words arranged differently.
And I'm desperate.
I'm desperate to reinvent myself, and come up with something fresh and new.
Something romantic that hasn't been done before.
Not the roses.
Not the poems and songs.
Not the stroll through the park.
Something to finally express all these I'm feeling in me I can't seem to let out.
I want you to realize how you affect every single aspect of my life.
I want you to feel about me how I feel about you.
But again I expect too much out of this.
Out of something so uncertain.
Maybe I should stop.
Or should I?
I don't know, and I'm not sure if I ever will.
You seemed to like me once.
Could it happen again?
Or did you realize that I'm not good enough for you?
You wouldn't be the first.
See now how this started with one thing, and mutated into another?
But it's still all about you.
It's always about you.
Mar 2016 · 533
A Single Text
Krusty Aranda Mar 2016
I'm agitated
I'm panting
My heart is about to burst out of my chest,
beating like an out of synch clock
My body is shaking, and my hands are cold
My knees are weak
My head is spinning
But why?
The answer is silly enough
Because of a text
A single text I wrote
A single text I sent
A single text to you
A single text

Feb 2016 · 280
Krusty Aranda Feb 2016
Yesterday I loved you...

                                             Today I miss you...

                                                                                    Tomorrow, who knows?
Feb 2016 · 292
Thinking Back
Krusty Aranda Feb 2016
I'm starting to remember why I fell for you in the first place...**

*and that scares the **** out of  me.
Feb 2016 · 343
Cold Weeks in December
Krusty Aranda Feb 2016
Sitting in my empty room,
***** in my coffee mug,
here I write and think of you
even if it won't be long.

Long, unlike the time we met.
It felt like a day or two,
yet I still can't comprehend
why you left me, oh, so soon.

Soon was when I fell in love.
I was drawn in by your charm.
Now I sit deadly alone
after suffering from your harm.

Harm I hadn't felt before,
even though I had been hurt.
I said I would have no more.
I should have been more alert.

Alert me if you do come back.
I can't hate you, that is true.
I am but a saddened man
who is madly in love with you.
Jan 2016 · 353
Abstract Days
Krusty Aranda Jan 2016
Waking up
Sun is up
9 a.m.
Out of bed
Fill up the mug

                                                 Coffee dark
                                                 Jazz and Soul
                                                Crack two eggs
                                                Season well
                                                Breakfast is done

                                                           ­                                 Messy sheets
                                                          ­                                  Clothes on floor
                                                           ­                                 Sit and type
                                                            ­                                Drunk on jazz
                                                            ­                                Daydreaming score

                                                  Shower runs
                                                  Cold wind blows
                                                  Let it fly
                                                  You and I
                                                  Nobody knows

In my mind
All alone
Empty space
Ceiling gaze
Music still on

                                                    Without me
                                                    Day is gone
                                                    Music fade
                                                    Dream away
                                                    Lights turn off
Jan 2016 · 384
I am
Krusty Aranda Jan 2016
I am death
I am life
I am what beats inside

I am here
I am there
I can be anywhere

I am real
I am fake
I am the chance you take

I am seen
I'm ignored
I am a whispered word

I am light
I am dark
I am a shadow's track

I'm alive
No, I'm not
I'm a mind's empty spot
Krusty Aranda Dec 2015
My heart can only take so much.
Dec 2015 · 270
Krusty Aranda Dec 2015
I'm sick of this life.

It just doesn't change.
Dec 2015 · 257
Hate to Love
Krusty Aranda Dec 2015
Hurt me once, shame on you.
Hurt me twice, shame on me.
Hurt me thrice, I'm a fool.
Hate to love you, can you see?
Dec 2015 · 300
Why did I?
Krusty Aranda Dec 2015
After you hurt me,
why did I give you the power to do it again?
Nov 2015 · 266
It's Fucking Killing Him
Krusty Aranda Nov 2015
It’s killing him… It’s ******* killing him! 
He can’t move on his own. 
He can barely speak. 
He is a little more than just flesh and bone, 
bound to a hospital bed, 
breathing hardly amidst the cough and phlegm. 
It’s killing him,
though his mind is as sharp as it’s always been.
He can feel the frustration;
he knows his body won’t respond to his brain’s commands.
He is desperate, yet he keeps fighting.
He’s stubborn, and won’t give up the fight.
He knows it’s killing him,
but he won’t die.
His strength is awe inspiring.
He knows he’s loved.
He knows they care.
He doesn’t want to leave them unprotected.
It’s killing him… It’s ******* killing him!
This I can’t bear to witness any longer.
It’s killing him… and it kills me too.
Nov 2015 · 497
A Night in Paris
Krusty Aranda Nov 2015

The city of *love
A city so beautiful, so elegant and classy, filled with history and such a rich culture that it is impossible to take it all in on your first visit.

This city is the destination for many tourists all year round, and rightfully so. There's something for everyone to enjoy.

But how to spend a night in Paris?
Why not enjoy a nice cup of coffee in one of the many cafés around the city? Or perhaps you would enjoy a glass of wine, while listening to some jazz or piano music?

Speaking of music, why not go to a concert in one of the many venues scattered around the city? Maybe you'd like to listen to some jazz. Maybe you have a taste for an orchestra. Maybe you're even in the mood for some rock music. Paris has got you covered.

Or maybe you're a sports fan, and you'd like to go to a football match.
France is known for its very competitive football league, and Paris is home for the world famous Paris Saint Germain. Why not attend a match at the Stade de France?

But if what you like is ******, explosion and a round of bullets, well, look no further. Paris is the place for you!
Enjoy a thrilling terrorist siege at a concert venue, where bombs and automatic rifles are the main attraction. Make your way through lifeless bodies as you desperately try to find the exit. You can even be taken hostage, if you like!
You say you like suicide bombings? Experience one first hand as you fall to the ground and cover yourself from the debris. You might even get wounded for an added sense of adventure.

So come down to Paris.
*We've got everything for you.
First of all I'd like to say that this piece is a sattire; a cynical view on the recent events occured in Paris. If you're too sensitive, please hold any comments to yourself.
Having said this, I am horrified to live in a world where this happens everyday in different countries, different cities, and we can't stop it. I'm deeply saddened by the terrorist attacks occured this night in Paris, and my thoughts go to the whole French society, as well as any person directly affected by these horrific events.

I long to see a world that lives in peace, not in pieces. Will I live to see it?

Best wishes to everyone. I love you all.
Nov 2015 · 312
She Was
Krusty Aranda Nov 2015
And I ******* choked!

The words were dead before they even left my lips.
Their meaning lost in translation.
Empty noise reverberates in my skull as my thoughts mosh around, breaking against my sanity.
I can't scream, even though that's all I want to do.
My throat is dry, closed up.
Her eyes gaze at me as they desperately search for a sound...
a sound I can't produce.

I can't move.

I can't think.

What has she done to me?

Her poison is now running through my veins, and spreading fast.

The wicked *****!

I can feel myself dying.

Knees weaken.

Hands get cold.

Heart rate dropping.

Last thing I see is her evil grin as I fall to the ground
taking my last breath.

She was my end.
Nov 2015 · 293
Seven Years
Krusty Aranda Nov 2015
For seven years I've waited for an answer.
For seven years I've wanted to know.
Do you still like me, or did I lose my chance there?
Will you stay with me, or will you go?
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