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  Jan 2016 TigerEyes
Daniel Ospina
Pendulum swings, beckoning time
To move along and forget.
But it can’t.
It likes to linger in the green
Meadows where butterflies
Sip on sweet nectar while
Children play hide and seek
Among the tall trees.
Pendulum swings, yet time
Ignores it at the shores when
Waves and sun hold hands and
Conceive warm hues bathing
The couple immersed in love
Which spans an eternity.
Pendulum swings, but time
Sleeps at the campfire
Crackling, cackling at the
Jokes told by the witty
Grandfather who has
Seen it all, done it all.
Pendulum swings, coaxing
Time to be on its way.
But it can’t.
It’s unable to let go of those
Treasured, magical moments
Etched in the fabrics of the
Universe, painting all existence.
TigerEyes Jan 2016
This bravery and courage that you forge on today
for the uncertainty you feel as it all passes away
a future unknown for your wishes un-sewn
as you pray for a magician, or miracle to steady your sway
while you weep for the regrets of your yesterdays
be brave and courageous for that’s what it’s about
because when you get older, and wiser these things that you shout
curses, and daggers you kick in the sand
for the souls that have harmed you
with blood on their hands
See nobody tells you these things when you’re young…
when you’re too old for dancing
or, having some fun
you’ll wish, and you’ll dream
that you danced in the sun.
TigerEyes Jan 2016
Where clouds meet the sun
where she drifts, she drifts
no one knows
where she goes she won't say
she might say it's just for one day
it might last for one month
she can't say
but she drifts, and drifts
catching memories in silence
of your kiss
when she was held, and cherished once
when she danced under the moon
and sun...
where the clouds meet the sun
when she danced
when she was young.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws January 17th, 2016
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
  Jan 2016 TigerEyes
The shoes I bought
Are too big for me
But I love them
I love them dearly

I strapped them up tight
I redid the laces
Put on layers of socks
Crammed ***** of tissue to
fill the empty spaces

I submerged them in water
In a pail, to the bottom they'd sink
I left them in the sun
In the hopes that they'd shrink

I just wish that they'd peer through their eyelets
And see me for all I've done
I will not cease to fill the voids
And fulfil the love I've begun

The shoes I bought
They remain too big for me
But I still love them
I love them dearly
TigerEyes Jan 2016
Rock me to sleep, and I will curl up in your strong arms
with your words you cradle me from harm
softly, softly you rock me with your arms
gently rocking me to to sleep from anyone who wants to harm
my soul to hurt — or, my soul to keep —
a soul like mine that’s pure, and good
darling, darling I feel understood
for the first time a man that will watch over me
who see’s my spirit
who see’s me.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove January 14th, 2016
TigerEyes Jan 2016
You were never a Mother to me
you left me behind you see
there was never enough food nor, light
nothing ever went well, or right...
you ignored everything in sight
and, your husband touched me where
a little girl was lost down there...
I should have never had to go
Oh, all the tears that I learned to know
Mother,  you never came back to see
how you never protected me.
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