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 Mar 2014 Kodis
Obukov Etudoh
Sunk in my bed I dream
Smoky and foggy it is dim
Trapped in the midst of mist I sleep
I could only in clouds weep

In my very eyes
I see but ice
As my tears blur my every picture
And reflect a blank black future

Some where in my dreams
Sun rises through the dims
And with beams, swallows all dims
Into pools of shallow streams

My tears now reveal crystal clear sparkles
With lots of diamond sprinkles
Transparent via glassy structures
Beyond the clouds are treasured pleasures
(c) Obukov
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Red Bergan
A life of darkness,
Consumes every ounce of light.
I live in secrecy,
Behind the gates.

My ways are different,
More Tradition than class.
I might end your life fast.

I care not for what people say,
They are entitled.
To their antagonizing opinions,
Both inside and out.

A life of secrecy,
Living amongst the crowd.
All you see.
Is a person all alone.

Thou hath no sympathy?
For the man whose weak...
Natural selection is a cruelty indeed.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
She asked in a whispered voice. Barely audible enough to take hold of the sound.

I close my eyes, and reply…

It is the space in between your warm embraces. The sun that races across the sky eclipsing your last touch. It’s the breath that escapes me when you say my name.

Time, is all these, and I haven’t seen the end.

Cold, is all I feel. Darkness is all I see. I’m suffocating…
 Mar 2014 Kodis
 Mar 2014 Kodis
Stop saying you love me, when you want to.
Stop showing you care, if it's only a little.
Stop keeping me here, when it hurts me so.

Because I love you, always.
I care about you, deeply.
And I want you here, forever.

So love me all the time.
Care for me as I do you.
Or, just let me go...
 Mar 2014 Kodis
How much more I could have accomplished.
How many more hobbies I could have picked up.
Poems written.
Friends made.

If I had not been so hell bent on destroying myself.
I wasted so much time...
 Mar 2014 Kodis
never fib never lie cross your heart and hope to die
never say whats not true tell the truth like you should do
never tell a lie thats white
tell the truth and what is right
tell it how its meant be
keep you mind conscience free
tell the truth never sin
in the end the truth will win
The dates are rolling over
Just as the pages in a novel-
A novel of my life
And I am folded into the spine
With you
And him
And her
And even the willow tree from my days as a child
Stuck inside a book
Kept far away from the world outside
The world which howls and leaves a ringing in my ears-
A taunting that makes me ache-
Fractures my fragile bones
And drives shivers that even my finger tips recall each time the moon cycles in the deep blues of night

I hide away
Fears kept in bundles-
Racing in figure eights in my never resting brain
As much as I inch my extremities out-
As much as I struggle for a forward motion
I am held
Here inside of the pages of a novel
Inside the creases of its spine
Where I lay my trembling mind

It is here you can find the things that I could never let pass my lips
When I have lost all of my breathe
And the trembling has finished digesting my mind

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May revise at a later time. Hmmmmm.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
geraldine tilo
You are like a moving poetry and I am the poet.

You are the dark cloud and I am the little sunshine.

You're the cliffhanger that hit my head.

You're compelling me to write.
 Mar 2014 Kodis
madeline may
I'll never apologize for my love to you
but I'll tell you I'm sorry it took so long
please don't tell me how long you cried
I know that I'm weak, but I know you're not strong

you can't expect my fragile frame
to save you from your mighty deep
though, it's possible I followed you there
when you picked her to keep
this is old
and no longer relevant
I climbed up these grimy walls
and I suggest you do the same
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