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kirk Jul 2018
Fallen angels eternal sleep, broken hearts that rip and tare
All our lives are harder now, now your no longer there
You are loved by all of us, because your soul is rare
lost friends will always suffer, when so many people care

The world was such a better place, since our paths first crossed
Summers turned to bitter cold, now that you've been lost
Flakes of snow forever falls, life comes at a high cost
The happiness that we once felt, has turned to bitter frost

Too many fallen angels, there is no sense of hope
Flights of beauties crippled wing, down life's long slippery *****
A sense of lose always remains, knots in a fraying rope
Tangled feelings always last, as we all try to cope

Blackness falls upon our soul, twinkles fade in the night sky
Fallen stars no longer shine, tears of the Sun will cry
Unanswered questions plague my mind, what is the reason why
Broken hearts forever bleed, when you have to say goodbye

Cries of fallen angels echoing, beneath heavens golden cross
Tears of our desperations, when you suffer a great loss
Life's too short for all of us, to gather too much moss
Everything that once was bright , no longer shines like gloss

Why was beauty taken, life will never be the same
Your lost presence will be felt, with every burnt out flame
You touched everybody's hearts, from the day that you first came
Life's not fare now you are gone, is life itself to blame
A tribute to a beautiful poet Rock-A-Little a fallen angel, fell too soon
kirk Jul 2018
Oh Annette Tidy, what have you been up to now
Writings on the bus stop, says you've been a filthy cow
I know it's only hearsay, by the use of your meow
***** ****'s been ****** again, I wish that I knew how

A simple stroll on down the street, the shelter comes in sight
Once a **** always a ****, it seems your ****'s not tight
Poor old Den is not the one, who's getting ****** tonight
An ugly **** you maybe, that's if the text is right

Oh Annette Tidy, are you such an ugly ****
Are you fat and overweight, moist folds that crease and sag
****** ability you seem to have, to make men's *****'s wag
Maybe you are not that bad, when you always get a ****

*** has been displayed, on top of the phone box
That's only if you've been shagged, by some unsavoury *****
I can not really comment, if you've had a guy with pox
A lovely feeling had by all, when getting off your rocks

Oh Annette Tidy, you have been with a new man
You've cheated on Dennis again, just like an old **** can
It could be propaganda, or part of a malicious plan
Slaggy ***** get all the press, and I'm their biggest fan

You'll never change the word is out, for everyone to see
I am not so positive if your diseased, and you have ***
Scribbles suggest your *** is bad, but I'll just let it be
I don't know if it is true, so it doesn't bother me

Oh Annette Tidy, are you such a ***** girl
It doesn't really matter, if your not as white as pearl
Nasty girls I do not mind, with every twist and twirl
Your reputation is exposed, so give my **** a whirl

If your not that kind of girl, somebody has a grudge
Acquaintances have not been met, so who am I to judge
I can be subjective, if you let me try your fudge
Juices squeezed in ecstasy, when I give your fruit a nudge

Oh Annette Tidy, is your ***** all that good
Expose yourself in front of me, to activate my wood
If your as bad as it is said,  I don't know if I should
Your probably like all other girls, beneath your knicker hood

Are you really all that Tidy, if you've messed around so much
Is fleshy ***** still neatly tucked, or dangling on your crouch
I'd **** like a rampant rabbit, if let me in your hutch
If you like it up the ****, two guys can ******* Dutch

Oh Annette Tidy , do you have *** holes that smell
Your supposedly a ***** ****, but that's just kiss and tell
Is plunging deep inside you, equivalent to "******* hell"
Just what exactly is the status, of your *** stained well

If your on your period , then remove your ***** pad
A deep red hole is okay, with everyone you've had
I'm sure your **** is bearable, and really not that bad
**** is a great relief, a nice *** and I am glad

Oh Annette Tidy, does your wet slit really stink
With everything that's said, I don't know what to think
It probably has a **** smell, good *** and creamy pink
Just the way that it should be, a place I'd like to sink

Time has passed since ***** *****, were written on the wall
I think your ****** preferences, are not that bad at all
If what is written supposed to be, set make you fall
Then failure is inevitable, because your *** is on the ball

Oh Annette Tidy , how does your hater know your ****** perks
Is he already ******* you, in between those other jerks
Could he be bedroom stalking, who knows the place he lurks
He's probably ****** jealousy, cos you have a **** that works

Future writings I will seek, I don't know where or when
Your nemesis is bound to strike, with his vindictive pervert pen
One day they'll be more escapades, so I will wait till then
****** **** will be revealed. . .Oh Annette Tidy's back again
In February 2016 I wrote a poem called " oh Annette Tidy " inspired by writings on the wall. . . well writings in a phone box and council sign to be exact,
Anyway I wrote the updated and extended version more recently and I thought that was the last from Annette Tidy.
Recently I discovered more written words about Annette Tidy (over 2 years later) which were the inspiration for this new poem. . . Oh Annette Tidy is well and truly back
kirk May 2018
The breeziness of gentle winds, leafs rustle as trees sway
Sunlight rays a partial light, that shine across the bay
Summers warmth an evening sky, are setting on the day
Dusk approaches through the trees, as the daylight goes away

Flowered tracks along the gorge, a gentle mountain breeze
Dusty valleys lead the way, past the old oak trees
Down to flowing waterfalls, the beauty that one sees
Flowered tracks floating beside, are following with ease

Deep inside the canyon walls, the water hits the stream
Shimmers from the waters edge, upon a golden gleam
The beauty of a secret place, waters merged with a sun beam
Is this a true reality, or flowered tracks last dream

Between the hills on golden ponds, lies colours of tracks flowers
Where the rocky crescent forms, and where the sunlight cowers
Moon light shadows visible, only after sunlight hours
The beauty of a litten dusk, the light the moon devours

A wolf howls above the rocks, high upon the glade
One heart beat I can hear, I am feeling so afraid
Full moons light upon my soul, the wolfs cursed life is paid
Wolf's blood bite on flowered tracks, a glistened moonlight trade

Wolfs eyes glare standing alone, no hunters and no packs
Were wolfs fangs on shadows moon, blood seeping through the cracks
A man once stood is now transformed, his humanity life lacks
The werewolf curse is fulfilled, complete on flowered tracks
kirk May 2018
It's hard to pick one hero, for a true felt dedication
Fantastic people you all are, great words of inspiration
Choosing will be difficult, I may need my medication
The selection process is so hard, without the legislation

Let me see what I can do, I shouldn't really fidget
Big recognitions I would give, not like a little ******
My Daily Reading List I'd select, using a computer widget
A special girl that comes to mind, our leader known as Bridget

So very kind and beautiful, she's also known as shout
She keeps the group together, there's no shadow of a doubt
A very fair complexion, she's never down and out
All her words are supreme, a skill when shouts about

And then there is Syeda, well what can I say
Things would never be the same, if she every went away
Whenever she appears on screen, she's like a sunshine ray
Just like Bridget both of them, will brighten up your day

My main man he's quite a guy, the one who's known as Rick
His antics come second to none, he's one guy I would pick
He never gets too boring, or getting on your wick
Such a great fun fellow, who really is quite slick

So now we get to Devesh, he's a fantastic guy
When he's about the air is fresh, and he doesn't even try
Full of youthful knowledge, but he sometimes asks you why
Without you Dev lives would be plain, and a bit less high

A world without Maresa, I believe that I would quit
I don't want to be without her, not even a small bit
Such a charming lady, her sparkle makes a dull room lit
Without her presence, all our lives simply would not fit

A very distinguished fellow, is our Poet of Heart's
An excellent written quality, split into many different parts
For me his words of wisdom, will always top the charts
An accomplishment in many forms, including poet arts

Now there is quite a member, that makes me go ecstatic
Very pleasing to the soul, and so very charismatic
I'd love to say your excellent, your always so pragmatic
I think you may know who you are, of course it's Enigmatic

I get down to the music, but I'd fall just like a skittle
If we didn't have that crazy chic, that splendid Rock A Little
It wouldn't be a stable place, not meaning to sound fickle
We all need A Little Rock, or things would get too brittle

Our group would suffer a great loss, if we didn't have J C
Without him in the reading list, I don't know were we'd be
I know I speak for everyone, I know it's not just me
Everyone would be upset, coz J C A is nice to see

A gentleman of high regard, I just want you to know
Your a great guy I respect, I always will Pedro
With a personality so large, you have that certain glow
We all love it when your there, so don't you ever go

The voice of youths refreshing, It's not easy rhyming Rooster
Cogburn is your second name, I know it isn't Brewster
The music clips that you present, are such a happy booster
A clever poultry kind of guy, your just like Jeeves and Wooster

All the Roses that we have, such a lovely bunch flowers
Your beautiful fragrances emanate, a charm of beauties powers
I'm smitten by your intellect, I could talk to you for hours
A testament to poetry, hearts falling from high towers

Swathi, Mermaid and Imkahy, you set my heart on fire
You all shine like diamonds, like Pasiphea and Pure Dezire
Max, Melanie and Sooth, three souls that I admire
Heart's floating with Astrerai Goddess she's a beautiful high flyer

A dedication for the rest, that I didn't get to mention
I'm honoured by your presence, I hope your paying close attention
I wish to send you all my praise, this is my full intention
To all at the daily reading list, and any new extension

No one is less important, no one's better then the rest
You all deserve a mention, your all simply the best
Our group is quite fantastic, everyone has got the zest
So I'll honour every member, so please all be my guest

So many fantastic people, my head is in a mist
I'll always keep returning, because it's to hard too resist
Your all amazing writers, I hope you get the gist
All the people I admire, at My Daily Reading List
A Dedication to the poetry group My Daily Reading List
kirk May 2018
A miracle of meetings, one chance that life presents
Lost souls of a poets heart, within your own contents
Is it a dream of muses, drifting between events
Or mystic forces influences, inside their own segments

Poets are forever lost, when they've fallen from life's tree
Lonesome wanderers in the night, but to a high degree
Luna's fate awaited her, a muse that's known as Ste
A smitten world created, set between two lovers plea

Poets who will take the chance, is more than just a rumour
Songs are sung within our words, a touch of written humour
Captured hearts are worth the world, if only they'd met sooner
Floating seas of tranquil bliss, Ste found his lovely Luna

Chances seldom come along, so take them while you can
Fate intervened when Luna came, and found her poet man
Distant stars that are found, life sometimes has a plan
The Muse of Ste's completed heart, when her and Ste began

There's nothing more prolific, than muses hearts combined
Especially if your soul is lost, and your hearts confined
The love of a true poet's words, will sometimes be aligned
One chance fate has taken, two hearts are now entwined

Nothing is as truthful, when lovers have to wait
A void of words are mingled, infused as they create
Two souls are united, chances are not too late
Even lovers can be found, if you choose a poets fate
A small dedication for two special people who met through the art of poetry
kirk May 2018
A city forged from tears, a skyline weeps and cries
Buildings lost forever gone, too many sad goodbyes
There is no sense of justice, when your government just lies
The destruction of the Towers, in a war that never dies

What really is the reason, why were our lives destroyed
Why were people murdered, were the terrorists employed
Did planes strike the Two Towers, or were bombs deployed
Once where beauty stood proud, is a skyline now annoyed

We'll never forget the tyranny, our heart's are now embossed
America betrayed on 9/11, that day came at a cost
Official reports and governments, were the true facts over glossed
My thoughts are forever wandering, to the skyline that is lost

Is there any justice, for the death of our great nation
There shouldn't be the cover ups, or a war of instigation
How can we trust in god, when there's so much hesitation
Who is left accountable, for the destruction of creation

New York's missing beauty, in the city that never sleeps
The World Trade Centre tragedy, there's no safe place or keeps
Why do we live in a world, where the governments are cheats
Things will never be the same, as the New York skyline weeps
kirk Apr 2018
Within the depths of my mind, I'm in need of a redemption
I'm hoping to console myself, and pay myself attention
Futures fate I can not see, my life is in suspension
I can't explain the way I feel, or even my intention
Why are futures so unclear, beneath my past's retention
If only past event's could change, dark futures own prevention

Lost dimensions in my soul, life's ever constant fight
Life it never seems to work, it doesn't turn out right
If I could chase lost spirits, from an ever lasting plight
Fallen souls forever found, and never out of sight
Guide me to a better place, I will pray for the light
Turn dark places into good, and take me from the night

Hurtful thoughts invade my soul, feelings of desperation
Never knowing what to do, I've lost my inspiration
Why is life so full of woe, deep pain and devastation
Smothered with the sense of lose, in my minds asphyxiation
Hoping to ascend the heights, of life's own aspiration
Nothing seems to matter, when there's no more admiration

I can't help but to wonder, why is life so suffocating
Is it we expect to much, with everything relating
The past is left diminishing, our futures are migrating
My Life decisions haunt me, wrong choices are inflating
The flight of life's ascension, lost soles are always waiting
This mortal coil we can't outrun, time's life is left creating
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