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kirk Oct 2017
The world is full of misery with all our failed relations
Mixed feelings and emotions in my mind's hallucinations
The love of a derailed heart in clouded stipulations
When two lover's are forced apart, alone in different station's
Don't succumb to the seven year itch or feelings of flirtatious
Illicit thoughts invade your mind with paranoid creations
Loving seems to turn to hate with harsh eliminations
There is a sense of numbness without any good sensations
The depths of beauty are denied without any realisations  
lover's heart's are always lost in hopeless situations
The misery of loneliness gets worse with desperations  
Maybe it's because we have too many expectations

Life's to short for broken heart's waiting to be mended
Especially when your lover's gone and your heart is blended
It doesn't have to be this way or completely ended
Stop wasting time for love that's lost this can be amended
A limbo living state of mind is not really recommended
Being with the one you love should always be defended
Soul mate's that are separated can never be contented
Because their heart's are aching and love is not attended
A heart sent gift with feelings there's no need to be offended
It's the way I've always been a characteristic I have tended
Everything can work out fine our life and love extended
If you really want them too then this will be commended

There is no need to be unhappy all you need are chances
A lover's dream can come true not just distant glances
All you need is faith of the heart within your own expanses
Don't lose the love that you once had in falling avalanches
Losing a friend and lover, your feelings are in trances
The bleeding of a broken heart seeping through snapped branches
If your lover's left you, there is no more advances
The grass is not that greener it's only different dances
Maybe your the loser, lost looks are not young stances
True love's supposed to conquer all I'm not sure if it enhances
Kindness is forgotten and the good time's fled in prances
And people will always suffer from all life's failed romances
kirk Sep 2017
The future is not bright at all it's an abysmal place
It's a world full of the dead, the dying human race
where everything you care about all falling far from grace
And the ashes of all past events are burning without trace
There's nothing in your future there is no silk or lace
Full of demonic forces wearing future's disguised face
A demon lay in waiting to beat you with it's mace
The future is time's henchmen there's nothing to embrace

If you think about the future it's something that It's not
Your future is ahead of you, that's not what you have got
Your life is getting shorter and it's over in a shot
Your own death is there waiting, the end is future's plot
You can't outrun the future, It'll block you in a clot
Waiting for your last moments, the future's where you'll rot
The outlook of the future is not really all that hot
I'm afraid your goose is cooked in future's cooking ***

So be very careful and don't believe your eye's
Don't ever trust the future it's based on pretentious lies
The future will just ****** you before your next sunrise
And you'll be lost in history it should come as no surprise
Heading towards the future that's something to despise
Because everything diminishes it does not compromise
As you reach your own end, there isn't any highs
Don't you know that Death is just the future in disguise

The future it destroys your past the moment you are born
It doesn't care how young you are or if your old and worn
Or if your laying in your bed or sitting on a lawn
The future rips your time away your life's blood will be torn
Your whole past will be destroyed, that is future's scorn
a very nasty piece of work with celestial strength and brawn
It is unavoidable it's the place you will be drawn
Future's end is waiting, it is your future's dawn

I know that I'll be future's pray, I really do despair
Knowing that eventually I will end up in future's lair
But unfortunately for every race it's something we all share
We all end up in the same place ascending future's stair
Future's revenge on humanity, we all sit in future's chair
No point trying to survive the occasion is not rare
It makes me go out of my mind it's something I can't bare
plagued with devastation because the future doesn't care

The future kills the past it's what the future is creating
The death of all humanity is all within it's making
There is no point just sitting there and anticipating
All the future wants to do is cold blood eliminating
The future is sadistic it's you that it is baiting
It strikes its fear into all things and everything relating
You can not get away from the end even with migrating
After all your end will come where future's end is waiting
kirk Sep 2017
Time is the biggest killer, time it makes no friends
Time is really a disease, time it never mends
Time is against us all, with pieces that time lends
all the good times that we have. .  well time then just pretends
A little piece of happiness a shred of time that bends
Time it just kills everything destruction is what time sends
Time is a dictator it destroys all life in trends
The only thing time does not ****, it's time that never ends

I wonder what's the point in life, when everything just dies
Where there's life, there is hope, that's all a load of lies
It doesn't matter about the lows or any of the highs
Or all the times we have done well, with all of our hard tries
Any good achievements,  our gains and our great buys
Because everything in the end is crushed between life's thighs
Its just a struggle living, with to many stressful sighs
And life itself is gaining ground, to many sad goodbyes

Stalking you your whole life, time's an invisible killer
Grinding pieces of your life, falling from
time's miller
Holes cutting through the ages, time's dying from life's driller
And any of the good times, that's just life's sweet filler
A predator throughout your life, time is a big blood spiller
Just a silent murderer, your life's in time's cold chiller
Time squeezes your life away like a strong rabid gorilla
Life squashed beneath time's giant foot a community's crumbling pillar

Into oblivion is where you'll go no matter how much strife
Time is your true nemesis, not an obnoxious wife
It's the same world over from England through to Fife
Time will cut away your life like a big sharp carving knife
So whatever you may do or wherever is your rife
Time will take you in the end, time kills the point of life
kirk Sep 2017
Poor old Max, pushed from pillar to post
What he needed was love the most
He really wasn't wanted the poor old dog
And his whole life was an uphill slog
In his early life his home's didn't last
From place to place he was passed
he needed stability when all's said and done
Because his young life was not much fun
He wanted to feel safe with lots of love
A loving family when push comes to shove
With people that love and people who care
To make his life better, and time's to share
A place for his food, a place for his bed
Just somewhere he could lay his head
He stayed with us, he felt at home
He was no longer left on his own
But he was thin and a little bit mad
A little bit vulnerable a little bit sad
Loving his food, with his funny ways
A bit of happiness in his later days
But that was late on in his life
After all the stress and all the strife
When he first stayed a long time ago
We gave him love It goes to show
Our part time dog, because we cared
And all his later life we shared
His struggle in life seemed to enhance
He really didn't have much of a chance
With all the sadness of our poor old boy
His life breaking down like a broken toy
It breaks my heart to think when he's gone
How are we going to cope and carry on
With all our efforts and however we try
It always hurts when our loved ones die
The pain will be there I'm not going to pretend
When Max's time with us comes to an end
With His health diminishing melting like wax
The life and heartache of our Poor old Max
kirk Aug 2017
If I could live a life tomorrow, lost in a different world.
A splinter of a different place, in a time unfurled
Pieces of another life, where other thoughts are hurled
Swimming in tranquil pools, from a mind that's swirled
Through the haze of memories, distorted bent and curled
Decisions that have not been made, similar but twirled

An image of a different world, caught in a singularity
Thoughts fragmented in a void shredding my mentality
Segments of a fractured mind in an alternate reality
A small piece of a dream, A fragment of normality
many fractions of my life that questions my insanity
Feelings of a better place that curves my sensuality

Dimensions in a different time, inclines so obscure
Alternative parts of my life through a different door
Images of loved ones gone, to real to just ignore
Shadows of a former life, places from before
One step beyond the barrier, steps on another shore
Walking in an unknown land not knowing what's in store

Drifting between the twilight, lost in your own dimensions
Shades of different lifetimes, all of life's extensions
Floating in a time warp, with other world intentions
Memories of things not done, a mind of reinventions
Shredded dreams chipped away shattered in suspensions
Trapped fragments of a memory merged with your own pretensions

Living in a another world, no matter what my morrow's
Rifts in space on splintered dreams, a breach in time that follows
A fraction of a quantum field, a universe which borrows
Shards of a sun on broken stars in a mind that hollows
A chance to live a different life without any of life's sorrows
Waiting to be in a life of all those lost tomorrow's
kirk Aug 2017
Dreaming of those good times even though my dreams are shattered
Memories of the years with you, now my dreams are scattered
Tears of our dreams ripped away with everything that mattered
Dreams of the feelings that we shared, our love all torn and battered
Happy with the love you gave, my bleeding hearts now tattered
Petals fall from a weeping rose, seeping blood that's splattered

How did it get this way, how did it all go wrong ?
Why are thing's as bad as this, when our love was strong ?
Life's to short before we die and sing our final song
Feelings of this nature I've had for far too long
Many time's are wasted, so much forever gone
A lovers heart in a dream lay waiting all along

When I truly love you, my feelings are not lent
My dreams are forever, sentiments are meant
Forever means forever, love is no accident
Broken hearts bring so much pain with every lost segment
dreams are always shattered love's your own torment
With the feeling of the lose of a love's sweet scent

So listen to your heart don't ignore your own fate
hold onto your lovers dreams before it is to late
Don't **** what love you have, don't turn love to hate  
it really isn't worth all the pain of a lost soul mate
Open up your own heart, there's no need to desecrate
Let all your love flood through and open up the gate

Too many tears have flowed, all washed away in streams
Scorching hearts are burning, ashes falling on sun beams
Shattered dreams are always there, my mind plagued to extremes
nothing ever stays to long, even love looses it's strong seams
Bleeding hearts are torn away with distant lovers screams
A lovers heart is broken On all those shattered dreams
kirk Aug 2017
What's the point in loving, when it always turns too sour
When you have found the one you want, attracted by loves power
Love blossoms between two souls, like a new born open flower
Elevating your true feelings, on loves affectionate tower
Love washed away with every storm and every raining shower
Why does it all diminish by the day and even hour by hour?

They always say they love you when everything is new
Way back at the time when both your loves first grew
So very comforting knowing their loves there to turn too
Forever their your life long love there is no other view
They say their loves forever, why does it always go askew?
You can not help who you love what are you supposed to do?

They always seem to tell you that their love is forever?
And your the one they have searched for, no one else no never
With our feelings for each other, love bonding us together
Surviving all life's problems, love always will endeavour
No matter how hard I've tried, love seems to always sever
Without the love that we have. there is nothing whatsoever

Those lost loves maybe gone but they are not forgotten
Pining for those lost times, in my mind so very often
Through times gone by feelings and love they will never soften
Everything then starts to fall, loves sweet fruit turns rotten
Why does Love always turn from silk to fraying broken cotton
Sun's go down on the love we had, our life is misbegotten

There is no need to be like this, if you let me through the door
Without any animosities, love doesn't have to be a chore
Why cant things be the way, like the way they where before?
Things that are lost can be regained I'm hoping there's a cure
It really is not your fault who you have feelings for
Thinking of what should have been and always wanting more

They say your part of their life, when your hearts where both embossed
A shadow of my former self now our hearts are no longer crossed
Heart's frozen in cold feelings, loves shattered in the frost
Sadness pain and heartache, times and feelings tossed
Remembering the good times, those times come at a cost
Because even with the small things, to many loves are lost
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