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Kelly Aug 2022
it's easy to digress and stress
over predetermined endings
and inevitable sadness
pain granted by the calling for its opportunity
in efforts not to rule out the possibility

it's easy to build bones thicker than walls
of resentment and regret
when the brick and mortar are laid
by the weak foundation that caused it to break

it's easy to place hate in the hands of owing grace
and half smiles face the tides
of even keeled
untimely fate

it's easy to blame the sand
for causing the waves to break
in forgiveness and space
no landslide wretched,
i always remained

with all the change, there was always space
in the marrow of my bones, i built homes
for you and me
for each time you may leave

and each time i will hope patiently
because maybe
it could be
                   or maybe it couldn't

let's just not rule out the possibility
you again
Kelly Jul 2022
i'm not certain why i thought i might hear from you on my birthday,

you always had a hard time remembering it anyway
i miss you gently
Kelly Jun 2022
i prayed for this
now i don't want it

the highs fly by and my eyes can't catch any moments
i ride on attention and affection

i spend time between the sheets with people i'm dying to meet
and wake in the morning begging for solitarity

i pathologize my feelings
i want to be alone but my thoughts are my loudest company

my brain is stuck in cyclical relentlessness
i speak to myself and somebody else answers
Kelly May 2022
i keep my room tidy, so they'll think of me kindly
when they come for my things.
i am held, and i don't feel it
Kelly Apr 2022
I am okay
it's just extremely ambiguous
              A word that holds just as many different meanings as there are languages in the world

i've heard almost every tongue i've encountered use it
           it means the same thing to us all
           it means everything all at once

Am I okay?

I still claw through dense sadness
I still dwell on impenetrable pain
                   I still mask wells of fiery anxiety -- ripping the pit of my stomach
                 I question the validity of my own feelings
    I struggle desperately to heal
                                                                       I'm trying, truly
I'll keep trying.

Because I am okay, I really am.

                                               I'm just within several definitions of that dangerously ambiguous word.
everything is relative, but nothing is fixed.
Kelly Apr 2022
days pass, and that never changes
until it does
then it's what you always wanted, right?

But by then you won't want it anymore

spend your life waiting passively for a reason
                                to slip away
in a way nobody can blame you for
so your memory brings warmth and love
                rather than selfish cruelty

but when the day of your craving finally comes,
it'll be from a life you no longer want to leave
and that's just the way it has to be
beg for it , until it's there
Kelly Apr 2022
they ask me what my pain feels like,
i say not everything feels like something else
ow ow ow ow ow
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