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kirk Apr 2018
If I get up the crack of dawn, it's cos my cockerel crows
Egg yoke running over me, starts sliding down my nose
When dawn breaks problems arise, my appetite just grows
My old pan is getting hot, oil's dripping on my toes

So I will toss my sausage, but that's only when dawn goes
I've always got the taste for it, that's when my sausage shows
Salty bacon tasty fat, some highs but mainly lows
Juicy fruits already squeezed, I love the way it flows

I like to smell the coffee, but I'd rather have the cream
The taste of it upon my tongue, is really quite supreme
Old sweet sugar's what I need, it makes me smile and scream
Pure delight and ecstasy, mixed in with kettle steam

I can wet the whistle, cos this will make it gleam
After I've had bacon, I'll go down on the stream
My hot sausage shriveled up, I'm in need of a redeem
Weakened prospects I don't want, splitting at the seam

My **** is a reclusive, and he's hardly fully grown
A lady hen is what I need, to get my **** well shown
She can do the laying, cos I'd like to hear her moan
Instead of omelettes sticking, and tossing on my own

Riding bikes is so much fun, my helmet is on loan
My bell ends always ringing, polished to a shinny tone
All the dogs are in the park, their ******* on my bone
Bottles my get broken, but at least the glass gets blown

Residues left over, a deposit from a heap of slags
Why don't you recycle, it's good to use old bags
Old Cronies or witch women, are they really ugly hags
Donkeys hung may just be fine, a huge *** often drags

I'm ******* on my melons, there juicy big large gags
Bunt cigarettes don't seem fair, because smokers get the shags
Do you feel a little horse, or is it a bunch of nags
Is your clothing fashionable, or are you wearing rags

I'm sorry if your homeless, you can have some of my meat
Raw and smelly it could be, but your still in for a treat
Up your alley I would go, but that's only if it's neat
It really comes to something, having a *** out on the street

You can swallow my whole whopper, but this isn't no mean feat
I'm hoping for your doughnut, cos the jams so good to eat
If you want my hot sauce, then you'll have to feel the heat
But we don't want coppers truncheons, swinging on our beat

Sparkling sensations are achieved, it's your warm champagne I'll sup
If I'm caught enjoying it, then we can definitely Hookup
Releasing your bazookas, when your drinking from my cup
I would lick your cherries, just like a little pup
You can **** my lollipop, a sweet tasting chupa chup
And if your wanting group activities, we can have a 7up
kirk Apr 2018
There should be toy devices, of dog's noses on a stick
Different breeds there could be, so you could take your pick
Dog's noses are so nice to feel, in eye's it's just the trick
The start of your day when you awake, it'll give you such a kick

They could be rechargeable, and moist pouches you could buy
Just the job when you feel down, to moisten your tired eye
It may sound strange, but don't knock it until you've had a try
If you have a furry friend, their nose should not be shy

There's nothing more refreshing than dog's noses that are wet
It's one thing that they can do, being your loving pet
Much better than an Optrex, or any eye moister set
Because with doggie noses, you know what you will get

It's the perfect accessory, to brighten up your day
Every eye is different, so dog's noses are okay
They come in different sizes, so come on what'd say
Dog's noses are the business, their nose is here to stay

You will love the feeling, of that wet doggie nose
There easier than watering cans, or a garden hose
Their wetness is quite subtle, it's good the way it goes
You could have different noses, lined up in doggie rows

Imagine going to the shops, and they had nose of the dog
From Pointers to Alsatians, theirs loads that they could flog
Picking out the ones you want, dog's noses you could hog
The dog noses brand could expand, to include nose of the mog
kirk Apr 2018
April showers are upon us and windows will be washed
Buckets of clean water, but thirsts will not be quashed
Be careful of unpleasantness, you don't want to get sloshed
Or you may regret your actions, when implements get squashed

Last houses to be tended, but not the place you parked
My Reservations were in order, before we disembarked
Don't park on strangers driveways, some incidents are sparked
If the owner should arrive, our equipment may be marked

Leaving your car on unknown drives, isn't that just wrong
You don't want upset people and coming on too strong
Avoiding confrontations or provoking a sharp prong
Maybe it will be okay, because we won't be long

Private property people protect, so watch out where you tread
They may come back before we're done, or before we've fled
It will be law of the sods, you should park elsewhere instead
Never mind we'll carry on so be it on your head

Proceeding with our window clean now that parking is addressed
The arrival of a certain car, but the drivers not impressed
Waiting by his driveway, but I think you may have guessed
Apologies are too late when people are too stressed

Revving up his engine, as you moved your car away
Gained access to his driveway, hoping it would be okay
Wheels spinning ******* gravel, what an uncouth display
But it's hardly unexpected, when blocked drive's tempers fray  

Obliteration under wheel, so I guess he wasn't thrilled
Our buckets life was terminated and bucket blood was spilled
A bucket murderer in our midst, water's no longer filled
April showers are no more, now my bucket has been killed

Was our bucket slaughtered purposely or was it out of luck
Maybe a different outcome if our bucket wasn't stuck
I didn't let it bother me I didn't give a ****
Your bad car parking decision is why the bucket murderer struck

So next time you decide park, and the owner isn't calm
Keep your bucket to yourself, pick it up within your palm
Or your bucket may succumb, too some sufficient harm
My bucket runneth over we don't want, or any other psalm
inspired by a true story and as the good book states Psalm 23.5  "My bucket runneth over"
kirk Apr 2018
Why don't people want you,
who loved you once before
Broken heart's beyond repair,
are lost forevermore
Feelings hurt through emptiness,
they always feel so raw
Severed hearts forever torn,
the one true lovers flaw

A heart that is so delicate,
a life you can forsake
It only causes upset,
when heart's begin to brake
Chains of love have rusted,
links to your own heart ache
Severed hearts are locked away,
within a lovers wake

Sincere hearts are hard to find,  
it's why lovers get downhearted
After all loves riches gained,
why are they disregarded
A lovers pain it never dies,
true hearts are not *******
Severed hearts are bled dry,
when a rejected souls bombarded

If I could mend our Severed hearts,
if I could seal the crack
I'd hold my lover close again,
and get our hearts on track
No one needs a broken heart,
or the absence of love's lack
Severed hearts can be repaired,
if you take lost lovers back

Flights of poison arrows,
the infection of love's darts
Hearts shattered in the fallout,
into a thousand parts
The lose of a true lover,
due to loves cruel arts
All True lovers should remain,
instead of severed hearts
kirk Mar 2018
We didn't get to know you, you died before your birth
The devastation my sister felt the lose of all her worth
Pain was felt by all of us when you left this mortal earth
Hurting Heart's are torn away now your laid beneath the turf

Life's not fair or perfect when we can not climb the wall
You never got the chance to live or be with us at all
Sadness of your baby boy his living heart beats fall
My sister we're so sorry at the lose of your John Paul

If you had the chance to live heart's wouldn't be in pain
Our sister's short forfeited life we could then regain
Why we're you both taken you we're not taken in vain
Wounded heart's are healed if we could see you both again

Chained event's in motion from the day you died
The consoling of my sister, impossible though we tried
So many upsets pending hurting off my sister's pride
Everyone's the loser when we couldn't turn the tide

If only I could alter time I would have you back
But I can't perform a miracle or get our life on track
I know it's just a fantasy but I wish time I could crack
Why must life be so cruel and always be so black

My sister we all miss you John Paul we wish we knew
Your both gone we're left behind not knowing what to do
Always in the back of my mind your always right on cue
The pain remains but always will without the both of you

Feelings felt of loved ones gone life is not the same
Both of you we're taken who is it that's to blame
Incompetence of doctors or someone's bad love game
Neglected ****** different ways no room for their acclaim

Mandy we are sorry for all the pain you felt
What life was like for you, the cards that you we're dealt
Pieces of life falling when yours began to melt
Missing dreams from broken hearts burning through life's belt

Hope comes in small pieces daughter Holley was then born
A short while you we're happy with a brand new dawn
An unstable element was foreseen for which we tried to warn
Love is blind or so they say a life taken and then torn

My sister left wide open her vulnerability and lost stern
Her daughter's unfair removal my sister left alone to yearn
No one cared when she had no where left to turn
All too late life's destroyed no lessons left to learn

Too many of life's upsets when people leave and die
It happened with my father too late for deaths imply
Regretting year's of fall outs of not seeing eye to eye
Enhanced pain of none resolve when we have to say goodbye

Wasted years are such a shame it's time we could have had
I should have said so much more to my sister and my dad
Our time has passed years gone by nothing was iron clad
We shouldn't waste the time we have and end up being sad

During Mandy's funeral after all of those lost years
One reconciliation that wasn't falling on death ears
We we're brought together through all our family tears
Communications we're regained after many misplaced fears

Every year that passes with every heart that's crossed
Diminishing and dullness a brightness no longer glossed
Passing off your loved ones why does time come at a cost
Why must we endure the pain of all the lives that's lost
kirk Mar 2018
Two souls alone so far between only nights are calling
Shinning stars pointing the way an affection so enthralling
Shimmers over tranquil pools the crescent moonlights falling
Meetings of two lovers hearts before the mornings dawning

The anguish of a waiting heart the flutter of a wing
Beauties small enchanted voice hearing the Fairy sing
Dreams of love's compulsion, her song the wolf will bring
Within two hearts both shall meet on silvers entwined ring

A curse that's placed is broken a drink of pure tranquillity
The Spirit of the Wolf is called upon a test of his nobility
Flight of the fairy's soft élan her grace and her gentility
Brake the curse before the dawn the tranquil pools ability

Moonlight shines through the night sky a twinkle in a star
Sparkles touch the waters edge those loves that leave a scar
Both must drink before the light love's lost forever far
Glimmers of hope a small sip Wolf's howl at what they are

Transformations will occur love will always intervene
Magical flickers catch the light and wherever it is seen
Once a fairy fluttering now she's a proud Wolf queen
Wolf's are always calling where tranquil pools have been

The souls of two true lovers, will never be apart
Differences are overcome, from Loves intervening heart
Tranquil pools compulsive dreams, those feelings from the start
When two hearts are intertwined, that's true loves unique art
kirk Mar 2018
A cottage in the country a woven roof of thatch
In the kitchen a fat lady her knickers on the latch
Pulled down past her chubby thighs exposing her hot hatch
Within those apple gatherers a juicy damp wet patch

Wearing an undone apron with her bra unclipped to match
A wooden spoon is waiting she's cooking up a batch
Arthritic hands maybe a snag but not much of a catch
Spoon up her hole to stir the bowl using her wide ******

Two 44dd mixing bowls a mixture of flour and ginger
Sugar hurled and butter twirled with her vigorous ***** ninja
Spoon dripping salted essences oozing down that wooded stirrup
Ground cinnamon is added with her special golden syrup
A touch of soda bicarb an egg mixed in with her *****
Spoon inserted actions ***** squeezing wince and cringe

Shaped and cut a ginger nut ***** mixing makes you ache
Ovens hot sheet trays are got greased slid inside to bake
A warming up made from her cup is this a big mistake
Gingers fine if dough is prime so now who's on the make

Your on the rise what a surprise now you are awake
Placed on the side with tarts beside I wonder what's at stake
Rampant ginger smells so good some pieces fall and flake
In bed with tarts a fancy start when Fred has had his cake
Part 1 of a 2 part poem part 2 " tarts in bed with ginger fred "
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