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I was going to write a poem
but I just ran out of ink
I had the stanzas lined up nice,
I know I did, I think

It said how much I loved her,
and that she had gone away
Rhymes about my broken heart,
how it was here to stay

One verse filled with crying,
those endless falling tears
While hiding neath the covers
afraid to face my fears

Another said I miss her,
my days had all turned gray
There was no sun, there was no moon,
just sadness on display

I mentioned how I need her,
life will never be the same
Saying I was sorry,
that I knew I was to blame

My entire world is empty
and I couldn’t take much more
She’d always be my every thing,
the one I would adore

I really hoped to write it,
though I know she’d never see
These feelings that I’d write about
so deep inside of me

So now I’ll just forget it,
nothing else to do, I think
Except to sit here with my pen
that’s just run out of ink
I come into the room,
you are looking down at me,
watching me undress,
that's all you want to see.

I cannot even step away,
you follow and you touch,
I feel you cold against me,
I hate you so **** much.

No matter how I move,
you are there against my skin,
I push but you come back,
you never let me win.

The trouble is I need you,
of that fact I am certain,
to keep my floor from getting wet,
you stupid shower curtain.

*re-posted from my previous account
Utterly ridiculous thing
Carried on the Wind
Free From all the
Simpering Sorrows
of Nothingness
Voices Carried
Once Meaningful
Sadly Now
Uninspired Holiness
Sharings Arm
Now End
A box of memories doth open
From present to past woken
Tale tellers magical words spoken
Childhood to adult chains broken

Carefree of the worlds way
Fun with friends under suns ray
Games of football on grass and clay
Homework to do end of the day

Innocent fights forgotten and forgiven
A bicycle a treasure god given
Fear of lessons and teachers cane forgotten
The ringing bell awaited as blessing given

Candy and ice cream shared
A bruised leg or arm never cared
A holiday never missed or spared
Oh sweet memories lay bared

Days of young where hath it gone
Innocence of time lost and torn
Days of young await its morn
Days of young be again born

*Now as a crescent moon does shine,
such beauty do I see
Beneath the stars where you are mine
to hold eternally

So when the morning sun does rise
on bluer skies above
You’ll see the truth within my eyes,
forever is my love
I hate my lips
because yours they are missing
I hate my hands
they’ve got no one to hold
I hate my ears
since they heard you were leaving
I hate myself
I’ve become way too old

I hate my eyes
for they see it is over
I hate my voice
all the things it has said
I hate my heart
as it sits right here broken
I hate my life
how I wish I were  _ _ _ _

                                                    still with you
I know "hate" is a strong word but "don't like" just didn't
seem to have the same impact

*Springtime sings of wondrous things
Of warmer days and robin’s wings
Of daffodils and playground swings
Of sunny morning wanderings
Of fishing poles and wedding rings
Of family picnic gatherings
Of arbors blooming jasmine clings
Of sweetly scented offerings
Of firefly meanderings
Of stardust moonlit ponderings
Of all the happiness it brings
Yes springtime sings of wondrous things

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.

*Standing on a lonely beach
watching the sun greet the horizon,
draping an aquamarine skyline
in swirling watercolor ribbons
enticing twilight to make an appearance

Remembering seashells we collected
while leaving our footprints
beneath a cheerful summer moon,
sharing warm kisses as
cool water caressed our toes

You drew a heart in the sand,
and we stood inside promising
to love each other forever,
then counted every star in the heavens
until the dawn returned

I have drawn another heart in the sand,
one set of footprints within,
no longer counting stars,
not caring if dawn ever returns,
standing on a lonely beach . . . alone
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