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kirk Aug 2017
There is a dangerous man I implore you to take heed
He will do anything to satisfy his own need
He will pretend to like you, on your soul he'll feed
When he's got your confidence your heart he'll always bleed
His persona will alter,  his greediness will breed
And he'll resort to ****** when everything's agreed
when he has got everything, he will make you plead
This man must be stopped, don't let him spread his seed
There are too many of his kind and so many of his creed
There is a need for justice, my sisters souls not freed

Praying on my sisters kindness and her vulnerabilities
knowing of my sisters illnesses her medical disabilities
Using underhanded tactics to exploit her instabilities
Relying on her personal assets without any liabilities
To get his hands on her things without any responsibilities
being part of her life to use her house and her facilities
If he didn't get what he wanted, turning to hostilities
Overpowering my sister's state of mind limiting her abilities

When he sold my sisters things his intentions where revealed
Once he bled my sister dry then her fate was sealed
when his plan came to ahead he dumped her in a field
Leaving him to ransack her house and her things he stealed
All of those missing weeks our sisters death concealed
With our sisters sad demise our hearts are never healed
He should pay for his crimes, without the authorities shield
Confess to what he's done and make the ******* yield
Don't succumb to his lies, don't let his influence wield
You better watch out for this man and keep your eyes well peeled

During our sister's inquest the evidence was curved
It was an open verdict the true facts where reserved
We suffered 9 weeks of hell, our point was not observed
Mandy's life was forfeited, her life was not conserved
he got away with ****** didn't get what he deserved
The punishment should fit the crime not anything preserved
No one was accountable justice wasn't served
Convict this man of his crimes, decisions not reversed

Our sister never had a fare chance all she had was pain
He tortured her mentally all for his own gain
Lying for his own ends he was my sister's bane
Causing her physical harm, by his hands she was slain
His part in her death is not so straight or plain
Due to his interference we'll never see her again
His presence at her inquest, his choice was to refrain
Crucifixion is to good he's humanity's biggest stain
Destruction should be performed, on society he's a drain
Justice should be served on that murderer and thief Mr **** Tustain
kirk Aug 2017
Always remembering my younger days
so much better in so many ways
Childhood dreams I always find
Distance thoughts locked in my mind
All those good times way back when
things where so much better then
And all the fun times that we had
With my sisters, mum and dad
family members those that cared
long ago those times we shared
Happy feelings so far away
Memories of a better day
We can't get back I wish we could
Back to that small neighbourhood
In the place where we all played
Where those memories all got made
Those childhood years are now so far
Just golden dreams on a distant star
That's the place I want to go
So far away and long ago
The memories of my younger life
Joy and happiness, tears and strife
Many thoughts of times lost
but time does come at a cost
Things diminish as time goes by
Especially when our loved ones die
So many loses through the years
Ending in sadness, pain and tears
People leave us some have died
No matter how hard we have tried
Future time brings so much pain
I would go back and start again
But We've had our time, those times are gone  
And only our memories will live on
kirk Aug 2017
Lowestoft was that small town the window crisis hit
Smudgy smears always appeared mixed with grubby grit
Filthy stains on dingy pains and ***** birdie ****
Cob webs spread like Spider-Man an attic window pit

The anguish of the people, through all their daily strains
Townsfolk getting upset with not seeing through the pains
Because of ***** windows and because of all the stains
Glass windows needed washing to remove the gritty grains

Many a small window and so many sheets of glass
Simple and posh leaded, no matter what the class
Awkward windows out of sight, you'd really rather pass
Reaching them is such a stretch, a real pain in the ****
They will be all shiny just like newly polished brass
When we stick our ladders down on your drive or grass

If you want your windows cleaned then just give us a call
Every smeared, smudged surface, we're equip to clean them all
Two savvy ladies on the case, arriving with a run not crawl
So if your in a ***** crises then don't you ever stall

We'll investigate your sheets of glass inserted in your wall
Giving them a good rub down before your windows fall
Even in a stately home, manor or great hall
Nothing is to high or low neither short or tall

All residential areas houses in your neighbourhood
Bungalows to tower blocks, we polish pretty good
Conservatories and porches, plastic through to wood
Industrial estates and caravans, cleaned the way they should
Wherever they are situated and wherever they are stood
Shops and local businesses, we'll turn up in a flood

If your windows are not clean and you've reached your tether
We'll grab all of our equipment and get everything together
Buckets, blades and applicators we're always window clever
Getting there before your despair and in any kind of weather
As long as we can make you smile with our cleaning endeavour
Make sure you call the best the girls of " All Weather Leather"
kirk Aug 2017
I recall the early days, my childhood I remembered
distant and so far away many things that are dismembered  
I remember all those times that we all had together
it was so much fun wishing it would last forever
playing in our own rooms with all our many toys
in a house full of sounds with lots of background noise
hearing my sisters in their room not far across the landing
sometimes they would argue over a small misunderstanding
and I would lay there in my room a box with a small bed
thinking I would rather be in my sisters room instead
sometimes we would play together silly little games
they would dress me up and make up different names
as we played in our rooms, mum and dads downstairs
With all our silly antics without any worldly cares
and our dad would make the dinner Sundays was his specialty
pleased with what he made us kids a really nice reality
and of course our mum who used to make such a fuss
so loving and caring she would do everything for us
we may not have had everything that other children had
but that really wasn't important in some ways I was glad
Thing's never really mattered as long as we all bonded
cos we really had most things that us kids ever wanted
I remember some of the Christmases with all the gifts and food
it was a time of happiness and when our toys got renewed
we had such great times when we where all so young
So many happy memories and many songs were sung
with all our beautiful pets around us all those cats and dogs
bundles of lovely fluff and fur those little odds and sods
times where so much better then I wish I could go back
we where so much happier, things then weren't so black
but we're all stuck in this reality all very pessimistic
so I guess I will just have to be a bit more realistic  
but I would rather be back there with my family of old
in a distant place and not somewhere that's so cold
with my sisters, mum and dad such a lovely place to be
having the fun that we used to have, all together them and me
kirk Aug 2017
If I could go back to my childhood
I tell you that I definitely would
Things were better in those days
Simplistic in many different ways
It was alright when I was a kid
Not many worries nothing was hid
And family life was really okay
Not like things are today
A few old times that I did like
Family holidays, my first bike
In the garden with my two sisters
Ones now gone I really miss-her
Happy times its not the same
Childish things playing games
In the sandpit our dad made
Outside when we all played
And our mum in her chair
by the fire when she sat there
All of the dogs that we had
Some where timid, some where mad
They made us happy, brought us joy
So soft and lovely like a toy
We used to love are life together
But nothing ever lasts forever
as time went on things then changed
People altered things rearranged
Some people left and moved on
Things where lost forever gone
Sadness and pain after a time
Nothing more then a distant mime
Trials and tribulations years gone by
And lots of things that made us cry
I liked it better when things where fine
Times gone by now memories of mine
Nowadays there's not much to say
I don't much like things this way
Okay there are a few good things
But I still don't like what the future brings
If only I could return, I was happier then
Relive the good times, be happy again
It would be lovely but so very far
Back where all my memories are
kirk Aug 2017
I really feel that life isn't so good
Things never go the way that they should
As the years go by things get worse
I think getting older is just a curse
But things wasn't good when I was young
Thats what time for me has always sung
I just don't like what the future holds
And how things always fits to moulds
Only short periods of time when your happy
The rest of the time is just so ******
I wish that things where so much better
And things where good and to the letter
But I just feel that I'm just to yucky
I never seem to get too lucky
There was lady's in my younger days
That I liked but it was just kid plays
It was never anything more than that
Maybe I was not nice just an ugly ****
When I went out it was a mistake
Cos my friends always got the brake
And as time went on it's just the same
Except its more extent and so lame
I just feel that lifes such a bore
things are wasting there should be more
But it doesn't matter how hard I've tried
It ends in tears and I have cried
Every time I think things are okay
Something always goes astray
So I just guess that that's my lot
And that's all that I have ever got
I feel to fat and I'm getting to old
I'm loosing my looks and going bald
And not many people are interested
And there time in me is not invested
So I'll just have to put up with it
And that lifes no good and really ****
At least that's how it's always been for me
I guess that's how things will always be
kirk Aug 2017
There are girls none of them call me
In their bed, is where I want to be
Every time I try, I go round the bend
It's not so wrong, if you will be my ****** friend

Maybe tomorrow, you'll sit on my baton
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep wanking on

Down the road there's a guy that's bent
That's the place where I am usually sent
So if I want to **** him for a while
I'll grab his ****, and ease it in
That's **** style

Maybe tomorrow, I'll bend the other way
Untill Tomorrow, I'm not going to turn gay

So if I have to have a **** for a while
I'll grab my ****, pull it tight
That's Solo style

Maybe tomorrow, You'll let me have a feel
Until tommorow, I'll pull down my own peel

Maybe tomorrow, I'll get my **** chance
Until tomorrow, I'll look on with a glance

There are gilrs thats waiting to undress,
A chance for a ****...Well thats anybody's guess
If you offered *** you know I wont be long
I'll be there, lets just be fair and I'll play along

Maybe tommorow, I'll find what I'm looking for,
Until tomorrow, I'll peer through your room door

So if you want to **** me for a while,
I'll grab your ring, come round tonight
That's polo style

Maybe tomorrow, You will **** with me
Untill tomorrow, I'll have to wait and see
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