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Kelly Feb 2023
I'll say I'm a winter *****,
but summer's in my blood

I can't help but become

the sun.
Kelly Feb 2023
i didn't make you hate me

i let you
Kelly Feb 2023
i wish i hadn't spent as much time
i wish i hadn't spent as much time

because I passed a stop sign on the road
somewhere in monroe
and i cried
and i cried
and i pounded the steering wheel with tired hands
and i thought about how you abandoned me

i miss the heights of the bridge
above rushing water
i miss throwing pine straw in the cold
when my sadness grew hotter

i miss black coffee in bed
and endless songs
i miss learning the drums
and the long
                                                  saturday afternoons

the blues in your eyes turned from water to ice
the last time you looked at me,

when i realized you aren't nice
i lost you friend. i lost you
Kelly Feb 2023
i haven't written since november
i haven't written since november

not in the way I'm used to.
Not within the depths of nothingness, clinging to words as if their air could steal my lungs' deprivation.

Not in the hungry pull of emotions
untethered, abysmal
not to keep my head above water

Instead I've learned to lay back on the waves
drift with the current
no matter how turbulent
acceptance does not equal agreement
Kelly Nov 2022
my hair isn't as blonde as it used to
but i still use my purple shampoo

it reminds me of you
                    and how you liked the way it turned your hands blue
i miss you beneath it all
Kelly Sep 2022
i got to hold you yesterday

                               all seconds of the day

and bring a smile to your face
on a difficult monday

i hate the tears in your eyes
but i'm so glad i get to wipe them
                                  before they dry
i love you
Kelly Aug 2022
safe spaces are crazy
i think i inhibit even myself because
subconsciously i still think i'm being looked at
from the outside
I think im being judged
or scrutinized
i wonder if it's the mania, if it's way too intense
if it's shame or "cringe" of my past behavior

honoring this hate
to some degree, is necessary
even if i want to cut back the vines and allow my
emotions to swim from the depths

i know they have have gills

but all sharks still break            the surface

don't they?
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